- Why is Quiktrip not showing up in ''Nearby Fueling station' list
- Can not log in
- GPS tracker
- Fuelly calculates MPG on *wrong* tank of fuel...
- aCar has decided it will no longer sync in the background
- Backup Google Drive
- New Odometer
- Nearby gas stations unavailable
- Any way to do some Data Cleanup?
- Retired Vehicles
- Web server MPG different from aCar app MPG
- Cannot make new (first) service record
- Cannot sync all of a sudden
- Android Notifications Stopped - summer 2023
- Backdating Purchase Record
- Erroneous duplicate record warning
- Can't Open Records since App Update
- aCar premium subscription says Pro
- Fuelly APP
- Lost Premium Status
- App asking to create a folder after 2023 July update
- Android app is rubbish
- Sync Errors - Where Are They?
- Incorrect System Stored "Pervious Odometer" Value
- Accidentally Deleted Fuel Records - How to Convert abp File?
- Support Email Not Working
- Estimated odo -- how do do this
- Need to add vehicle - can't sync
- Accidently Deleted vehicle in aCar - How to Recover?
- How to make donarcode in aCar stick?
- Two users on one account - do I need two pro registrations?
- New features? ACar updates?
- plans for non-google app?
- Maintenance Reninders
- Retired Vehicle Reminders
- Add a Fuel-up via Text
- Pro Version - Thread #2
- Change donation ID e-mail address?
- Text Fill-up
- Adding Service Record from multiple reminders
- Old Pro registration that keeps deactivating
- Help with Purchase Rec (Sibling rec error)
- Contacting FUELLY
- I forgot to make a backup
- For Future Release Purchase price
- Missed fuel up - but know mileage
- Will aCar continue to be a going concern?
- My Fuelly costs and cars show on a Google Search
- Iphone to Android
- "You have one vehicle on Fuelly account which you're tracking its fuelups with trip d
- Calculations are wrong
- Can I upload a vehicle from webpage?
- Records
- Octane statistics applied wrong
- Hide retired cars
- Neaby Fueling Stations
- For Future Release Forgotten Records
- For Future Release Electric car features please
- Data went missing...
- Selling car to another Fuelly user
- Pictures/PDF files
- For Future Release Why my data lost
- Access to the Average Speed Field
- EDIT Purchase price
- Where to add purchase price
- For Future Release Would like ability to track DEF purchase/use
- GPS Route Logging
- Why bother Upgrading to Pro Version?
- Nearby Fueling Stations
- Trip Mode?
- Cusromize Main Concole
- Calculate City/Highway from Avg Speed
- For Future Release Reset scheduled service items
- Issue with Total time in statistics
- Merge data from two different versions.
- Purchase data lost
- Insurance expense.
- Lost data from Late August to Late September
- Multiple purchase records?
- add option for different tire sizes
- Feature request
- PDF attachment can't open
- For Future Release Auto Start Trip
- 5.2.8 widgets broken
- Portuguese translation
- Lost maintenance records
- Fuelly icon on android
- Unable to register aCar Pro
- Pro Version
- Rollback v5.2.2?
- Bi fuel / dual deposit support
- For Future Release OBD II Trip Integration
- Error in date calculation
- New Trip
- Fuel-Up Records No Avg Speed
- "Family" configuration question given new sync ability
- Hourly, daily and weekly automatic backups to local storage.
- Fuelly deleted file
- Requested new features
- Track service/fillups by HOUR instead of mile/KM?
- Engine fuel specification - gasoline missing
- ACar App
- Incorrect Previous Odometer
- Services and reminders
- Enter data out of sequence
- Update on Development Please
- Recording trips on fuelly.com
- Reminder Alerts not working
- Import aCar data into Fuelly online.
- Fuelly Car Tracking by mileage vs distance
- Cannot import trips
- Total cost of ownership calc
- Cant compare cars in the charts
- App will not restor .abp file
- suggestion: Some smart fuel-up features
- Export in CSV?
- Time zone issues on sync
- Sync multiple devices
- Local Backup after setting up SYNC
- Parts data
- For Future Release Address Entry Field
- How to track hours and Oil type used?
- ACAR was broken after the last update
- Fuelly/Acar merge went haywire
- For Future Release Feature Request: Adjust sync frequency
- CSV Export Missing / Roll Back to 4.x?
- change from trip to odo reader so i can use aCar
- 5.x missing all vehicles
- Apply default reminder option missing
- Duplicate parts for different year same car
- Sync problem
- Different Service Intervals for Multiple Vehicles
- Services to exist vehicle
- Version 5.0.x - Fuel Efficiency Incorrect
- Bug (I hope) in setting/changing Time based reminders
- Issue with Total time in Statistics
- Old phone gone, fuelly missing vehicles, old backup not readable. Help!
- Sync Errors...Lots of them
- ACAR for iPads/iPhones
- Keeps crashing on classification
- Can I correct E-mail address on android app?
- Decimal point disabled
- Reports Possibility
- Input units incorrect
- When will 5.0 rollout be complete?
- Reminders sort by due date
- Partial Fill Up MPG Value wrong
- So Ugly
- Validation Errors
- multiple cars on two different phones
- Missing Services Records
- Validation Errors
- aCar 5.x suggestions and observations
- Fuelly sync of retired vehicle
- Multiple Drivers
- Confirmed: Sync
- aCar 5.0 wrong update sync
- aCar 5.0 missing info...
- aCar 5.0 translations
- Entering older service records
- Please Remove Cloud Backup References
- Adding vehicle
- Will it EVER reach the web?
- Selecting what counts as running costs in aCar
- App not working
- Cannot wait for new version
- Reminders: Silence or Dismiss?
- Converting from total miles to trip odometer miles
- 94.5 mpg???
- Moving to new phone
- Switching to Android
- Maintenance intervals per vehicle.
- aCar backup locations?
- aCar to Fuelly.com sync?
- Can't import csv
- GasTracker+ iPhone to Android?
- maintenance other than those listed
- ABP file only
- syncing with sibling records
- How to import/enter older records?
- aCar for Android 5.0 beta talk
- Inaccurate reminders
- My Cars export to aCar
- Rename Gas Station
- We are now looking for aCar 5.0 beta testers!
- widget to NFC
- No file? Droid Turbo
- Moving to iOS - what app can I use?
- Removing gas stations from the data base?
- Deleted SD Card Date but have Dropbox Files
- Bought Pro Unlocker from Amazon - can no longer download it
- Lost Data -OK - So How do I Catch up?
- Trip Record - When do you use it?
- New Fill-up Odometer? ??
- Problem with importing CSV file.
- Vehicle Mileage is wrong...how to fix?
- Combined service records
- Notifications not accurate
- Feature Request - Multiple Time Zone Support
- Fails to import CSV file from Fuelly to aCar
- aCar unable to find backup file
- Can't Deactivate Old Device
- Entering Price/gallon
- Trip Rec Location
- Backup suggestion
- Purging old records
- restore data from old backup
- Dual Fuel (bi-fuel) and Vechicles
- share data on acar
- How do you delete a vehicle in acar
- aCar new app, translations
- Won't backup old data using Full Restore option
- reinstalling pro
- Estimated Trip Cost
- app mileage not correct?
- cannot install on Q10
- Need to add old records
- Migrate How-to
- Cannot install
- lost backup data
- Road Trip Import failing
- Validation Problems - Cannot save record
- Combine data from two phones
- lost phone, lost 2 months of data
- Is There Available An aCar Version That Is Compatible With Gingerbread
- aCar for Windows Phone?
- Materiale Design
- Unable to register aCar Pro
- Vehicle Classification ALWAYS coming up!
- migrate from aCar to fuelly
- Fixed: data recovery
- Cannot Register aCar
- aCar to IOS
- support in app for dual fuels
- Adding hour tracking
- Reading aCar ABP File
- Recover Data From Phone
- Fuelly & ACar sync
- switching to iOS from android
- Moving to Android from GasTracker+ HELP!
- Backup to Sd Card
- Switch from iOS Gas Cubby
- Need Help Recovering aCar Data
- aCar app won't download.
- GPS Problems
- OBD2 Tie In?
- aCar for Windows PC?
- Log in question
- UI Design
- Unlocked aCar