Another Honda driver
Hi all. I found the site last night, & stayed up too late reading.
I'm on my 4th Honda.
The 1st one was a new 89 CRX-HF. 50 US MPG while being driven in Chicago traffic.
2nd was a used 90 that eventually paid for itself by harvesting deer. The insurance agent vowed to total it if I got another one. Mid 40's on the MPG's.
Body rust was a bigger problem than suicidal deer ever were.
3rd was a used 96 Del Sol S. I felt like I was in a coffin, but my wife loved it. Sold it to her sister, who loves it too. 30's on the MPG's if I remember right.
Number 4 is a used 94 VX. 43.5 US MPG for 2007. I'd like to boost that over 50, so I'm open to suggestions. May was 47 US MPG, so driving a bit slower has definitely helped.