- the jeep
- New member Pump-Less-Gas
- New VX owner with questions.
- Get your bank to pay for your gas!
- Aloha From Aridzona
- So much potential....
- Hello fellow Fuel Miesers
- Hi GasSavers!
- New guy from Nova Scotia (Canada)
- Bye Bye Hatch :( equal new project :)
- New Old Coot from Texas
- New member with ZX2.
- Just Another Noob
- Hello from MN, Saturn vue hho hybrid
- Hello, new guy from Woburn Mass
- new guy from jax, fl
- Hey, from Houston!!
- whats up from a V6 owner in florida
- Hello World!
- hi all im dario
- 94 GS-R with VX swap
- hello from a DX'er
- Hello Good People!
- Hello everybody from Miami!
- Hello from Cali (Bay Area)
- Newb from Louisville, Ky
- New Guy from Colorado
- Another newb
- New Guy from NY
- New member saying 'hi'
- Finally Hit 40!
- Anyone here from Nova Scotia?
- Playing with my Smart
- From Okinawa, Japan and looking for highest km/l - mpg car.
- vw passat 1.8
- Howdy from Texas
- new member
- Just bought my first FE vehicle
- New but educated... Well, not too much..
- New here-so far so good!
- A Thank you
- The little Mustang that could!
- Another diesel burner
- Greetings from NC
- New Civic VX Member
- Greetings all
- Hello everyone...
- Howdy Yall
- Removed the Lead....
- Camry to Civic
- Hi
- Hello there - just joined
- New member
- Chevy P32 Parcel Van
- New guy checking in...
- Great forum you guys have here!
- Just found this site today -- Toyota Celica
- Newbie - 2003 Honda Civic Si
- New here
- Passat owner, absorbing all this info
- My stats don't show up
- Hi
- Augusta, GA hybrid hypermiler
- Hi all
- Hello from Japan
- 98 Prelude
- Another new guy
- New HX on the scene
- 40 miles to the gallon, 20 year old technology
- New guy with civic and ruckus
- hey from oregon
- Looking for hypermilers in Tucson, Ariz.
- New member
- New To This Forum
- On Holiday in Orlando
- Hello from Oregon
- Hey
- Non gas guzzling want a be new be here
- Newbie
- Hello, newbie to the mpg game.
- New Here
- New guy in NY
- Subie Newbie - Forester "Blubaru"
- New Here
- Check-engine on now
- Introduction
- Hydrogen kit boy
- New Square
- 96 civic ex with "mini me"
- New guy
- Hi
- Hello All!
- Hello all
- High Hopes for the Villager
- Ohio in da house
- Just saying Hi, Any fellow Aerio owners?
- Hi from Gabet123 (HHO INFO ADMIN)
- this is how i did it
- Formal introduction
- Cool Site!
- Saving on gas from California
- Hey Everyone.
- Need to improve a RV with a big block
- Ford Man
- Hi Everyone! Im from Reno Nevada
- Hello from Austin, TX!
- I found my VX!!!
- New here and looking for tips.
- Hello from Northern Virginia!
- New from Connecticut
- 1992 Ford Escort LX
- New guy
- Hey
- hello
- New member from Minnesota
- F150 4.9
- new member intro
- Checking in
- Turned to the Dark Side
- New Michigander
- Hi Friends
- just downsized from suburban!!
- hello
- Hi
- Another one from Indiana
- New member checking in from Hawaii
- Hello
- hi all
- New member...seems like finding a VX is like a needle in a haystack!!!
- Hello from Ohio
- Hi Board
- Radios and A/C? anyone who can answer?
- rural areas
- New from Indiana
- Also new
- New to GasSavers.org
- Hi from Canada
- hello Im new
- Just surfed in
- '03 Vibe GT - new member
- Hey everyone, Another new So Cal member
- I'm New thanks for the opportunity to share information.
- Hi um, I am brand new to hypermilling.
- Howdy folks..
- Super Strippy
- newbe from ohiio
- Fallbrook,Ca
- New Victum from Levittown PA USA
- Newbe from Illinois
- Newbie here
- Hey from Washington (state)!
- Hello, I's not Johnny Cash
- Subaru Forester owner wants better economy
- Uhh, Hello?
- Acura Integra Owner Wants Better MPG
- newbie
- From Auto-X to Fuel Friendly, a ZX2
- Coming to you from South Texas
- New guy from Ohio
- Hello from Charlotte ('95 Civic EX Coupe with D15Z1 power)
- Inactive cylinder experience
- Sup from DC metro area
- Hello from somewhere in the South West
- New member in Northridge, CA
- New member in GA
- Motorcycle Commuter
- Got rid of the yacht... finally!!!
- New Supercommuter
- Hello from florida
- New from Northridge, CA
- new, from PA
- Hello from San Jose, CA
- Hello
- Hello everybody!
- Another newbie
- New member from Louisiana!
- Hi - this is Curt from www.online-auto.net
- Hello for Wichita, KS
- 2008 VW Rabbit in RI
- Hello from South Jersey, USA.
- Hello everyone
- Anyone else from New Zealand?
- Buck From KC
- Buford GA Noob
- Hello, from NorCal!
- Hello from sunny South FL
- Hello from Tennessee
- saturn/f-150
- Been Lurking ...
- Noobie seeking guidance/assistance
- I'm here
- New member from Clarksville, TN. (*Honda Junkie*)
- sohc honda enthusiast
- Hi
- '04 Civic Owner in TX
- hello form MD
- Hello to all
- Newbie
- Hi Ya from Calif
- Greetings from Canada
- Greets from Sweden.
- 08 yaris - F250 diesel
- VX owner only getting like 30 mpg
- New member from Milwaukee
- New Gassaver in WA
- Greets from Chicagoland
- Hi!
- Hello All...
- Ford Freakin Ranger :( New Member
- New Guy
- Considering Honda
- Yaris 08
- new member
- Dropped in since my other MPG board is gone
- I bought a Suzuki Swift, where is my 60mpg?
- Garage ?
- Former Lurker Finally Registered
- hello hello
- CRX to VX Pictures are up
- Greetings & Salutations
- New member :)
- Hi, from a new member
- 2001 Honda Civic LX 4sp Auto
- Hello from upstate NY
- New and lookin'
- old member
- new....somewhat!
- 1984 Mercury Lynx DIESEL owner
- hello from california
- Hi from Indiana, USA
- Squeezing out every Nickle - 2000 Honda Civic Auto
- 1st Post - 1994 Suzuki Swift 1.3L 5-speed
- Phoenix friend of OPEC
- maryland metro
- old user, new car
- pigfragger from NOCAL
- Hello
- Anybody in Central Valley CA
- how do I setup multiple cars
- Civic Owner starting the Mods!!!...Buffalo,NY
- Intrigued Dodge guy
- Nut from Niagara...
- new guy NC 1997 civic hatch
- Hello from NE CT
- Socal Yaris driver
- Hello from Ottawa, Canada
- Hello from the other side of the pond
- Hello from BC, Canada
- New from GA.
- Hello New to the Forum Ford Zx2