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jwxr7 05-15-2007 04:41 AM

I have had problems at another site with my "unbelievable mileage" too. One guy did everything except call me a liar. Here are exerpts from a mileage thread at another site.



jwxr7 wrote:
New fill, 445.5 miles on 6.673 U.S. gallons = 66.76 mpg. Last 100 miles included messing around with pulse and glide techniques.
I think we ALL need to use the same gas pump Jamie uses!
(it's the easiest way to get more mpg)



jwxr7 wrote:
.... So you don't think I can really get that kind of mileage .
I think you CAN get that mpg. With alot of techniques that, for example, Darin does at https://www.metrompg.com/
But I don't think you DO -assuming you are using accurate pumps and calculations.

Your numbers are about 20mpg higher "average" than I ever got (being somewhat light-footed using mostly freeway driving).
If using the a/c, it loses another 5mpg -to about 41mpg.

Darin's is a two door and yours is the 4 door model?
If true, that makes it even harder to believe.

Main thing is have fun with whatever mpg it is actually getting.
I think it is sad when people think that just because we are getting #s so much higher than epa (or them), that we must be full of s#!t:mad: . What matters most is that we know everytime we fill up (more like, don't have to fill up) that we are saving gas, money and the environment:) .

landspeed 05-15-2007 07:01 AM

I've got my flame retardant suit ordered and will enter the fray at the
weekend! I'm sure they will love my getting high figures in my old, primitive
Bluebird :)

P.S. I haven't look at that thread, but if someone says

'An engine is 10-20% efficient when cruising along, and also becomes
less efficient during hard accleration, both conditions occur a lot in the
EPA tests'

'You can get up to 30-40% efficiency by keeping the engine in the right
load/RPM ranges when you drive, so doubling your EPA figures'...

And then just posts a couple of BSFC curves, then how can they argue with
basic science?

Gary Palmer 05-15-2007 09:10 AM

My only comment is that when you make your posts, try to explain what you have done to validate what you are "claiming". I find where I have difficulty is when someone makes what seem to be all inclusive statements or observations, based on something, but without really documenting where, how, why, how long, or a whole lot of other issues which I have encountered in some of my own experimenting. If you can give the readers a fair sense of the reasonablness and validity of your data sources and conclusions, if can go a long way towards helping to establish a basis of reasonablness.

At the same time, their are probably going to always be some people who won't believe something, so they won't try something. Oh well, ignorance and arrogance have sucky consequences. Their losses.

lovemysan 05-15-2007 02:18 PM

In most cases I produce ample documentation. Here I may or may not have. I've posted my information before on SF.

I got into a huge argument on altimas.net about some things I did in my brothers car. They basically said I was causing pumping errors.

thisisntjared 05-15-2007 04:06 PM

i found out what it is. testosterone defficiency.

their cars are not fast, so they need to find some kind of redeeming value in their cars fuel economy. if anyone were to give proof that they dont get amazing fuel economy then it would show that their penises were small. thus, if they oppose what you say then nobody has to know of their .... disadvantage.

repete86 05-15-2007 04:40 PM

Lol. I wonder what he would say if he saw my numbers with a heavier automatic midsized?

BumblingB 05-15-2007 06:56 PM

I'd like to know about this thread - but I don't need to join a Saturn group as **chances are** I probably won't own another Saturn again, but you never know.

Anyway, what was the thread about. PM me if you think it would ignite a heated discussion here though I think most people are a bit more open minded with the exception of one thing (which I have never mentioned and never will). I'm dying to know though as I'm a HUGE Dave fan and owe some (not all) of his methods to why I am not living in a cruddier trailer today. Oh, I don't quite believe in chunking all the cards but I can understand someone who does and can understand their reasoning.


Originally Posted by lovemysan (Post 51362)
remember the infamous "dave ramsey thread/credit card" thread. I did get a little worked up about that one but, oh well, I guess they'll learn the hard way.

SonnyD 05-16-2007 03:40 AM

Actually, I think I might have been the first one to mention Dave Ramsey in that thread there. I actually can't quite remember how the thread started. I think someone mentioned that they had just gotten a new credit card, and with the "Fantastic" deal the card company had offered them, that "it would be like they were giving me FREE money".......or something like that.
Either I mentioned or someone else mentioned Dave, and talked about his teachings, and it almost got Violent over there. There were about 4 or 5 of us battling most of them. You would have thought we'd have "insulted their mother" or something by the way some of them attacked us. It actually got pretty funny. I did a search and I couldn't find the post over there anymore.
Some people really like their "Debt Cards: over there. Of course they have the same arguments of " I always pay my bill as soon as it comes and I get bonus points" and all the other stuff. No one ever thinks they'll have a downfall in their job or an illness, most of them never realize if something unexpected comes up....that the Sharks will be circling.
Regards Sonny

psyshack 05-16-2007 05:20 AM

I read thru that thread. Seems a lot like one Im in at 8thgencivic.com. The world is truly in a world of hurt with so much miss information and such bad drivers.

So much fear mongering, and so many excuses. They just seem to love big oil and opec. And the reach arounds they get. :)


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