Eliminating the cat on a
Eliminating the cat on a ~110 hp honda isn't even worth a full hp. Even on turbo'd hondas people only say it's worth 2-3hp and definately not worth eliminating.
on my car it's worth 10hp
on my car it's worth 10hp
It's been demonstrated that
It's been demonstrated that nissan doesn't do the best job designing there cars. Everything can be changed for 5 bajillion horsepower because nothing was built too well to begin with. And it's not like they get good gas mileage so you can't even argue that.
I did not remove cat for
I did not remove cat for performance. The 96-00 Civic DX/CX/LX had a integrated cat it was part of the exhaust manifold and was one piece unlike the CRX HF exhaust manifold so to replace the entire exhaust manifold and cat is a geniune honda part affair and cost too much. Like I said the car has 400k and it was the orginal cat and was clogged. I have looked over this site and have not seen reliable claims on how free flowing exhaust or intake affect MPG on a Honda. MetroMPG showed no significant difference between a WAI and a CAI. I think someone is lining up a exhaust test and I would love to see those results. I think its easier to accelerate anytime you have more power and with less delay. I have been driving like grandma all week and ripped on it yesterday it felt so much faster after not accelerating for a week. Thing that sucks is my clutch is slipping over 6000RPM and I just changed the tranny and bought a clutch kit just to get the throwout bearing since the one on the old trans was busted. Now I have 8 hours to look forward to pulling the trans again to install the rest of the clutch kit. Clutch was changed when I swapped the engine but I guess I beat on it too much and its wore out. Clutch would not slip with CX trans but does with EX trans. I guess due to more torque applied to the clutch now.
Re: It's been demonstrated that
I'm the one doing the
I'm the one doing the exhaust test, still waiting on my digital fuel economy gauge though. You should be able to find the y8 exhaust stuff pretty cheap. I picked up a full exhaust for the cx for free, though the y8 bottom stuff might actually cost money.
Can't wait to see you test.
Can't wait to see you test. Man I miss my CRX but I just cannot drive on the interstate every day in such a little wedge.
I'm on the interstate pretty
I'm on the interstate pretty regularly, doing 55, :p, it's pretty tame around me though. You got any exhaust manifolds you want tested? So far I have stock, stock modified, d15b8, d16z6, and mehbe some random aftermarket header.
Re: I'm on the interstate pretty
Ebay headers have gotten so
Ebay headers
Ebay headers have gotten so cheap you can buy them for less than $50. Are you just testing headers or the exhaust system also? |
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