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diamondlarry 05-14-2007 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Silveredwings (Post 51322)
If I could be bothered registering for that site I'd have to tell 'em they're idiots. You see, they don't want to believe you guys, because it'd suck all the hot air our of their little worlds. :D

Oh no, I may have inadvertantly dropped an H-bomb on their little worlds.:D

thisisntjared 05-14-2007 05:02 PM

i cant believe i am getting worked up about this without registering on that site.

what the is dragon motorsports anyway? that guy is dumb too.

zpiloto 05-14-2007 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by lovemysan (Post 51300)
Here's a recent post in a thread I responded to.

"Not buying it.

The Car weighs 2350 lbs minimum, thats a SOHC with cloth seats, and no people. The Coeffecient of aeordynamic drag is good, very good, and car is low to the ground with a very small frontal area. Still, it takes a given fixed amount of energy, HP, to move the car at legal sppeds, the EPA uses 65 mph. They max at 40 or 41 mpg. You can't beat that with carefull data collection and be believable. It isnt valid. One tank, maybe, you had a tailwind or drafted a truck. You cant average 50 mpg. If you can, then go work for NASA. You are splitting and re-combining hydrogen compounds in a way unknown to science. The Saturn is very efficient, but no car since the 3 cyl Suzuki, nee geo metro and the tiniest 2nd gen Honda Civic Hatchback got over 50 mpg. They had 65 and maybe 80 HP, respectively, and weigh well under 2000 lbs, and had real skinny tires.

Your figures are in error, or you also have a 100 mpg carbuator for your Dodge Dart that Detroit's black helicopters are trying to recollect and recover since 1972......"

this person is trying to spread ignorance in its purest form. There are a few informed people over there though

Here's a link to the thread. It doesn't get interesting until I get accused of being a poser though.


Actually I think you may have a convert. Just went through the posts on the forum and it looks like you can send them to the GS dark side. You handle yourself very well and were positive the whole time. Nice hypermiling diplomacy.:thumbup:

slurp812 05-14-2007 06:03 PM

The world is full of people like that. I would have told him, go ahead, and keep paying for more gas than you need. They laughed at the Wright brothers too, until they saw if fly...

SonnyD 05-14-2007 06:41 PM

As a member over at the forum where you posted your info. Lovemysan, that's how I found this place. yeah, there are a bunch of, I'll refrain from calling them Idiots, but there are people over there that absolutely believe they know everything. I've been told by a bunch of them over there that I was wrong when I posted about a mileage improvement when switching to Royal Purple. Well I keep pretty good records, I also drive the same route to and from work each day, each week, and note the temperatures of the day. But they "obviously" know more then me, the person keeping the records. If you watch and read very much over there, a lot of the know it alls, are under 25 years old. Nothing wrong with "youngsters":D , but the way some of them talk, it sounds like they been doing this stuff forever.
I don't post alot of there most of the time because so many of them call BS on anything they don't understand or know about. Well, I need to check out the rest of this forum!

Regards Sonny

kwtorbe 05-14-2007 07:10 PM

Wow...those are some really ignorant and close minded car enthusiasts.

I'm sorry you got lit up like that. At least there are some good people left in the world here at gassavers....

zpiloto 05-14-2007 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by SonnyD (Post 51348)
As a member over at the forum where you posted your info. Lovemysan, that's how I found this place. yeah, there are a bunch of, I'll refrain from calling them Idiots, but there are people over there that absolutely believe they know everything. I've been told by a bunch of them over there that I was wrong when I posted about a mileage improvement when switching to Royal Purple. Well I keep pretty good records, I also drive the same route to and from work each day, each week, and note the temperatures of the day. But they "obviously" know more then me, the person keeping the records. If you watch and read very much over there, a lot of the know it alls, are under 25 years old. Nothing wrong with "youngsters":D , but the way some of them talk, it sounds like they been doing this stuff forever.
I don't post alot of there most of the time because so many of them call BS on anything they don't understand or know about. Well, I need to check out the rest of this forum!

Regards Sonny

What kind of results did you have with Royal Purple and what were you running before the switch? Welcome to the site.:)

lovemysan 05-14-2007 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by zpiloto (Post 51334)
Actually I think you may have a convert. Just went through the posts on the forum and it looks like you can send them to the GS dark side. You handle yourself very well and were positive the whole time. Nice hypermiling diplomacy.:thumbup:

Well, I give most everyone the benefit of doubt. I use a simple formula. Don't exaggerate, state only verifiable facts, be willing to prove it personally. You can't be anymore up front than that. But to say that certain things are impossible despite, mathematical proof of the opposite is silly. I also enjoy watching people get flustered about silly stuff, not in a cruel since of course. However, I did enjoy saying

"I could get 10% over epa in YOUR car"


lovemysan 05-14-2007 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by SonnyD (Post 51348)
As a member over at the forum where you posted your info. Lovemysan, that's how I found this place. yeah, there are a bunch of, I'll refrain from calling them Idiots, but there are people over there that absolutely believe they know everything. I've been told by a bunch of them over there that I was wrong when I posted about a mileage improvement when switching to Royal Purple. Well I keep pretty good records, I also drive the same route to and from work each day, each week, and note the temperatures of the day. But they "obviously" know more then me, the person keeping the records. If you watch and read very much over there, a lot of the know it alls, are under 25 years old. Nothing wrong with "youngsters":D , but the way some of them talk, it sounds like they been doing this stuff forever.
I don't post alot of there most of the time because so many of them call BS on anything they don't understand or know about. Well, I need to check out the rest of this forum!

Regards Sonny

remember the infamous "dave ramsey thread/credit card" thread. I did get a little worked up about that one but, oh well, I guess they'll learn the hard way.

SonnyD 05-15-2007 03:49 AM

zpiloto, I've used Castrol GTX 5W30 since the car was new. After I retired, I got a part time job and it just so happened to be in the auto parts profession. I started buying Royal Purple number 1 because I loved it after I switched to it in my motorcycle.. Second reason is I get a pretty good deal on it. It's still not cheap, but way better then retail. I started out as I said usuing it in my motorcycle, which is a 1998 Suzuki TLR 1000, it's a V-Twin, dual fuel injectors in each line....and very Gas Hungry! Also having a full fairing it runs pretty warm if you have to set and idle very long. I've also owned it since new and always used Suzuki brand V-twin oil in it 10W40 which is recommended. First thing I noticed after changing it was after I stopped after a 6 mile run. The bike was now idling about 300 rpm higher then before. It also never quite got as hot on the road, Normal is about 182-184 while riding and it is now running about 180-182. I've never done a mileage test on it with the oil since it's just too hard for me in town to be consistent with the throttle and stops. I havn't taken any road trip since changing to do a good evaluation. It also made the transmission a little smoother shifting.
In the car I can't say about temperature, since it is a regular guage, unlike the bike which is digital read out. But my fuel mileage has increased 1-2 mpg. I also run the Royal Purple in 5W30. I still don't do extended change intervals, I still change oil at 3000 miles.

lovemysan.........yeah, I definitely remember the Dave Ramsey thread:D

Regards Sonny

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