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  1. Why is Quiktrip not showing up in ''Nearby Fueling station' list
  2. Can not log in
  3. GPS tracker
  4. Fuelly calculates MPG on *wrong* tank of fuel...
  5. aCar has decided it will no longer sync in the background
  6. Backup Google Drive
  7. New Odometer
  8. Nearby gas stations unavailable
  9. Any way to do some Data Cleanup?
  10. Retired Vehicles
  11. Web server MPG different from aCar app MPG
  12. Cannot make new (first) service record
  13. Cannot sync all of a sudden
  14. Android Notifications Stopped - summer 2023
  15. Backdating Purchase Record
  16. Erroneous duplicate record warning
  17. Can't Open Records since App Update
  18. aCar premium subscription says Pro
  19. Fuelly APP
  20. Lost Premium Status
  21. App asking to create a folder after 2023 July update
  22. Android app is rubbish
  23. Sync Errors - Where Are They?
  24. Incorrect System Stored "Pervious Odometer" Value
  25. Accidentally Deleted Fuel Records - How to Convert abp File?
  26. Support Email Not Working
  27. Estimated odo -- how do do this
  28. Need to add vehicle - can't sync
  29. Accidently Deleted vehicle in aCar - How to Recover?
  30. How to make donarcode in aCar stick?
  31. Two users on one account - do I need two pro registrations?
  32. New features? ACar updates?
  33. plans for non-google app?
  34. Maintenance Reninders
  35. Retired Vehicle Reminders
  36. Add a Fuel-up via Text
  37. Pro Version - Thread #2
  38. Change donation ID e-mail address?
  39. Text Fill-up
  40. Adding Service Record from multiple reminders
  41. Old Pro registration that keeps deactivating
  42. Help with Purchase Rec (Sibling rec error)
  43. Contacting FUELLY
  44. I forgot to make a backup
  45. For Future Release Purchase price
  46. Missed fuel up - but know mileage
  47. Will aCar continue to be a going concern?
  48. My Fuelly costs and cars show on a Google Search
  49. Iphone to Android
  50. "You have one vehicle on Fuelly account which you're tracking its fuelups with trip d
  51. Calculations are wrong
  52. Can I upload a vehicle from webpage?
  53. Records
  54. Octane statistics applied wrong
  55. Hide retired cars
  56. Neaby Fueling Stations
  57. For Future Release Forgotten Records
  58. For Future Release Electric car features please
  59. Data went missing...
  60. Selling car to another Fuelly user
  61. Pictures/PDF files
  62. For Future Release Why my data lost
  63. Access to the Average Speed Field
  64. EDIT Purchase price
  65. Where to add purchase price
  66. For Future Release Would like ability to track DEF purchase/use
  67. GPS Route Logging
  68. Why bother Upgrading to Pro Version?
  69. Nearby Fueling Stations
  70. Trip Mode?
  71. Cusromize Main Concole
  72. Calculate City/Highway from Avg Speed
  73. For Future Release Reset scheduled service items
  74. Issue with Total time in statistics
  75. Merge data from two different versions.
  76. Purchase data lost
  77. Insurance expense.
  78. Lost data from Late August to Late September
  79. Multiple purchase records?
  80. add option for different tire sizes
  81. Feature request
  82. PDF attachment can't open
  83. For Future Release Auto Start Trip
  84. 5.2.8 widgets broken
  85. Portuguese translation
  86. Lost maintenance records
  87. Fuelly icon on android
  88. Unable to register aCar Pro
  89. Pro Version
  90. Rollback v5.2.2?
  91. Bi fuel / dual deposit support
  92. For Future Release OBD II Trip Integration
  93. Error in date calculation
  94. New Trip
  95. Fuel-Up Records No Avg Speed
  96. "Family" configuration question given new sync ability
  97. Hourly, daily and weekly automatic backups to local storage.
  98. Fuelly deleted file
  99. Requested new features
  100. Track service/fillups by HOUR instead of mile/KM?
  101. Engine fuel specification - gasoline missing
  102. ACar App
  103. Incorrect Previous Odometer
  104. Services and reminders
  105. Enter data out of sequence
  106. Update on Development Please
  107. Recording trips on fuelly.com
  108. Reminder Alerts not working
  109. Import aCar data into Fuelly online.
  110. Fuelly Car Tracking by mileage vs distance
  111. Cannot import trips
  112. Total cost of ownership calc
  113. Cant compare cars in the charts
  114. App will not restor .abp file
  115. suggestion: Some smart fuel-up features
  116. Export in CSV?
  117. Time zone issues on sync
  118. Sync multiple devices
  119. Local Backup after setting up SYNC
  120. Parts data
  121. For Future Release Address Entry Field
  122. How to track hours and Oil type used?
  123. ACAR was broken after the last update
  124. Fuelly/Acar merge went haywire
  125. For Future Release Feature Request: Adjust sync frequency
  126. CSV Export Missing / Roll Back to 4.x?
  127. change from trip to odo reader so i can use aCar
  128. 5.x missing all vehicles
  129. Apply default reminder option missing
  130. Duplicate parts for different year same car
  131. Sync problem
  132. Different Service Intervals for Multiple Vehicles
  133. Services to exist vehicle
  134. Version 5.0.x - Fuel Efficiency Incorrect
  135. Bug (I hope) in setting/changing Time based reminders
  136. Issue with Total time in Statistics
  137. Old phone gone, fuelly missing vehicles, old backup not readable. Help!
  138. Sync Errors...Lots of them
  139. ACAR for iPads/iPhones
  140. Keeps crashing on classification
  141. Can I correct E-mail address on android app?
  142. Decimal point disabled
  143. Reports Possibility
  144. Input units incorrect
  145. When will 5.0 rollout be complete?
  146. Reminders sort by due date
  147. Partial Fill Up MPG Value wrong
  148. So Ugly
  149. Validation Errors
  150. multiple cars on two different phones
  151. Missing Services Records
  152. Validation Errors
  153. aCar 5.x suggestions and observations
  154. Fuelly sync of retired vehicle
  155. Multiple Drivers
  156. Confirmed: Sync
  157. aCar 5.0 wrong update sync
  158. aCar 5.0 missing info...
  159. aCar 5.0 translations
  160. Entering older service records
  161. Please Remove Cloud Backup References
  162. Adding vehicle
  163. Will it EVER reach the web?
  164. Selecting what counts as running costs in aCar
  165. App not working
  166. Cannot wait for new version
  167. Reminders: Silence or Dismiss?
  168. Converting from total miles to trip odometer miles
  169. 94.5 mpg???
  170. Moving to new phone
  171. Switching to Android
  172. Maintenance intervals per vehicle.
  173. aCar backup locations?
  174. aCar to Fuelly.com sync?
  175. Can't import csv
  176. GasTracker+ iPhone to Android?
  177. maintenance other than those listed
  178. ABP file only
  179. syncing with sibling records
  180. How to import/enter older records?
  181. aCar for Android 5.0 beta talk
  182. Inaccurate reminders
  183. My Cars export to aCar
  184. Rename Gas Station
  185. We are now looking for aCar 5.0 beta testers!
  186. widget to NFC
  187. No file? Droid Turbo
  188. Moving to iOS - what app can I use?
  189. Removing gas stations from the data base?
  190. Deleted SD Card Date but have Dropbox Files
  191. Bought Pro Unlocker from Amazon - can no longer download it
  192. Lost Data -OK - So How do I Catch up?
  193. Trip Record - When do you use it?
  194. New Fill-up Odometer? ??
  195. Problem with importing CSV file.
  196. Vehicle Mileage is wrong...how to fix?
  197. Combined service records
  198. Notifications not accurate
  199. Feature Request - Multiple Time Zone Support
  200. Fails to import CSV file from Fuelly to aCar
  201. aCar unable to find backup file
  202. Can't Deactivate Old Device
  203. Entering Price/gallon
  204. Trip Rec Location
  205. Backup suggestion
  206. Purging old records
  207. restore data from old backup
  208. Dual Fuel (bi-fuel) and Vechicles
  209. share data on acar
  210. How do you delete a vehicle in acar
  211. aCar new app, translations
  212. Won't backup old data using Full Restore option
  213. reinstalling pro
  214. Estimated Trip Cost
  215. app mileage not correct?
  216. cannot install on Q10
  217. Need to add old records
  218. Migrate How-to
  219. Cannot install
  220. lost backup data
  221. Road Trip Import failing
  222. Validation Problems - Cannot save record
  223. Combine data from two phones
  224. lost phone, lost 2 months of data
  225. Is There Available An aCar Version That Is Compatible With Gingerbread
  226. aCar for Windows Phone?
  227. Materiale Design
  228. Unable to register aCar Pro
  229. Vehicle Classification ALWAYS coming up!
  230. migrate from aCar to fuelly
  231. Fixed: data recovery
  232. Cannot Register aCar
  233. aCar to IOS
  234. support in app for dual fuels
  235. Adding hour tracking
  236. Reading aCar ABP File
  237. Recover Data From Phone
  238. Fuelly & ACar sync
  239. switching to iOS from android
  240. Moving to Android from GasTracker+ HELP!
  241. Backup to Sd Card
  242. Switch from iOS Gas Cubby
  243. Need Help Recovering aCar Data
  244. aCar app won't download.
  245. GPS Problems
  246. OBD2 Tie In?
  247. aCar for Windows PC?
  248. Log in question
  249. UI Design
  250. Unlocked aCar