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GasSavers_Graeme 09-23-2007 10:54 AM

Weight factored FE?
At lunch Friday, a friend of mine was recalling his college days in the '60s. He participated in some FE rallyes in British Columbia. He said they used a weight factored scoring, but couldn't remember the details. Have we ever looked at a weight factor. For example, a per thousand pounds would be a way to measure the relative FE of different vehicles and modifications. This would not be a substitute for the raw numbers, but could prove interesting.

Fourthbean 09-23-2007 11:38 AM

That would be an interesting factor to introduce. Would that mean my sub 2 ton Bel-Air at 25MPG would be equivilent to a just over 1 ton 50MPG Civic vx?

GasSavers_Graeme 09-23-2007 12:35 PM

In principle--yes.

thisisntjared 09-23-2007 05:27 PM

buy why? thats like asking to factor in a vehicles aerodynamics to "level" that playing field.

Fourthbean 09-23-2007 06:24 PM

Good point, there are only so many things you can level off before everyone gets the "same" gas-mileage.

Hey, I have to drive 80 to avoid getting run over. I need a handicap!

Actually the roads around here aren't too bad. They don't mind me going 50-55.

GasSavers_Graeme 09-24-2007 11:32 AM

If you'll note in my original post, this was part of an economy rally done years ago. It was used to provide way to weigh a variety of vehicles and driving skills. I was simply asking if anyone had considered it. I agree, there's a limit for trying to control for variable.

On the subject of an economy rally. Does anyone know of any currently being run? Just curious.

When I was a kid, the Mobil ecomony run was well known.

2TonJellyBean 09-24-2007 11:47 AM

Graeme, it isn't raw numbers, it real MPS vs EPA estimates so it's basically us vs what the manufacturer said it c(w/sh)ould be.

cfg83 09-24-2007 12:30 PM

Graeme -


Originally Posted by Graeme (Post 73541)
At lunch Friday, a friend of mine was recalling his college days in the '60s. He participated in some FE rallyes in British Columbia. He said they used a weight factored scoring, but couldn't remember the details. Have we ever looked at a weight factor. For example, a per thousand pounds would be a way to measure the relative FE of different vehicles and modifications. This would not be a substitute for the raw numbers, but could prove interesting.

I think it would be worthwhile because it can be useful to look at the data from different POVs. This reminds me of another thread :

Cost per mile?


bowtieguy 09-24-2007 04:02 PM

my wife's FE is "penalized" by extra weight(3 kids),idling in the school rider line, AND she's not a hypermiler!

skewbe 09-24-2007 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by bowtieguy (Post 73697)
my wife's FE is "penalized" by extra weight(3 kids),idling in the school rider line, AND she's not a hypermiler!

I'm not sure who is being penalized :) Some places of the world it is illegal to idle excessively (and yes I've heard all the excuses for doing it).

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