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Sigifrith 05-31-2007 05:54 PM

Another Honda driver
Hi all. I found the site last night, & stayed up too late reading.
I'm on my 4th Honda.
The 1st one was a new 89 CRX-HF. 50 US MPG while being driven in Chicago traffic.
2nd was a used 90 that eventually paid for itself by harvesting deer. The insurance agent vowed to total it if I got another one. Mid 40's on the MPG's.
Body rust was a bigger problem than suicidal deer ever were.
3rd was a used 96 Del Sol S. I felt like I was in a coffin, but my wife loved it. Sold it to her sister, who loves it too. 30's on the MPG's if I remember right.
Number 4 is a used 94 VX. 43.5 US MPG for 2007. I'd like to boost that over 50, so I'm open to suggestions. May was 47 US MPG, so driving a bit slower has definitely helped.

SVOboy 05-31-2007 06:01 PM

Perhaps your o2 sensor has gotten a little lazy? Expensive, but yeah. Trying hooking up a DMM to see if you are getting lean-burn.

Air up the tires and buy a supermid!

Welcome to the site!

MetroMPG 05-31-2007 06:04 PM

Hey, welcome.

There are others here who know the VX better, who will probably offer all kinds of advice. (You've come to the right place for a growing community of fuel economy minded VX owners.)

But I'd say a key item for squeezing max mileage from the VX, assuming it's in good mechanical shape, is a lean burn monitor. That's where the VX returns monster results as you know...

Hockey4mnhs 05-31-2007 06:25 PM

did you get the hf or the vx for fe or did you just happen to get them. those 2 are very good for fe and very popular around here

thisisntjared 05-31-2007 06:52 PM

nice. i am envious of the vx.

OdieTurbo 06-01-2007 12:51 AM

Yah, nice car for hypermiling! Welcome to the site!

GasSavers_TomO 06-01-2007 07:10 AM

Think link in my signature under my FE display will direct you to a bunch of useful info regard the VX. Welcome to the site, always nice to see another VX saved from the clutches of ricerdome!

Sigifrith 06-01-2007 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Hockey4mnhs (Post 53914)
did you get the hf or the vx for fe or did you just happen to get them. those 2 are very good for fe and very popular around here

Everyone but the Del Sol was for fe. I'm still wrestling with my aggressive driver instincts.

Sigifrith 06-01-2007 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by SVOboy (Post 53903)
Perhaps your o2 sensor has gotten a little lazy? Expensive, but yeah. Trying hooking up a DMM to see if you are getting lean-burn.

Air up the tires and buy a supermid!

Welcome to the site!

I put on a proper O2 sensor last Fall. I'll have to copy the info on the DMM & try it.

I checked the tires last night & the max on the sidewall is 35PSI. Honda lists the fronts at 35 & rear at 32. I can't do much more there.

I think a supermid will be installed before Fall.

Sigifrith 06-01-2007 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by TomO (Post 54072)
Think link in my signature under my FE display will direct you to a bunch of useful info regard the VX. Welcome to the site, always nice to see another VX saved from the clutches of ricerdome!

Thanks! I stayed up too late again last night reading your links.

I saw a young guy this week with an old CRX-HF.
It was yellow & primer. Looked kind of like a short giraffe. When he turned, I heard the fart can he'd installed. What a shame.

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