2008 KYMCO Agility 50 MPG
Based on data from 5 vehicles, 69 fuel-ups and 4,868 miles of driving, the 2008 KYMCO Agility 50 gets a combined Avg MPG of 70.64 with a 5.33 MPG margin of error.
Below you can see a distribution of the fuel-ups with 0 outliers (0.00%) removed.
Following shows the average MPG of each of the 5 vehicles in the system.
My Agility 50
2008 KYMCO Agility 50
Added Sep 2023 • 12 Fuel-upsProperty of JOMart
91.7 Avg MPG
2008 KYMCO Agility 50
Added Sep 2020 • 33 Fuel-upsProperty of Local_Truck_Addict
64.1 Avg MPG
Agility city 16''
2008 KYMCO Agility 50
Added Apr 2021 • 11 Fuel-upsProperty of Kevin015
88.9 Avg MPG
2008 KYMCO Agility 50
Added Mar 2014 • 13 Fuel-upsProperty of cd23mj
48.0 Avg MPG
Black speed demon
2008 KYMCO Agility 50
Added Aug 2012 • 6 Fuel-upsProperty of polaroidblog
89.3 Avg MPG