- US / metric switching problems
- How to fix a broken garage link
- CNG and lack of Kg/cubic meter
- Body style - Liftback - missing
- Can you flag a fuel-up to disregard it?
- Chevy Volt
- My Fuelly Badge
- Why fill my tank?
- I wish...
- Browse Vehicles
- This has always "bugged" me - why no car/garage search feature?
- Garage comments?
- Price precision & "Primary Vehicle"
- Slightly annoying sort order on 'View all fuel-ups'
- IPhone App any time soon?
- Basic Stats
- New model approval?
- Rolling Averages?
- Rounding errors
- Wrong Gallons for UK user
- Feature: Option for both Metric and Imperial on Badge
- Fuelly Suggestion!
- Identify gas types (Octane)
- Suggestion: Ability to have date in format DD/MM/YYYY
- Trouble Logging On Last Nite?
- Starting odometer reading
- Vehicles excluded from graph?
- Request avg. fuel per car
- Need to break out drivetrains
- Accuracy of Fuelly
- Really GasSavers.org? Really?
- More Advanced Search or Sort options
- Multiple fillups per day - graph order
- Fabia RS - Wrong!
- Help...MPG calculator not working
- MPG, why not l/100km in the gaslog?
- Suggestion: Display units next to odometer
- UK units setting not 'remembered'.
- pain to set up in UK
- km/l possible?
- Facebook Fuelly App
- Total gallons per year?
- Suggestion - Track average speed
- Only Showing Average MPG, not MPGs per Fuel-Up?
- Suggestion
- API - Revisted?
- error when going to page
- Log your Cycling/Running on Fuelly?
- Fuel up date based on server timezone, not user
- Drivetrain options and sorting
- issue with image in signature banner
- Sort database for all cars by mpg
- For the Brits
- Miles driven for year.
- miles between fuelup limit?
- Small feature request
- Garmin to Fuelly Conversion Program
- Program not work.. while entering price in Thai Bhat
- Tracking Distance Using the Odometer
- UK units vs US units problems?
- Filter for cars that aren't being updated?
- Total avg mpg calculation?
- Add car
- Transfer Vehicle to Other Fuelly User
- Fuelly Signature not showing correct average MPG
- fixing your garage
- Need help - my trip odometer was reset
- request: add 3&6 month simple moving averages to the graphs.
- Working on a new membership system
- Export fuel-ups
- Can't delete fill ups posted by a friend.
- history limit?
- cost of ownership stat
- Alternate info and banners
- no average mpg bar graph for motorcycle models
- SMS feature
- More Recent Fill Ups View
- Making Fuelly more "Shoping" friendly
- Too large a fuel tank for Fuelly.com
- Zero on Y axis
- Data/Chart Discrepancy
- more fuel up options
- Can't find the HTML for our MPG badge image
- Fuel-up Total
- Unbelievably high MPG in Recent Activity
- Customizable basic stats
- Browse by MPG?
- Mpg not showing correctly
- Location awareness
- login problems
- How is mpg avg calculated for the bar graphs?
- dual fuel
- Errors on Best Tank page
- Fuel-up added screen?
- epa estimates
- Garage Cleanup
- Fuelly Android App -
- Text message directions missing
- A feature I'd like Fuelly to add to site
- "Best" mpg inaccurate for some. Why?
- When will my car show up in "Browse Vehicles"?
- Export CSV via command line (wget)
- Blackberry Fuelly Launcher Experts avail?
- Average MPG stuck?
- A request
- Calcualtion all screwed up
- Alert that I may have missed a fuel-up?
- Kilometers per liter (KMPL)
- Gallons (US Liquid/Imperial)
- Can't change vehicle pic?!
- MPG, last 2 fuel ups read blank
- SMS Partial or Full
- Cannot edit fillups before 2000
- Android app? And explanation of engine types..!
- MPG correction...
- Average km or miles per day...
- No MPG on next tank after partial fuel-up ?
- Adding a Tank Size.
- Best ever tank notification - 1st time only?
- Whos with me guys?
- Average MPG calculation??
- l/100km calculation shown after posting is incorrect.
- Query with fill ups
- Incorrect Calculation
- Price per mile?
- Fuelly for Android?
- Large Fuel Tank capacity
- please add 2011 to year selection
- RSS feed
- Suggestion: Save/Re-use Notes
- Missing total purchase price from one fillup?
- Notes
- Approach with caution.
- Fuelly sig bar?
- SMS fuelup went to wrong car
- Mileage/KM Missing from 1 Fill Up.
- SMS banner.
- Price per gallon graphed along with MPG?
- Fuel type selection
- Potential Savings Per Fuel-up
- Import broken?
- iPhone Facelift
- Ranking Cars
- car not showing up on browse vehicles?
- Fuel-up via SMS
- First fill in a new car
- Fuelly banner on signature
- Add Groups?
- Privacy
- TOP 10 best by fuel economy
- Incorrectly calculated MPG
- iphone experience
- Request for more detailed avg mpg graph
- Potential Fuel Savings Optimistic
- What are these engine options?
- Provision for fuel system cleaners
- A Couple of Possible Additions
- initial fill up
- How can I get last year's data?
- Suggestion: BlackBerry/other smartphone App
- Total Spent for 2010 is still not showing.
- Is it possible to see basic stats in metric?
- Any chance of more metric/imperial hybrid options?
- Garage size
- Recovering faster from partial fill-up
- Error: Please select a car to fuel up.
- Unable to retire motorcycles?
- Total Spend for last year
- Just a convenience suggestion
- Why can't I see all vehicles
- Editting Problem
- Feature Request: Cost field in Notes
- badge/signature suggestion
- Red number in parentheses within profile
- CSV import issues
- Toyota tacoma EPA Estimates?
- no toyota Auris on the list
- Need to unretire my VX.
- More Basic Stats
- Twitter+Fuelly
- More fun on FUELLY
- Sort on Hybrid Vehicles
- Multiple Vehicles of the Same Type:
- An idea for something new.
- Fuelly API, Remote Update
- Your Cars
- Currency
- Miles per uk gallon?
- Town & Country wrong engine.
- Odometer Field for database
- Suggestion: Show Mileage
- Tracking Monthly Fuel Expense
- Last MPG and Best MPG
- suggestion: make a politics sub-forum
- Login Error! Can't login via mobile web
- Potential Savings Per Fuel-up Suggestion
- Ford Fusion Hybrid Please!
- wont let me enter a fuel up :(
- Matching EPA Type to My Car
- iPhone app
- MPG rating showing 0.0 and "-" for two months
- Correction for tire/rim sizes?
- Different reading on Vista & Xp home.
- Octane rating on Fillup?
- fuelly mobile coming up blank
- How do I start? Enter my first fuel up?
- Basic Stats
- Adding reminders to notes
- Request for moderator
- Consumption units question
- Still hoping for FB app/badge & iPhone app
- Total Liters
- Engine Types
- Update the Model List?
- Missed Fuelup...Where is it?
- fake in gasoline garage
- iPhone location
- GasSaver's GasLog Overall MPG
- Location filter?
- Problem with Browse Vehicles?
- comparing apples to oranges...
- Completely n00b question
- Partial Fuel ups have changed my global average
- So, do you guys plan on being around for awhile?
- Graph in the gas log
- Fuel-up Edit/Save Inaccuracy
- Export CSV Issues
- Badge-engineering and marketoid confusion!
- Average incorrect
- Stickers?
- POLL: Do you have an iPhone?
- Partial fuel-up - when do you reset your trip odometer?
- top 10 gas car question
- Won't Take Data Input
- RSS feed for friends activity
- Fuel Cost
- EPA rating for V6 Venza for Canada
- Tire sizing odometer modifier?
- Texting input request
- Picture / data issues
- File import issue
- Incorrect Milage Calcuatlion
- Coupons and Promotions Forum
- Notes Request
- More graphs?
- Fuelly and Twitter
- Blackberry App for Fuelly
- GasSavers.org now has Youtube embedding!