View Full Version : aCar | Mobile for Android

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  1. Feature request - Receipt Scanning!
  2. import fail
  3. Tyre log
  4. Cross border features
  5. Adjust Parameters for Reminders
  6. diferents device with one profile???
  7. Issue with odo reading and date
  8. Confirmed: Cannot edit a recent fill on Android Fuelly Ap
  9. aCar has an interesting interface. Not Android Standard
  10. aCar translation
  11. aCar Pro Key & UX
  12. Last Odometer
  13. Two change request s
  14. For Future Release Purchased acar pro for my 4.4.2 android :)
  15. aCar-Fuelly features
  16. Fuelly Android app not working
  17. Where did everyone's vehicles go? I don't see them.
  18. aCar future feature update questions
  19. Unconfirmed: Wont add fuel up
  20. Export to Fuelly.com
  21. instructions to restore from evernote
  22. Fuelly Android App Update
  23. Fuelly app problem on Android 4.4.x?
  24. Samung Galaxy S4
  25. no period on android keypad
  26. Please add miles/day to mini stats
  27. Anybody try this Android Fuelly client?