Here's a recent post in a thread I responded to.
"Not buying it.
The Car weighs 2350 lbs minimum, thats a SOHC with cloth seats, and no people. The Coeffecient of aeordynamic drag is good, very good, and car is low to the ground with a very small frontal area. Still, it takes a given fixed amount of energy, HP, to move the car at legal sppeds, the EPA uses 65 mph. They max at 40 or 41 mpg. You can't beat that with carefull data collection and be believable. It isnt valid. One tank, maybe, you had a tailwind or drafted a truck. You cant average 50 mpg. If you can, then go work for NASA. You are splitting and re-combining hydrogen compounds in a way unknown to science. The Saturn is very efficient, but no car since the 3 cyl Suzuki, nee geo metro and the tiniest 2nd gen Honda Civic Hatchback got over 50 mpg. They had 65 and maybe 80 HP, respectively, and weigh well under 2000 lbs, and had real skinny tires.
Your figures are in error, or you also have a 100 mpg carbuator for your Dodge Dart that Detroit's black helicopters are trying to recollect and recover since 1972......"
this person is trying to spread ignorance in its purest form. There are a few informed people over there though
Here's a link to the thread. It doesn't get interesting until I get accused of being a poser though.