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GasSavers_elg 02-01-2007 11:37 AM

"CO ZX2" what have you done to your car ???
Snow and cold, bad MPG is holding me back a bit, but could not stay away from this site.

Just read top 10´s and find a big Ford making 70mpg ??? If this is correct this guy has a lot to learn me ! What on earth have you done to your car ?
3.357 L/ 100km. A car like this with 2L engine...
"Maybe I´m out on a very slippry ICE here ?"

What is the actual driving weight and relativ Cw for this machine ?

I want a Ford after this.

LxMike 02-01-2007 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by elg (Post 39384)
Snow and cold, bad MPG is holding me back a bit, but could not stay away from this site.

Just read top 10?s and find a big Ford making 70mpg ??? If this is correct this guy has a lot to learn me ! What on earth have yoy done to your car ?
In L/ 100km 0.3357. A car like this with 2L engine...
"Maybe I?m out on a very slippry ICE here ?"

What is the actual driving weight and relativ Cw for this machine ?

I want a Ford after this.


here's his introductory thread and shows the mods he was working on. he's snowed in rioght now ands comes here when he can.

GasSavers_elg 02-01-2007 12:30 PM

Yes I?ve read that, just did it again. Is this figures absolute correct ???
Nearly 1200kg car, 2L engine, with mostly aero-skirts, making 70-117mpg ? You must be kidding.

Add these things to a small car and we?ll see 130mpg easy ?

I don?t belive it. Maybe we Swed?s are cazy...

LxMike 02-01-2007 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by elg (Post 39390)
Yes I?ve read that, just did it again. Is this figures absolute correct ???
Nearly 1200kg car, 2L engine, with mostly aero-skirts, making 70-117mpg ? You must be kidding.

Add these things to a small car and we?ll see 130mpg easy ?

I don?t belive it. Maybe we Swed?s are cazy...

it's not just the aero mods that are helping it's also Driving techiques.

GasSavers_elg 02-01-2007 01:14 PM

I?m really sorry, still belive there is something wrong here.

Myself I allways check my distancemeter to a well known track, an error of max 1%. Every time at the pump it makes me sick about the uncorrect filling metod. Have not long ago once again been driving with 0.5L glas-messure-tube inside the car, terrible smell and not a very nice look from the police (ticket).

All these things to make the messure as correct as I can but here about the Ford there must be wrong.

Gary Palmer 02-01-2007 01:35 PM

Extremely skeptical, as well, personally.

skewbe 02-01-2007 01:39 PM

I agree elg, it's hard to believe. He's got a kill switch and lives in the mountains though, high psi tires and aero mods. If he can maximize his mpg on the climbs with the scanguage I'm sure he can glide a LOOOONG way without burning ANY fuel on the way back down.

cfg83 02-01-2007 02:05 PM

elg -


Originally Posted by elg (Post 39390)
Yes I´ve read that, just did it again. Is this figures absolute correct ???
Nearly 1200kg car, 2L engine, with mostly aero-skirts, making 70-117mpg ? You must be kidding.

Add these things to a small car and we´ll see 130mpg easy ?

I don´t belive it. Maybe we Swed´s are cazy...

Look at his total MPG and you will see he is in the 60 MPG range, right? I think the 100+ MPG is a part of a net downhill portion of a 2 leg run. Here is where I hypothesize as much :


Now, get at the top of a hill on a big stretch of freeway. Reset your ScanGauge. Go down the hill in Neutral if it is safe or you have great brakes for staying within the posted speed limit. You will see *ungodly* MPG, and this is without turning off the engine. I think that this is what CO ZX2 has to work with for his downhill leg.

Remember that CO ZX2 has a kill switch and a race car driving past. If he says he's getting 100+ MPG, I believe him. He's got the skillz.

EDIT : The question to ask is, what is the net elevation change between each destination?


omgwtfbyobbq 02-01-2007 02:23 PM

I don't see any reason for skepticism, I can get near 45mpg out of the Camry coasting in N down about 3000ft over ~110 miles, god knows what 50 miles would be, probably 60-70mpg. Otoh, on the way back up, mileage is proportionately crappy, with the average being about what you would get on flat ground, give or take.

SVOboy 02-01-2007 03:02 PM

Yeah, well, darin has nailed way over 100 MPG on flat land, in town, so I don't see too much reason for skepticism. 2L isn't too large when the engine is off, :p

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