2002 Dodge Grand Caravan MPG
Based on data from 47 vehicles, 3,942 fuel-ups and 1,084,387 miles of driving, the 2002 Dodge Grand Caravan gets a combined Avg MPG of 18.29 with a 0.10 MPG margin of error.
Below you can see a distribution of the fuel-ups with 137 outliers (3.36%) removed.
Following shows the average MPG of each of the 47 vehicles in the system.
2002 Dodge Grand Caravans For Sale Nearby
White December
2002 Dodge Grand Caravan GAS V6
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Da Ban
2002 Dodge Grand Caravan GAS V6
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2002 Dodge Grand Caravan GAS V6
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2002 Dodge Grand Caravan GAS V6
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2002 Dodge Grand Caravan GAS V6
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Good for haulin'
2002 Dodge Grand Caravan FLEX V6
Added Sep 2008 • 174 Fuel-upsProperty of IronMan
20.7 Avg MPG