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OMM NOM NOM aka the Silver Bullet Fuel-up Log

2000 BMW 540i
Property of Mpower0254. Added Apr 17 2017

Showing a single fuel-up

Sep 30 2018

From Walsenburg south to Raton Pass. Then across to Cimarron and Eagles Nest and Taos, NM. Got stuck behind slow traffic on the route and NM highway's don't have good passing zones. Visited Walmart for a dog leash and then a couple hotels (Don Fernando and Sagebrush Inn). Meth with Joe and Joshua to discuss D4C. After the meeting we ate at a mexican restaurant up the street and then headed to the edge of the mountains to stay the night in a cabin in Lama, NM. In the morning, we drove back to Taos for breakfast with Carl G before driving up to Taos Ski Valley to see what is there. The return trip home brought us past San Luis, CO and the road US-160 was more interesting there than most of NM. We stopped in Monument again for gas and a coffee (ARA's bday). with 490 miles traveled. Gauge showed 29.4mpg and 40 miles range left.

  • 490.0
  • 17.360
  • $2.820
  • $48.96
  • 28.2

Added by Mpower0254 on Oct 1 2018 at 7:40 am

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