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Fuel Saving Tips

Try not to stop at red lights and in dense tr

Every time you stop your vehicle, the energy required to get it moving again is much more substantial than that required to keep it moving - 'an object in motion tends to stay in motion'. I drive to work each day and rarely stop at a light; I will slow to a crawl and if I gauge it right, I'll be crawling right up to the last car in line just as he starts to move. Did you know that in this manner it is possible for one car to alleviate a traffic jam? If you manage to slow down - gradually - to the point where you never stop every car behind you will be able to follow right along, and as the cordon slowly gathers speed so will you - and them!

posted by dorkdog on May 16, 2012

this tip works for 74% of voting Fuelly members.

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