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Fuel Saving Tips

Manual Transmission Coasting: in gear or in neutral?

Coasting up to a stoplight, do leave the car in gear. No fuel is burned and the engine helps you stop or slow smoothly. However, here in Colorado, I know my coasting stretches. There is one stretch after Wilkerson Pass that I can coast in neutral for 10, yes ten miles! Foolish to leave the car in gear when you can ghost along mile after mile for almost free! Never coast with the engine off, as power steering and brakes shut down. Nor do I neutral coast in traffic. If you choose to coast and save fuel, coast in gear to lights and in traffic, coast in neutral on lonely empty roads where you can coast for several miles.

posted by Littlecars on April 8, 2016

this tip works for 52% of voting Fuelly members.

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