View Full Version : Fuelly Web Support and Community News

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  1. Feature Suggestion: Custom Date Ranges for Timelines?
  2. New cars don't get along with fuelly
  3. Reasonability checks on input
  4. Custom Currency
  5. Fixing Broken Garage Entries
  6. Overall Fuel Economy
  7. 150x150 sig
  8. Bar Graph Question
  9. odometer correction in profile
  10. Keep track of gallons burned, not MPG.
  11. Total Cost Rather than Cost/Gallon
  12. Future Notes
  13. Missing Fuelup
  14. Mobile fuelly not working on Blackberry
  15. Opera Mobile 8.65 Symbian login issue
  16. Tracking Highway vs City Driving on Fuelly
  17. Average fuel mileage line in the history graph?
  18. How to change MPG to Litres/kms on my fuelly badge
  19. One more idea
  20. Jetta vs. Jetta TDI
  21. Potential vs. EPA?
  22. fuel-up entry suggestion
  23. Adding this to my forum site signature
  24. Monthly MPG Average
  25. Combined totals of all my vehicles?
  26. API for fuel ups
  27. good place to host images?
  28. Suggestions
  29. Fuelly + Facebook status?
  30. Model Stastics?
  31. Motor Home tab
  32. Total gallons used?
  33. Problems with the Recently filled up section
  34. Suggested sanity check for out-of-order fill up entries
  35. Need to update US-EPA fuel economy estimates
  36. Add vehicle to Garage
  37. Fuel economy representations
  38. Additives included in MPG
  39. Start Odometer Reading
  40. Fuel cost constraint problem
  41. Total Cost of Ownership
  42. Topping it off screws my MPG
  43. Vehicle not visable
  44. check box for ethanol?
  45. Bug - multiple fillups on the same day
  46. new link for Mobile after submit
  47. Blackberry 8900 - http://m.fuelly.com - Not working
  48. Remember id/pw on mobile site.
  49. Running average
  50. Filter Options
  51. total miles and best tnak?
  52. Small problem with the 'recently' section and UK MPG
  53. Inverse scale chart: L/100km
  54. Incorrect mpg value when browsing cars
  55. Site idea, more accurate CPG
  56. how to find other high mileage vehicles?
  57. Unrealistic Fuel price
  58. Not only new fillup on mobile page?
  59. Fuelly Mail idea
  60. Import/Export feature
  61. Trends in Fuelly
  62. I can't get into my account!
  63. More data sorting options?
  64. Vehicle National Location
  65. Gallons per 100 miles
  66. Facebook Connect
  67. Vegetable oil fuel type
  68. UK setting incorrectly showing kilometers?
  69. Avg L/100km changes with different units selected
  70. Wrong litres per gallon calculations!
  71. ..are my Tips THAT bad (lol)..
  72. Extended fuel mileage plots?
  73. Additional sort filters
  74. Request: browse users by best/worst MPG.
  75. Suggestion: "Invite Friends/Family" Link
  76. Fuel cost per litre
  77. New Forum!
  78. Fuelly for Maintenance?
  79. 100,000 fuel-ups!
  80. More Fuelly graphics?
  81. List of all entries
  82. Forum banner code incorrect?
  83. Forum Etiquette and rules
  84. Graph not updating?
  85. UK MPG Added
  86. Estimated Hwy MPG
  87. New forum moderators
  88. New Head Admin
  89. How to delete gas log entry?
  90. Avg. Time Between Fill-ups
  91. Fuelly Badge on Facebook?
  92. Comparing efficiency of makes & models
  93. twitter integration?
  94. Why no EPA Estimate for one of my cars?
  95. Monthly Average Cost per Mile
  96. Gallons per Mile?
  97. Retire a Vehicle
  98. Per Month tracking?
  99. How about retiring a car without deleting it?
  100. Moped/Scooter as Generic Makes
  101. Gas price chart?
  102. Average MPG
  103. Display previous miles on entry page
  104. Browsing by MPG?
  105. Adding multiple entries at once?
  106. Suggestion: split up different engines
  107. US/Imperial mpg figures
  108. Expand the data stored
  109. Technical Beef with the Line Graph
  110. Metric RSS + US/Metric in Profile
  111. Fuelly API
  112. Simple math
  113. Add Eagle Talon as an automobile make and model please!
  114. Forum Signature Image
  115. Is mpg on bar graph average or best?
  116. couple of usability suggestions for "add a fuel up"
  117. mpg calculations
  118. Maintenance Records?
  119. Site navigation problem
  120. More Graphs
  121. suggestion: running averages of data?
  122. Odometer reading on recent fuel ups
  123. Option for km/L
  124. Sort by Number of Fuel Ups
  125. How to add a second car to Garage?
  126. Export the Car Profile Table?
  127. Car Filtering by Engine and Body Style
  128. Problem with Total Cost field in metric view
  129. Country/Currency Preference
  130. Fuel Spreadsheet
  131. Calculate CO2 produced
  132. Problems with my gas logs.
  133. EPA figures not correct?
  134. Vehicle Notes
  135. Track Everything
  136. Monthly fuel expense
  137. Sharing Vehicles
  138. Fuelly Mail
  139. SCAMMER on gassavers.org
  140. Rounding on Fuel-up Edits
  141. Dual Tank
  142. Garage Help
  143. How do invite ?
  144. Plots 1. Price of fuel over time 2. Carbon emission
  145. Heading Typo?
  146. I know this sounds like a stupid question but...
  147. Individual Fuel Ups Reporting 0.0 Odometer
  148. Vote for Tips
  149. Can no longer add fuel-ups with LG Viewty
  150. The mobile site default date is behind by 1 month and one day on Opera Mobile 8.65
  151. Browsing by engine type
  152. Export based on Metric/US
  153. Price per gallon graph?
  154. Sort by MPG
  155. EPA Estimates - Display Control
  156. Good Idea, but This Website Has Many Shortcomings
  157. Multiple fillups per day - broken
  158. Too many entries W/ "0 MPG"
  159. Distinction in 'garage' for cars we no longer own
  160. Invites?
  161. Saab 3-SEP?
  162. Suggestion: Comparing Apples to Apples - McIntosh Apples to Granny Smith Apples that is . . .
  163. New Model Mileage Graphs
  164. Mobile site doesn't follow a car's 'units' setting
  165. MPG showing up as L/100km
  166. "Basic Stats" separated by year?
  167. Reserve Miles for Motorcycles
  168. Mileage icon for displaying on other forums/boards?
  169. Add an option to specify fuel grade and octane rating
  170. Fuelly's EPA Estimates are Based Upon Old EPA Estimates
  171. forum for each car?
  172. iPhone App?
  173. suggestion for stat comparison
  174. Please add the statistic "Gallons Per Mile"
  175. What is this stat?
  176. Text box for the odometer?
  177. Miles/Km Conversion Problem
  178. Should I enter a discounted price?
  179. Sort by MPG?
  180. Bar-Graph
  181. Recent Fuel-ups Graph Scale
  182. Browse Vehicles Add-on
  183. KM/L versus L/100KM
  184. Commenting on tips
  185. Find friends disappears after adding a friend
  186. Partial fuel-up Issue
  187. can receipts be entered in any date order?
  188. Need more error checking.
  189. other currencies
  190. Windows Mobile 6 IE failure
  191. Metric Avg Price/km not correct
  192. Data Import Test
  193. Reporting capabilities via SMS?
  194. Metric Display Test
  195. Organize FE results by user/top performance?
  196. Graph widget shows old data
  197. "Remember my login" option
  198. Awards for improper entry
  199. Privacy settings?
  200. electric l/100km MJ/km
  201. No EPA Est for 2007 Chrysler Town & Country
  202. Vehicle Event History
  203. More Metric Options
  204. RSS feed for Fuel Tip Page
  205. Share Data With Friends (Facebook, etc)
  206. Correcting mistakes
  207. Importing data
  208. Ability to comment on Fuel Tips
  209. Partial Fuel-ups
  210. Hide Zero MPG While Browsing
  211. Enter in Partial Fill-Ups
  212. Currency Support
  213. Feature request: input "validation" override
  214. Fleet/Brand metrics?
  215. total fuel cost for fill-up instead of price per gallon
  216. i Phone app?
  217. How do I change the EPA Estimates
  218. Import fuel-ups via csv / txt file?
  219. Imperial/Metric choices for both distance and volume (separated out)
  220. Confused: trip odometer vs. odometer?
  221. Metric HALF-working tonight.
  222. Custom Car Models and Motorcycles
  223. TOP 10 best/worst by fuel economy
  224. Suggestion for web addresses of member pages
  225. Can I Manually Add Years Prior to 2006
  226. m.fuelly.com crashing Mobile Safari on fuel-up
  227. Make / Model/ Year averages
  228. Remember Login on Mobile page
  229. A bug in the system?
  230. Fuel Economy and Lease Mileage
  231. Suggestion
  232. Basic Stats
  233. Graphs
  234. No love for motorcycles...
  235. Error on fuel-up
  236. More flexibility in Fueling up
  237. iPhone interface - I missed a fuel up check box is distorted
  238. feature request: updates via text message
  239. suppress vehicles showing "0 mpg"
  240. Year of Car
  241. More metric metrics please, please
  242. More vehicle models
  243. Missed Fuel-ups
  244. Browse by MPG, etc
  245. Consumption and Price Graphs
  246. Mass Updates
  247. allow sign-in with user name
  248. Nice new Fuelly screencast courtesy of Demo Girl
  249. Engine and trans
  250. BlackBerry Error