- Just signed up
- New Guy
- New-Old Guy
- Just got my Saturn SC1 $400 :)
- New witha del sol
- Hello, nice greetings from Germany
- New here...
- Nubie w/ head and tranny swap questions
- 93 Civic VX swap, with a question.
- Hi everyone! '92 VX CA model-a bad thing?
- 94 Civic EX Coupe
- Newb CRX HF
- Hello Guys... New to Gas Savers
- Hello - 93 Honda VX - 320k miles
- Nubie Honda Civic Driver - Any civic tips??
- Hey, 38mpg in 1992 Infiniti G20 SR20VE
- Word.....
- newb here
- Introduce Myself!
- Hot Rodding in Reverse
- Honda Enthusiasts
- New blue Yaris
- New Honda VX
- New Member: mainstreet98
- Hello, New to GasSavers.org
- Hey!
- 08 Chevy HHR
- 1998 Mazda 626 2.5L V6 LX Edition
- Hey!
- 65 Year Old Newbe 95 Metro 3 Cyl 5speed Dallas Tx
- Hi new accord in town
- Hello Everyone
- hai all I am RGS5081
- I'm baaaacckkk
- Aloha nui from SF Bay area, any element drivers?
- Hi Folks : )
- new comer to jdm
- Hi GasSavers.org! I'm a Honda Civic VX Owner
- Saturn SL1 the quest begins....
- New member with a Nissan Cube...
- Hi :)
- 1969 Datsun 510, expanding project scope
- New guy here with a Subaru!
- Older Cadillac newer here
- putt, putt, putt...
- New Ca. Member
- newbie
- 1992 Honda Civic VX. I love this car!
- Old VX owner with a question.
- Theres a new Yaris in town
- Hello
- Hi Everyone.
- Chesterfield Virginia Checking In
- LRR question
- New guy on the block
- New CRX HF Owner with Questions
- 2000 Chrysler Voyager flex fuel (3.3 ltr. short wheel base)
- Big tank looking to save gas
- New member Ed from Steel Town
- New 2009 Aveo sedan 5 speed, replaces 1993 Honda Civic LX. Ref Fit, Yaris, Corolla,
- hello there , form san diego CA
- New to the site
- New Here. Excited about my MPG
- New to the forum
- New '88 Crx HF owner
- Hi i'm new here.
- Hello! I got a great civic
- Back Again
- Figured I would say hi...
- new VX owner - somewhat regret
- A Canadian new member!
- Hi All!
- Greetings from an Island in the Pacific!
- Hello from CentralValley of California. Dodge Cummins and Ford Focus Wagon
- New VX owner(little red rocket)
- Hi from Northern CA.
- Greeting from Southern California
- Hello, Got a diesel engine into a gas Mercedes.
- Hi from Delaware
- Hi Everyone!
- hello there
- Howdy Y'all
- Welcome?
- Judith from Winnipeg
- Hello, Everybody...
- newbie!
- Hello. I'm New
- I come bearing DIYs for your 92-95 Civic Hatchback
- Squeezing the Escort wagon
- Great page! lots of good ideas floating around here!
- Greetings from the Great American Desert
- Looking forward to experiencing the site...
- Just joined, love the site
- Hello - Subaru owner from Chicago
- Hello from Houston
- Hows it going?
- Hi everybody!
- Howdy ya'll
- Hey everyone...
- Hey, I'm new.
- New Member From Missouri
- Hey
- Hey! Tryna get more MPG's for my Buick
- From East Texas new to hypermiling
- Saving fuel with 4x4
- Crazy or not, I am here..
- NorCal hypermiler
- Greetings from speed crazed Southern Cal
- Saying hello from Minden, NV
- New to the world of gas savers...
- hello all
- pinstr4car
- New guy here
- Salutations, fellow gas savers
- Hello All!
- Lost track but I'm back!
- Just joined: 1987 CRX project 50mpg(or as close as possible)
- new 94' VX owner, several "advanced" questions!!! lol...
- new guy here!
- Another guy, just bought another VX
- HiFE - that's me (since 1967!)
- newb
- just bought my 2nd VX
- One more newbie
- New guy
- New 1994 Honda VX (to me)
- Hello, and now a question!
- Well into my upgrades, but never got around to writing here
- VX
- new member
- Hi there, love the site! :)
- hey everyone...
- Just bought a Insight!
- Newbie Here
- proud new owner 92 civic 3dr vx
- Hi from Lima, OH
- New to the site
- Hi all
- Hello from the UK
- New 92 VX Owner
- HX CVT or Manual
- Bummed in Arizona
- Good Honda Repair Shop in Phoenix Arizona area
- 05 MagnumSXT
- 1994 Civic CX - whats the big deal about the VX?
- 88 Buick LeSabre
- New
- Gustavo Almeida from Portugal (Rover 216 Coupe)
- Industrial Designer with aero experience
- greetings from NC
- New Guy
- Welcome From Wintery Wisconsin
- VX on strike due to low gas prices
- Honda Civic VX failed NOx, EGR system not working
- introducing... MPGmonger
- 1995 Vx
- buying 1971 honda civic n600
- Hi
- 92 Teal VX
- New from South Jersey
- New Guy here from NJ!!
- New daily, 94 Civic VX
- New guy from Orlando, FL
- Vx owner
- Alternative fuel convention
- Sweden trying HHO
- New in Southern Ontario
- New from Washington
- Hi!!! We are here to help...
- New in Ohio
- New from Oregon
- Oh gosh.. where to start???!?
- HF Journey...
- MN '92 civic vx owner
- Hello Group!
- T100 Hopeful
- just got here. been exp..biult 5 towers
- Robert here with my new Justy
- German Fuel Saver
- hello to everyone!
- 06 Dodge Sprinter Mileage
- Hi-- i'ma EF2 owner
- I'm in the Concord/Charlotte, NC Area
- Civic Gx Ngv
- Hi. new member from London, England
- Hypermiler of 2002 Mitsubishi Eclipse
- New Car! Old Member
- Hi! 95 Civic VX owner (bayarea, ca)
- intro
- Hey from Northern Virginia
- Hey from Northern Virginia
- Hi from Los Angeles
- Newbie from PA
- Newbie introduction
- Greetings from Albany, NY
- new to the site...
- Hi From Topeka, KS - Another VX Owner!
- Hello from the deep south!
- Hello, fellow FE enthusiast from the SF Bay
- vx has low mpg
- Greetings From Jersey!!
- New to site, looking for car
- 93 Del Sol Si in North Carolina
- 1996 Honda Civic Cx vs. Las Vegas Heat
- Hello from Metro Detroit!
- New to trying to saving fuel
- Noob with a Scion xB
- Hello, new guy here.
- n00b here.
- Engine Calc Loads
- Hi from South Georgia
- Hello! Fuel Economy Noob Here!
- 95 nissan pathfinder
- Looking to optimize FE on NAH
- Hi from India.
- EcoVibe intro ... *lots of pics*
- hello from southern illinois
- hello...
- New here
- Just saying Hello
- Hi
- Hi.
- New here, 93 civic hatch DX
- Chevy Colorado 5 cyl - improve mpg
- Hello all!
- Hello! and a question... water?
- another vx wannabe
- Ben From Los Angeles (REALLY EXPENSIVE)
- Hello from Las Vegas
- hello all
- Hello from Finland
- GM 4.2 liter V-6 Deactivation
- (Finally) scored a CX (?)
- 1997 vw golf 2.0
- Hi !! Any Suzuki Drivers Here ???
- Hello from Oregon
- 72 mpg in my Honda Civic
- John, the 17 yr. mechanic/hypermiler
- Hello everyone
- Another intro
- Hello
- hey new to this gas saving.
- hoping to be owner of a VX
- n00b crx
- Hello!
- New Member: Getting New Vehicle Soon
- Any other Mazda3 drivers here?
- Picked up a new HF
- Hello! Owner of 3 Civics reporting...
- New Member with Old Civic