To search available records, tap the main Search button (magnifying glass) at the top left of the screen. As you type in the search field, Gas Cubby actively searches through every field of every record so only matching records remain. Tap the keyboard's Search button at any time to hide the keyboard, completing the search and retaining the results.

While searching, the vehicle selector and Gas/Service filter are still active. For example, if you type "shell" then tap the keyboard's search button to hide the keyboard, you may scroll through each vehicle to see which records match in each. Turn the device on its side to see graphs and charts of these results.

To view Advanced Search options, tap More in the search bar. The results may be filtered by several of the available fields. Tap Search at the top left of the Advanced Search screen to return to the main screen and find the filtered record list. While Advanced Search filters are active, the 3 dots above More are blue.

To exit Search mode, tap the magnifying glass again, which changes back to white from blue.