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repete86 06-07-2007 09:27 PM

We won!
I just got the news today that the Coal Power Plant in Glades County has been denied! We're still working on stopping the natural gas plant next to the Loxahatchee Wildlife Refuge, but it looks like we're making alot of great progress on it and Governor Crist will probably deny it (according to one of his cabinet members). It feels good to win one for a change. The FPSC rejected it for the wrong reasons, but as long as it's stopped, I'm happy.

Palm Beach Post

No Compromise, Earth First!

SVOboy 06-07-2007 09:29 PM

Nice job...have you heard about this new liquified coal crap?

repete86 06-07-2007 09:34 PM

Yeah. It's still crap. Also, thanks to free trade agreements, much of the coal would have come from Colombia where it is not only an environmental issue, but a humanitarian one due to lack of safety regulations and the AUC. Coal may burn cleaner than before, but it's still dirtier than the competition. Also, they no longer mine the way they used to. Now they literally remove entire mountaintops which destroys rare high altitude watersheds. Magnum Coal was touting their ability to return these mountains to nature. One of their magnificent projects became an exclusive golf course. These corporate *******s are complete scum.

As much as I dislike the guy though, Charlie Crist is one hell of alot better than Jeb Bush, and is legitimately trying to help the environment. He isn't doing enough, but he's definitely doing more than any previous administration has and is doing much more than I could have hoped for when watching the debates. Now if he would start regulating Big Sugar's rape of the Everglades, that would be great, but they fund every government official in Florida except for Cara Jennings in Lake Worth.

cfg83 06-07-2007 10:44 PM

repete86 -

Congratulations! Thank you for fighting the good fight.


Hockey4mnhs 06-08-2007 04:07 AM

niiiiiice i hate coal

bbgobie 06-08-2007 05:29 AM

Quick question, what are they building instead? Nukes?

Hockey4mnhs 06-08-2007 06:05 AM

lets hope noting. if only everone used a little less it we could slow the need for more plants

Bill in Houston 06-08-2007 06:23 AM

Yep. They can just bump up the price until consumption is reduced enough to avoid the need for new plants.

repete86 06-08-2007 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by bbgobie (Post 55950)
Quick question, what are they building instead? Nukes?

Actually, the state is trying to make FPL start building more wind, solar, and biomass plants. They're currently planning a massive solar plant in St. Lucie County, and a wind farm near Cape Canaveral.

landspeed 06-08-2007 06:44 AM

I think more renewable energy plants, and nuclear plants, are definitely the way to go to avoid total meltdown.

I read that if the antarctic ice shelf collapses, sea levels would rise 61m from that alone - what that does to the UK 'coastline' is shocking:


Scotland does pretty, but most of England goes underwater!

And all it would take is a sudden collapse (slide) of the shelf, into the sea, even if it didn't melt, to cause this.

P.S. I'm sorry if I am a bit mischievous putting 'nuclear' into the list above - but if we had had nukes from the start, then we would have a fair amount of waste to deal with now, but this could be stored safely enough (I also hate the idea of leaving it for future generations), but it is better than flooding most of our land with sea level rises and turning most of the world into desert (even making the air temperature go to 70 degrees C if the methane hydrates all get released at once)...

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