Fuel Saving Tips
Use a mixture of neutral coasting and in gear coasting
I've seen allot of tips saying never to coast in neutral. I find it's best to use a mixture of neutral coasting and coasting in gear If you're going down hill and you're having to use your brakes then shift into gear, if you're not stay in neutral. If you're going to stop or you have to slow down for a corner and you'd have to brake stay in gear and use fuel cut off mode Coasting is more efficient so if you can it's best plan ahead so you can coast down to your desired speed. Different situations benifit from different methods and cut off mode is much more efficient in high gears then in low gears so plan, use it early in high gears
posted by Mikes1992 on June 12, 2015
this tip works for 54% of voting Fuelly members.