2007 Hyundai Santa Fe MPG
Based on data from 102 vehicles, 7,419 fuel-ups and 1,864,001 miles of driving, the 2007 Hyundai Santa Fe gets a combined Avg MPG of 18.79 with a 0.07 MPG margin of error.
Below you can see a distribution of the fuel-ups with 804 outliers (9.78%) removed.
Following shows the average MPG of each of the 102 vehicles in the system.
2007 Hyundai Santa Fes For Sale Nearby
The Rig
2007 Hyundai Santa Fe GAS V6
Added Aug 2009 • 36 Fuel-upsProperty of Kisby
17.6 Avg MPG
Hyundai Santa Fe
2007 Hyundai Santa Fe DIESEL L4
Added Feb 2010 • 14 Fuel-upsProperty of Luigi_S
27.1 Avg MPG