First off let me state that I love nature/the environment. I immerse myself in it as much as possible - Georgia has some fantastic landscape, especially in the northern regions of the state.
That being said, "saving the environment" is near the bottom of my list of reasons for driving FE conscious. Even further below that reason is to hurt "big oil." I'm a full blooded capitalist and am highly conservative, so (FOR ME, AT LEAST), the "mean big oil" argument holds little water. I'm all for drilling in the USA though, but I don't think we'll ever be completely oil independent until the world runs out of it.
I used to race Hondas. It was lots of fun, lots of people do it, and it's highly competitive. The problem is that some of it (the street variety) is highly illegal (and dangerous). I racked up so many tickets in a short amount of time, I'm surprised I still have a license and have never been in jail (knock on wood). Being FE conscious is a way to challenge myself - I don't need another driver in another car. It's still pushing the limits of the car (and driver), but in slightly different (yet amazingly similar) ways. I'm always out to get more distance per tank - that's the prize for me. In the past two years, I have broken the 400, 500, and now 600 miles per tank barriers. I still get to tinker with cars, it's still a challenge, and some fringe benefits are I save a little bit of dough and stay out of trouble.