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Erdrick 07-14-2007 06:31 AM

I posted a thread with a poll on this a while back, but what the heck, I guess I will post on this thread too!

I don't think I could really pinpoint a certain single reason as to why I like getting good MPG. This kind of goes contrary to my single answer poll that I posted about a month ago. Anyways, I like the idea of preserving our environment. I like saving money, and I could really go off on a rant about why, but I will save that for another day. In addition to the environment and money, I also like the challenge of trying get the best FE possible.

Like others have posted, getting good FE is not about who has the best money. Anyone with money who wants to get into racing is going to win races. Money buys speed. Some people think that money buys efficiency (ie -- hybrid owners), but the majority of users on this site would tend to disagree with that point. Of course I am not picking on hybrid owners, as their cars are great for the environment, and DO get good mileage. I just don't like the people who get a Prius and then drive it like they stole it. But I digress...

In the end, I am now living in Japan and driving a company car. All of my costs related to the car are 100% reimbursed. Yet I still am hypermiling my car. Why? Well, in the end I really have no idea why. Maybe that is the best reason of all... just because.

DUBPL8 07-14-2007 08:51 AM

A myriad of reasons.

To save money on fuel.

To cut down on fuel consumption.

To become less reliant on foreign oil (not just Middle Eastern oil)

To be more environmentally conscious and cut down on the CO2.

To preserve oil for other purposes.

GeekGuyAndy 07-14-2007 12:03 PM

I agree with all the reasons posted above.

I strongly believe in slow change. Every post we make here expands the site, which will get more publicity and more members over time. As gas gets more expensive, more members will come looking for tips. The demand for big cars is slowing down, and people in general want better fuel efficiency. And hopefully fuel efficiency standards will rise because of the collective of our small actions.

I think it's safe to say that most people here would say they enjoy the benefits of lowering our impact on the world. I want to commend those that are biking or walking more instead of driving for every trip.

I've been heading a form of public transportation at my college driving a shuttle van from the environmental campus to the main campus. Although I drive an extra 10k miles per year from that, I drive many other people, and get paid. Overall it saves gas, and fills my pocket.

McPatrick 07-14-2007 04:43 PM


Overall it saves gas, and fills my pocket.
It probably saves your passengers money as well. Ideas that save money are the most succesful. Maybe that is somewhat sad but that is just a fact. So th smart way to handle it is to come up with ideas that will reduce carbon output and still benefit people financially as well and it seems like you have come up with a succesful idea. Way to go!
I think that carpooling will have more succes in the near future than public transportation like larger busses. It seems that transportation like that is looked down upon and sadly a succesful businessman is not inclined to take a bus with people that need to drive it out of financial need. It's not just India that knows class distinction in one form or another.
Carpooling on the other hand you can do with a limited number of people that you get to know and it can actually be fun because you have someone to talk with on the way.
I wonder anyway why one state has less people in a car on average than other states. i read a few weeks ago that I happen to live in a state (Ohio) that ranks third in the list of cars driving with the least amount of people in it.

Sigifrith 07-14-2007 05:26 PM

Public transportation should make a comeback. When I grew up in Chicago, we had an effective system. Over the years, there were cutbacks, loss of routes, & jobs fleeing the city.

I think it would be advisable for large cities to run all hours effective public transportation, even at a loss, til folks accept it once again.

McPatrick 07-14-2007 05:35 PM

I think there is a safety issue with public transportation as well. In the Netherlands the number of conductors got cut down and people felt les safe getting in the train at night around bigger cities. Also filling that job is harder an harder and with a reason. 4o years ago when a conductor so much as frowned at you (ok I am exagerating) somebody would promptly do as told, these days there are more and more conductors being beaten over issues as no valid ticket or having their feet on the seats.
In more and more cities you see these automated trains that don't even have a driver anymore.I'm sure it is cost effective but doesn't help with the safety issue.

Sigifrith 07-14-2007 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by McPatrick (Post 63618)
I think there is a safety issue with public transportation as well. In the Netherlands the number of conductors got cut down and people felt les safe getting in the train at night around bigger cities. Also filling that job is harder an harder and with a reason. 4o years ago when a conductor so much as frowned at you (ok I am exagerating) somebody would promptly do as told, these days there are more and more conductors being beaten over issues as no valid ticket or having their feet on the seats.
In more and more cities you see these automated trains that don't even have a driver anymore.I'm sure it is cost effective but doesn't help with the safety issue.

This raises issues of what we are like as people. Hopefully, that will swing back towards civility again.

DUBPL8 07-14-2007 09:36 PM

Overall I am strongly for public transportation 100%.

Fuzzy5150 07-15-2007 04:37 AM

A part of a comprehensive lifestyle and stradegy to live frugally, retire early, and finish the race with money left over.

jcp123 07-16-2007 09:24 PM

Just to save some money, really. I have made it something of a competition with myself, which really seems to help.

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