Fuel Saving Tips
another tyre tip
Monitor how your tyres are wearing. Most manufacturers recommend tyre pressures which give a softer and more comfortable ride ; as sure sign of this is tyres wearing on the edges but not in the middle. I run my tyres at the maximum recommended pressure to minimise the rolling resistance and even out the tyre wear. This is at the cost of ride quality but only to a very small degree.I also have more than 1 pressure gauge so that I can cross check between them every now and then.I have checked my gauges against a calibrated source and found that my most accurate gauge is the oldest. Most of the modern gauges seem to read a bit high; the worst being a gauge which was given out with a motorcycle magazine as a freebee. It definitely pays to know what your pressures really are and to remember that pressure does vary with ambient temperature.Check pressures regularly.
posted by commuter on July 17, 2011
this tip works for 60% of voting Fuelly members.