1999 Honda VT1100C2 Shadow ACE MPG
Based on data from 3 vehicles, 628 fuel-ups and 85,640 miles of driving, the 1999 Honda VT1100C2 Shadow ACE gets a combined Avg MPG of 43.56 with a 0.53 MPG margin of error.
Below you can see a distribution of the fuel-ups with 8 outliers (1.26%) removed.
Following shows the average MPG of each of the 3 vehicles in the system.
'99 Shadow ACE
1999 Honda VT1100C2 Shadow ACE
Added May 2014 • 609 Fuel-upsProperty of adl55
43.9 Avg MPG
1999 Honda VT1100C2 Shadow ACE
Added Feb 2020 • 27 Fuel-upsProperty of jgarm07
36.0 Avg MPG
1999 Honda VT1100C2 Shadow ACE
Added Jun 2014 • 4 Fuel-upsProperty of andreadotcom
41.1 Avg MPG