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Why doesn't my fuel-up have a calculated MPG (L/100km)?

There are several reasons why an individual fuel-up might not get an MPG (or L/100km if you're using metric) calculated. Here are the most common reasons with links to more information: 1.) You marked the fuel-up as partial. 2.) You marked the previous fuel-up as partial. 3.) You marked the fuel-up as missed. 4.) It's your first fuel-up and you're using odometer tracking. 5.) The fuel-up is a duplicate of an existing odometer reading so no distance could be calculated. 6.) The calculated MPG was over 199 miles/gallon. If the calculated MPG was over 199 miles/gallon it might be caused by a data entry error somewhere along the line. Frequently, an extremely high MPG calculation is due to an extra or dropped digit from an odometer reading.

posted on February 21, 2011
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