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2008 Freightliner XC Raised Rail MPG

Based on data from 1 vehicles, 38 fuel-ups and 11,305 miles of driving, the 2008 Freightliner XC Raised Rail gets a combined Avg MPG of 7.45 with a 0.31 MPG margin of error.

Below you can see a distribution of the fuel-ups with 2 outliers (5.00%) removed.

2008 Freightliner XC Raised Rails For Sale Nearby

  • Forest River Berkshire 360QS

    2008 Freightliner XC Raised Rail
    Added Aug 2021 • 43 Fuel-ups

    Property of Rednick

  • 7.5 Avg MPG

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Substitute 'Fix-a-Flat' for your spare tire.

Removing weight increases fuel mileage. Your spare tire wei... ...

by dbsplanet

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