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GasSavers_DaX 11-15-2006 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by The Toecutter
But is paint alone really sufficient? I've heard horror stories of rust bubbles popping up where people have drilled holes, even after they had painted them over.

1. Drill Hole
2. Paint over with POR-15
3. Paint over with paint of your choosing

lovemysan 11-15-2006 06:33 PM

I got a little further this afternoon before church. Trip to church netted not so hot results. 47.9 going 49.6 return. 20mph winds, 36f, crazy traffic, Caught by a bunch of red lights. Road construction returning and after that a wreck.



lovemysan 11-15-2006 06:42 PM

I think I'm going to scab in coroplast for the rest of the pan. I fear the aluminum is a good transmitter of noise unless soft mounted.

So hopefully tomorrow I can get the pan on under the cabin. I still have at least an hour more on the rear of the car. I still have no good way to allow the rear suspension to drop while raising the car. So far I've just been crawling under and studying till an idea came to mind. It was nice working on the rear but I was bummed when I installed the panel and lost all my room. I'm a big guy.

Compaq888 11-15-2006 09:24 PM

I actually made a belly pan for my civic. I made a really bad mistake by not distributing the weight right. Wasted 8 hours for nothing. It would of came off and would of ripped my entire rear bumber off.

So I took it off and swore to never work on my car again. It's really weird but my altima was more aero friendly than the civic. But the civic has some vortex generators standard on the rear bumber so it led me to decide it wasn't worth doing the belly pan.

Who cares anyway. The civic can get 42mpg and the best I got with the altima was 31mpg. I still haven't changed the fuel filter, air filter and still using regular oil.

So far I wasted $30 on aero mods with no result at all. I could of used that money to buy a fuel filter.

CO ZX2 11-16-2006 12:21 AM

RE Belly pan lovemysan

This could be a song. Remember Gitty Up, Gitty UP 409? Beach Boys.

Man, you are gettin' it done while most the rest of us just talk about it.

Thanks for posting and pics. Will be a big help to all who see it.


CO ZX2 11-16-2006 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Compaq888
I actually made a belly pan for my civic. I made a really bad mistake by not distributing the weight right. Wasted 8 hours for nothing. It would of came off and would of ripped my entire rear bumber off.

So I took it off and swore to never work on my car again. It's really weird but my altima was more aero friendly than the civic. But the civic has some vortex generators standard on the rear bumber so it led me to decide it wasn't worth doing the belly pan.

Who cares anyway. The civic can get 42mpg and the best I got with the altima was 31mpg. I still haven't changed the fuel filter, air filter and still using regular oil.

So far I wasted $30 on aero mods with no result at all. I could of used that money to buy a fuel filter.


Lighten up on yourself. I realize it's a dreary winter day, but "who cares anyway". The sun will shine tomorrow. You probably don't need me, you already have a mother.

Just a little sidebar. I built racing engines for a living for 30 years. I had some of the same customers for all those years. They became very personal friends. Many times I would have to listen to them grumble and groan and say "I've tried everything and nothing works". I finally came up with something to say to them (not very motherly) : "When you think you've tried everything and there's nothing else left that will help, just go sit down and watch the other guy do it." I think it snapped a few of them out of the doldrums.

Don't get mad at me. We have all had our moments of discouragement.

Sincerely, CO ZX2

lovemysan 11-16-2006 04:00 PM

On tonights menu undercabin pan.



repete86 11-16-2006 06:41 PM

Nice. Seeing you do this is getting me close to getting off of my *** to add one to my Accord.

red91sit 11-16-2006 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by repete86
Nice. Seeing you do this is getting me close to getting off of my *** to add one to my Accord.

Same here, very good inspirational thread (y)

lovemysan 11-16-2006 09:17 PM

Well with the total support and assistance of my lovely wife. We finished tonight. Total cost was under $75. I got a lot of stuff free. You guys have been a great help. I appreciate all the people who did this before me and gave me ideas. I appreciate the comments and the suggestions. God willing tomorrow night will head south to tennessee and will have an uneventful journey.








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