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Green FLHTK Ultra Limited 2016 Fuel-up Log

2016 Harley Davidson FLHTK Ultra Limited
Property of GunnarJohnson. Added May 26 2022

Showing a single fuel-up

Feb 3 2024

Codes P0031, P0051, P0134, PP0152, P0154, B2271, B2272, U0184, Recommendations - Steering Head and Forks service should be done at 50,000 -Get matching tires -Check wheel bearings - DOT 4 brake and hydraulic clutch should be flushed -Replace shifter rod, ball and socket are getting loose - Careful spilling engine oil on electrical and engine mounts when replacing oil. Clean if happens Service specifics - Replace Water Pump with Updated Pumps $937.90 Cooling system had wrong fluid . Flushed and replaced with correct fluid. Coolant bottle missing hook, replaced for filler neck - Diagnose Cooling System Electrical Issues $124.44 Right fan running non stop when engine is running P1693 102 cooling fan right low/ open Short to ground found on jumper harness for cooling fan. This circuit is ground side controlled causing cooling fan to run continuously- fixed and replaced harness Installed FP4 Tuner, Replace damaged o2 sensors, fix exhaust system issues - P0031 & P0051 after exhaust work Other notes - Floorboard is contacting exhaust heat shield causing vibration, installed proper spacer and correct bolts - Crossover mounting and loose bolts - Both O2 sensors replaced - REMOVED EXHAUST AND REPLACED BOTH SENSORS. - REPLACED LEAKING EXHAUST PORT GASKETS. - CROSSOVER CLAMP WAS LOOSE - FIXED - HEADER STABALIZING MOUNT WAS LOOSE - FIXED - REAR OXYGEN SENSOR WAS INSTALLED IN FRONT HEADER - FIXED - FRONT OXYGEN SENSOR WAS INSTALLED IN REAR HEADER - FIXED - TRANSMISSION BEARING HOUSING BOLTS AT EXHAUST BRACKET WERE LOOSE CAUSING TRANSMISSION LEAK - #6 BOLT WAS ABLE TO REACH MINIMUM TORQUE BUT THREADS FELT SOFT. NEXT PERSON TO TOUCH THIS BOLT WILL HAVE A PROBLEM - TRANSMISSION TORCA CLAMP WAS CONTACTING DRAIN PAN CAUSING EXHUAST VIBRATION - FIXED - LEFT MUFFLER TORCA CLAMP WAS LOOSE - FIXED Spark Plug Wire (front) $80.00 NOTES FROM SERVICE - BACK SIDE OF GARMIN POWER CORD BOX CAME LOOSE AND WAS LAYING UNDER SEAT - SECURED WITH ZIP TIE - REAR FASTENER ON CONSOLE WAS LOOSE - SPEED NUT WAS STRIPPED - REPLACED - FUEL PUMP HARNESS WAS NOT IN ITS CORRECT LOCATION AND PINCHED UNDER CONSOLE - FIXED - MISSING SEAT FASTENERS, NUT AND SCREW

  • 54,325

Added by GunnarJohnson on Feb 3 2024 at 9:42 pm

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