- Feature Suggestion: Custom Date Ranges for Timelines?
- New cars don't get along with fuelly
- Reasonability checks on input
- Custom Currency
- Fixing Broken Garage Entries
- Overall Fuel Economy
- 150x150 sig
- Bar Graph Question
- odometer correction in profile
- Keep track of gallons burned, not MPG.
- Total Cost Rather than Cost/Gallon
- Future Notes
- Missing Fuelup
- Mobile fuelly not working on Blackberry
- Opera Mobile 8.65 Symbian login issue
- Tracking Highway vs City Driving on Fuelly
- Average fuel mileage line in the history graph?
- How to change MPG to Litres/kms on my fuelly badge
- One more idea
- Jetta vs. Jetta TDI
- Potential vs. EPA?
- fuel-up entry suggestion
- Adding this to my forum site signature
- Monthly MPG Average
- Combined totals of all my vehicles?
- API for fuel ups
- good place to host images?
- Suggestions
- Fuelly + Facebook status?
- Model Stastics?
- Motor Home tab
- Total gallons used?
- Problems with the Recently filled up section
- Suggested sanity check for out-of-order fill up entries
- Need to update US-EPA fuel economy estimates
- Add vehicle to Garage
- Fuel economy representations
- Additives included in MPG
- Start Odometer Reading
- Fuel cost constraint problem
- Total Cost of Ownership
- Topping it off screws my MPG
- Vehicle not visable
- check box for ethanol?
- Bug - multiple fillups on the same day
- new link for Mobile after submit
- Blackberry 8900 - http://m.fuelly.com - Not working
- Remember id/pw on mobile site.
- Running average
- Filter Options
- total miles and best tnak?
- Small problem with the 'recently' section and UK MPG
- Inverse scale chart: L/100km
- Incorrect mpg value when browsing cars
- Site idea, more accurate CPG
- how to find other high mileage vehicles?
- Unrealistic Fuel price
- Not only new fillup on mobile page?
- Fuelly Mail idea
- Import/Export feature
- Trends in Fuelly
- I can't get into my account!
- More data sorting options?
- Vehicle National Location
- Gallons per 100 miles
- Facebook Connect
- Vegetable oil fuel type
- UK setting incorrectly showing kilometers?
- Avg L/100km changes with different units selected
- Wrong litres per gallon calculations!
- ..are my Tips THAT bad (lol)..
- Extended fuel mileage plots?
- Additional sort filters
- Request: browse users by best/worst MPG.
- Suggestion: "Invite Friends/Family" Link
- Fuel cost per litre
- New Forum!
- Fuelly for Maintenance?
- 100,000 fuel-ups!
- More Fuelly graphics?
- List of all entries
- Forum banner code incorrect?
- Forum Etiquette and rules
- Graph not updating?
- UK MPG Added
- Estimated Hwy MPG
- New forum moderators
- New Head Admin
- How to delete gas log entry?
- Avg. Time Between Fill-ups
- Fuelly Badge on Facebook?
- Comparing efficiency of makes & models
- twitter integration?
- Why no EPA Estimate for one of my cars?
- Monthly Average Cost per Mile
- Gallons per Mile?
- Retire a Vehicle
- Per Month tracking?
- How about retiring a car without deleting it?
- Moped/Scooter as Generic Makes
- Gas price chart?
- Average MPG
- Display previous miles on entry page
- Browsing by MPG?
- Adding multiple entries at once?
- Suggestion: split up different engines
- US/Imperial mpg figures
- Expand the data stored
- Technical Beef with the Line Graph
- Metric RSS + US/Metric in Profile
- Fuelly API
- Simple math
- Add Eagle Talon as an automobile make and model please!
- Forum Signature Image
- Is mpg on bar graph average or best?
- couple of usability suggestions for "add a fuel up"
- mpg calculations
- Maintenance Records?
- Site navigation problem
- More Graphs
- suggestion: running averages of data?
- Odometer reading on recent fuel ups
- Option for km/L
- Sort by Number of Fuel Ups
- How to add a second car to Garage?
- Export the Car Profile Table?
- Car Filtering by Engine and Body Style
- Problem with Total Cost field in metric view
- Country/Currency Preference
- Fuel Spreadsheet
- Calculate CO2 produced
- Problems with my gas logs.
- EPA figures not correct?
- Vehicle Notes
- Track Everything
- Monthly fuel expense
- Sharing Vehicles
- Fuelly Mail
- SCAMMER on gassavers.org
- Rounding on Fuel-up Edits
- Dual Tank
- Garage Help
- How do invite ?
- Plots 1. Price of fuel over time 2. Carbon emission
- Heading Typo?
- I know this sounds like a stupid question but...
- Individual Fuel Ups Reporting 0.0 Odometer
- Vote for Tips
- Can no longer add fuel-ups with LG Viewty
- The mobile site default date is behind by 1 month and one day on Opera Mobile 8.65
- Browsing by engine type
- Export based on Metric/US
- Price per gallon graph?
- Sort by MPG
- EPA Estimates - Display Control
- Good Idea, but This Website Has Many Shortcomings
- Multiple fillups per day - broken
- Too many entries W/ "0 MPG"
- Distinction in 'garage' for cars we no longer own
- Invites?
- Saab 3-SEP?
- Suggestion: Comparing Apples to Apples - McIntosh Apples to Granny Smith Apples that is . . .
- New Model Mileage Graphs
- Mobile site doesn't follow a car's 'units' setting
- MPG showing up as L/100km
- "Basic Stats" separated by year?
- Reserve Miles for Motorcycles
- Mileage icon for displaying on other forums/boards?
- Add an option to specify fuel grade and octane rating
- Fuelly's EPA Estimates are Based Upon Old EPA Estimates
- forum for each car?
- iPhone App?
- suggestion for stat comparison
- Please add the statistic "Gallons Per Mile"
- What is this stat?
- Text box for the odometer?
- Miles/Km Conversion Problem
- Should I enter a discounted price?
- Sort by MPG?
- Bar-Graph
- Recent Fuel-ups Graph Scale
- Browse Vehicles Add-on
- KM/L versus L/100KM
- Commenting on tips
- Find friends disappears after adding a friend
- Partial fuel-up Issue
- can receipts be entered in any date order?
- Need more error checking.
- other currencies
- Windows Mobile 6 IE failure
- Metric Avg Price/km not correct
- Data Import Test
- Reporting capabilities via SMS?
- Metric Display Test
- Organize FE results by user/top performance?
- Graph widget shows old data
- "Remember my login" option
- Awards for improper entry
- Privacy settings?
- electric l/100km MJ/km
- No EPA Est for 2007 Chrysler Town & Country
- Vehicle Event History
- More Metric Options
- RSS feed for Fuel Tip Page
- Share Data With Friends (Facebook, etc)
- Correcting mistakes
- Importing data
- Ability to comment on Fuel Tips
- Partial Fuel-ups
- Hide Zero MPG While Browsing
- Enter in Partial Fill-Ups
- Currency Support
- Feature request: input "validation" override
- Fleet/Brand metrics?
- total fuel cost for fill-up instead of price per gallon
- i Phone app?
- How do I change the EPA Estimates
- Import fuel-ups via csv / txt file?
- Imperial/Metric choices for both distance and volume (separated out)
- Confused: trip odometer vs. odometer?
- Metric HALF-working tonight.
- Custom Car Models and Motorcycles
- TOP 10 best/worst by fuel economy
- Suggestion for web addresses of member pages
- Can I Manually Add Years Prior to 2006
- m.fuelly.com crashing Mobile Safari on fuel-up
- Make / Model/ Year averages
- Remember Login on Mobile page
- A bug in the system?
- Fuel Economy and Lease Mileage
- Suggestion
- Basic Stats
- Graphs
- No love for motorcycles...
- Error on fuel-up
- More flexibility in Fueling up
- iPhone interface - I missed a fuel up check box is distorted
- feature request: updates via text message
- suppress vehicles showing "0 mpg"
- Year of Car
- More metric metrics please, please
- More vehicle models
- Missed Fuel-ups
- Browse by MPG, etc
- Consumption and Price Graphs
- Mass Updates
- allow sign-in with user name
- Nice new Fuelly screencast courtesy of Demo Girl
- Engine and trans
- BlackBerry Error