View Full Version : Introduce Yourself - New member Welcome

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  1. the jeep
  2. New member Pump-Less-Gas
  3. New VX owner with questions.
  4. Get your bank to pay for your gas!
  5. Aloha From Aridzona
  6. So much potential....
  7. Hello fellow Fuel Miesers
  8. Hi GasSavers!
  9. New guy from Nova Scotia (Canada)
  10. Bye Bye Hatch :( equal new project :)
  11. New Old Coot from Texas
  12. New member with ZX2.
  13. Just Another Noob
  14. Hello from MN, Saturn vue hho hybrid
  15. Hello, new guy from Woburn Mass
  16. new guy from jax, fl
  17. Hey, from Houston!!
  18. whats up from a V6 owner in florida
  19. Hello World!
  20. hi all im dario
  21. 94 GS-R with VX swap
  22. hello from a DX'er
  23. Hello Good People!
  24. Hello everybody from Miami!
  25. Hello from Cali (Bay Area)
  26. Newb from Louisville, Ky
  27. New Guy from Colorado
  28. Another newb
  29. New Guy from NY
  30. New member saying 'hi'
  31. Finally Hit 40!
  32. Anyone here from Nova Scotia?
  33. Playing with my Smart
  34. From Okinawa, Japan and looking for highest km/l - mpg car.
  35. vw passat 1.8
  36. Howdy from Texas
  37. new member
  38. Just bought my first FE vehicle
  39. New but educated... Well, not too much..
  40. New here-so far so good!
  41. A Thank you
  42. The little Mustang that could!
  43. Another diesel burner
  44. Greetings from NC
  45. New Civic VX Member
  46. Greetings all
  47. Hello everyone...
  48. Howdy Yall
  49. Removed the Lead....
  50. Camry to Civic
  51. Hi
  52. Hello there - just joined
  53. New member
  54. Chevy P32 Parcel Van
  55. New guy checking in...
  56. Great forum you guys have here!
  57. Just found this site today -- Toyota Celica
  58. Newbie - 2003 Honda Civic Si
  59. New here
  60. Passat owner, absorbing all this info
  61. My stats don't show up
  62. Hi
  63. Augusta, GA hybrid hypermiler
  64. Hi all
  65. Hello from Japan
  66. 98 Prelude
  67. Another new guy
  68. New HX on the scene
  69. 40 miles to the gallon, 20 year old technology
  70. New guy with civic and ruckus
  71. hey from oregon
  72. Looking for hypermilers in Tucson, Ariz.
  73. New member
  74. New To This Forum
  75. On Holiday in Orlando
  76. Hello from Oregon
  77. Hey
  78. Non gas guzzling want a be new be here
  79. Newbie
  80. Hello, newbie to the mpg game.
  81. New Here
  82. New guy in NY
  83. Subie Newbie - Forester "Blubaru"
  84. New Here
  85. Check-engine on now
  86. Introduction
  87. Hydrogen kit boy
  88. New Square
  89. 96 civic ex with "mini me"
  90. New guy
  91. Hi
  92. Hello All!
  93. Hello all
  94. High Hopes for the Villager
  95. Ohio in da house
  96. Just saying Hi, Any fellow Aerio owners?
  97. Hi from Gabet123 (HHO INFO ADMIN)
  98. this is how i did it
  99. Formal introduction
  100. Cool Site!
  101. Saving on gas from California
  102. Hey Everyone.
  103. Need to improve a RV with a big block
  104. Ford Man
  105. Hi Everyone! Im from Reno Nevada
  106. Hello from Austin, TX!
  107. I found my VX!!!
  108. New here and looking for tips.
  109. Hello from Northern Virginia!
  110. New from Connecticut
  111. 1992 Ford Escort LX
  112. New guy
  113. Hey
  114. hello
  115. New member from Minnesota
  116. F150 4.9
  117. new member intro
  118. Checking in
  119. Turned to the Dark Side
  120. New Michigander
  121. Hi Friends
  122. just downsized from suburban!!
  123. hello
  124. Hi
  125. Another one from Indiana
  126. New member checking in from Hawaii
  127. Hello
  128. hi all
  129. New member...seems like finding a VX is like a needle in a haystack!!!
  130. Hello from Ohio
  131. Hi Board
  132. Radios and A/C? anyone who can answer?
  133. rural areas
  134. New from Indiana
  135. Also new
  136. New to GasSavers.org
  137. Hi from Canada
  138. hello Im new
  139. Just surfed in
  140. '03 Vibe GT - new member
  141. Hey everyone, Another new So Cal member
  142. I'm New thanks for the opportunity to share information.
  143. Hi um, I am brand new to hypermilling.
  144. Howdy folks..
  145. Super Strippy
  146. newbe from ohiio
  147. Fallbrook,Ca
  148. New Victum from Levittown PA USA
  149. Newbe from Illinois
  150. Newbie here
  151. Hey from Washington (state)!
  152. Hello, I's not Johnny Cash
  153. Subaru Forester owner wants better economy
  154. Uhh, Hello?
  155. Acura Integra Owner Wants Better MPG
  156. newbie
  157. From Auto-X to Fuel Friendly, a ZX2
  158. Coming to you from South Texas
  159. New guy from Ohio
  160. Hello from Charlotte ('95 Civic EX Coupe with D15Z1 power)
  161. Inactive cylinder experience
  162. Sup from DC metro area
  163. Hello from somewhere in the South West
  164. New member in Northridge, CA
  165. New member in GA
  166. Motorcycle Commuter
  167. Got rid of the yacht... finally!!!
  168. New Supercommuter
  169. Hello from florida
  170. New from Northridge, CA
  171. new, from PA
  172. Hello from San Jose, CA
  173. Hello
  174. Hello everybody!
  175. Another newbie
  176. New member from Louisiana!
  177. Hi - this is Curt from www.online-auto.net
  178. Hello for Wichita, KS
  179. 2008 VW Rabbit in RI
  180. Hello from South Jersey, USA.
  181. Hello everyone
  182. Anyone else from New Zealand?
  183. Buck From KC
  184. Buford GA Noob
  185. Hello, from NorCal!
  186. Hello from sunny South FL
  187. Hello from Tennessee
  188. saturn/f-150
  189. Been Lurking ...
  190. Noobie seeking guidance/assistance
  191. I'm here
  192. New member from Clarksville, TN. (*Honda Junkie*)
  193. sohc honda enthusiast
  194. Hi
  195. '04 Civic Owner in TX
  196. hello form MD
  197. Hello to all
  198. Newbie
  199. Hi Ya from Calif
  200. Greetings from Canada
  201. Greets from Sweden.
  202. 08 yaris - F250 diesel
  203. VX owner only getting like 30 mpg
  204. New member from Milwaukee
  205. New Gassaver in WA
  206. Greets from Chicagoland
  207. Hi!
  208. Hello All...
  209. Ford Freakin Ranger :( New Member
  210. New Guy
  211. Considering Honda
  212. Yaris 08
  213. new member
  214. Dropped in since my other MPG board is gone
  215. I bought a Suzuki Swift, where is my 60mpg?
  216. Garage ?
  217. Former Lurker Finally Registered
  218. hello hello
  219. CRX to VX Pictures are up
  220. Greetings & Salutations
  221. New member :)
  222. Hi, from a new member
  223. 2001 Honda Civic LX 4sp Auto
  224. Hello from upstate NY
  225. New and lookin'
  226. old member
  227. new....somewhat!
  228. 1984 Mercury Lynx DIESEL owner
  229. hello from california
  230. Hi from Indiana, USA
  231. Squeezing out every Nickle - 2000 Honda Civic Auto
  232. 1st Post - 1994 Suzuki Swift 1.3L 5-speed
  233. Phoenix friend of OPEC
  234. maryland metro
  235. old user, new car
  236. pigfragger from NOCAL
  237. Hello
  238. Anybody in Central Valley CA
  239. how do I setup multiple cars
  240. Civic Owner starting the Mods!!!...Buffalo,NY
  241. Intrigued Dodge guy
  242. Nut from Niagara...
  243. new guy NC 1997 civic hatch
  244. Hello from NE CT
  245. Socal Yaris driver
  246. Hello from Ottawa, Canada
  247. Hello from the other side of the pond
  248. Hello from BC, Canada
  249. New from GA.
  250. Hello New to the Forum Ford Zx2