I think more renewable energy plants, and nuclear plants, are definitely the way to go to avoid total meltdown.
I read that if the antarctic ice shelf collapses, sea levels would rise 61m from that alone - what that does to the UK 'coastline' is shocking:
Scotland does pretty, but most of England goes underwater!
And all it would take is a sudden collapse (slide) of the shelf, into the sea, even if it didn't melt, to cause this.
P.S. I'm sorry if I am a bit mischievous putting 'nuclear' into the list above - but if we had had nukes from the start, then we would have a fair amount of waste to deal with now, but this could be stored safely enough (I also hate the idea of leaving it for future generations), but it is better than flooding most of our land with sea level rises and turning most of the world into desert (even making the air temperature go to 70 degrees C if the methane hydrates all get released at once)...