View Full Version : Fuelly Web Support and Community News

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  1. US / metric switching problems
  2. How to fix a broken garage link
  3. CNG and lack of Kg/cubic meter
  4. Body style - Liftback - missing
  5. Can you flag a fuel-up to disregard it?
  6. Chevy Volt
  7. My Fuelly Badge
  8. Why fill my tank?
  9. I wish...
  10. Browse Vehicles
  11. This has always "bugged" me - why no car/garage search feature?
  12. Garage comments?
  13. Price precision & "Primary Vehicle"
  14. Slightly annoying sort order on 'View all fuel-ups'
  15. IPhone App any time soon?
  16. Basic Stats
  17. New model approval?
  18. Rolling Averages?
  19. Rounding errors
  20. Wrong Gallons for UK user
  21. Feature: Option for both Metric and Imperial on Badge
  22. Fuelly Suggestion!
  23. Identify gas types (Octane)
  24. Suggestion: Ability to have date in format DD/MM/YYYY
  25. Trouble Logging On Last Nite?
  26. Starting odometer reading
  27. Vehicles excluded from graph?
  28. Request avg. fuel per car
  29. Need to break out drivetrains
  30. Accuracy of Fuelly
  31. Really GasSavers.org? Really?
  32. Print
  33. More Advanced Search or Sort options
  34. Multiple fillups per day - graph order
  35. Fabia RS - Wrong!
  36. Help...MPG calculator not working
  37. MPG, why not l/100km in the gaslog?
  38. Suggestion: Display units next to odometer
  39. UK units setting not 'remembered'.
  40. pain to set up in UK
  41. km/l possible?
  42. Facebook Fuelly App
  43. Total gallons per year?
  44. Suggestion - Track average speed
  45. Only Showing Average MPG, not MPGs per Fuel-Up?
  46. Suggestion
  47. API - Revisted?
  48. error when going to page
  49. Log your Cycling/Running on Fuelly?
  50. Fuel up date based on server timezone, not user
  51. Drivetrain options and sorting
  52. issue with image in signature banner
  53. Sort database for all cars by mpg
  54. For the Brits
  55. Miles driven for year.
  56. miles between fuelup limit?
  57. Small feature request
  58. Garmin to Fuelly Conversion Program
  59. Program not work.. while entering price in Thai Bhat
  60. Tracking Distance Using the Odometer
  61. UK units vs US units problems?
  62. Filter for cars that aren't being updated?
  63. Total avg mpg calculation?
  64. Add car
  65. Transfer Vehicle to Other Fuelly User
  66. Fuelly Signature not showing correct average MPG
  67. fixing your garage
  68. Need help - my trip odometer was reset
  69. request: add 3&6 month simple moving averages to the graphs.
  70. Working on a new membership system
  71. Export fuel-ups
  72. Can't delete fill ups posted by a friend.
  73. history limit?
  74. cost of ownership stat
  75. Alternate info and banners
  76. no average mpg bar graph for motorcycle models
  77. Facebook
  78. SMS feature
  79. More Recent Fill Ups View
  80. Making Fuelly more "Shoping" friendly
  81. Too large a fuel tank for Fuelly.com
  82. Zero on Y axis
  83. Data/Chart Discrepancy
  84. more fuel up options
  85. Can't find the HTML for our MPG badge image
  86. Fuel-up Total
  87. Unbelievably high MPG in Recent Activity
  88. Customizable basic stats
  89. Browse by MPG?
  90. Mpg not showing correctly
  91. Location awareness
  92. login problems
  93. How is mpg avg calculated for the bar graphs?
  94. dual fuel
  95. Errors on Best Tank page
  96. Fuel-up added screen?
  97. epa estimates
  98. Garage Cleanup
  99. Fuelly Android App -
  100. Text message directions missing
  101. A feature I'd like Fuelly to add to site
  102. "Best" mpg inaccurate for some. Why?
  103. When will my car show up in "Browse Vehicles"?
  104. Export CSV via command line (wget)
  105. Blackberry Fuelly Launcher Experts avail?
  106. Average MPG stuck?
  107. A request
  108. Calcualtion all screwed up
  109. Alert that I may have missed a fuel-up?
  110. Kilometers per liter (KMPL)
  111. Gallons (US Liquid/Imperial)
  112. Can't change vehicle pic?!
  113. MPG, last 2 fuel ups read blank
  114. SMS Partial or Full
  115. Cannot edit fillups before 2000
  116. Android app? And explanation of engine types..!
  117. MPG correction...
  118. Average km or miles per day...
  119. No MPG on next tank after partial fuel-up ?
  120. Adding a Tank Size.
  121. Best ever tank notification - 1st time only?
  122. Whos with me guys?
  123. Average MPG calculation??
  124. l/100km calculation shown after posting is incorrect.
  125. Query with fill ups
  126. Incorrect Calculation
  127. Price per mile?
  128. Fuelly for Android?
  129. Large Fuel Tank capacity
  130. please add 2011 to year selection
  131. RSS feed
  132. Suggestion: Save/Re-use Notes
  133. Missing total purchase price from one fillup?
  134. Notes
  135. Approach with caution.
  136. Fuelly sig bar?
  137. SMS fuelup went to wrong car
  138. Mileage/KM Missing from 1 Fill Up.
  139. SMS banner.
  140. Price per gallon graphed along with MPG?
  141. Fuel type selection
  142. Potential Savings Per Fuel-up
  143. Import broken?
  144. iPhone Facelift
  145. Ranking Cars
  146. car not showing up on browse vehicles?
  147. Fuel-up via SMS
  148. First fill in a new car
  149. Fuelly banner on signature
  150. Add Groups?
  151. Privacy
  152. TOP 10 best by fuel economy
  153. Incorrectly calculated MPG
  154. iphone experience
  155. Request for more detailed avg mpg graph
  156. Potential Fuel Savings Optimistic
  157. What are these engine options?
  158. Provision for fuel system cleaners
  159. A Couple of Possible Additions
  160. initial fill up
  161. How can I get last year's data?
  162. Suggestion: BlackBerry/other smartphone App
  163. Total Spent for 2010 is still not showing.
  164. Is it possible to see basic stats in metric?
  165. Any chance of more metric/imperial hybrid options?
  166. Garage size
  167. Recovering faster from partial fill-up
  168. Error: Please select a car to fuel up.
  169. Unable to retire motorcycles?
  170. Total Spend for last year
  171. Just a convenience suggestion
  172. Why can't I see all vehicles
  173. Editting Problem
  174. Feature Request: Cost field in Notes
  175. badge/signature suggestion
  176. Red number in parentheses within profile
  177. CSV import issues
  178. Toyota tacoma EPA Estimates?
  179. no toyota Auris on the list
  180. Need to unretire my VX.
  181. More Basic Stats
  182. Twitter+Fuelly
  183. More fun on FUELLY
  184. Sort on Hybrid Vehicles
  185. Multiple Vehicles of the Same Type:
  186. An idea for something new.
  187. Fuelly API, Remote Update
  188. Your Cars
  189. Currency
  190. Miles per uk gallon?
  191. Town & Country wrong engine.
  192. Odometer Field for database
  193. Suggestion: Show Mileage
  194. Tracking Monthly Fuel Expense
  195. Last MPG and Best MPG
  196. suggestion: make a politics sub-forum
  197. Login Error! Can't login via mobile web
  198. Potential Savings Per Fuel-up Suggestion
  199. Ford Fusion Hybrid Please!
  200. wont let me enter a fuel up :(
  201. Matching EPA Type to My Car
  202. iPhone app
  203. MPG rating showing 0.0 and "-" for two months
  204. Correction for tire/rim sizes?
  205. Different reading on Vista & Xp home.
  206. Octane rating on Fillup?
  207. fuelly mobile coming up blank
  208. How do I start? Enter my first fuel up?
  209. Basic Stats
  210. Adding reminders to notes
  211. Request for moderator
  212. Consumption units question
  213. Still hoping for FB app/badge & iPhone app
  214. Total Liters
  215. Engine Types
  216. Update the Model List?
  217. Missed Fuelup...Where is it?
  218. fake in gasoline garage
  219. iPhone location
  220. GasSaver's GasLog Overall MPG
  221. Location filter?
  222. Problem with Browse Vehicles?
  223. comparing apples to oranges...
  224. Completely n00b question
  225. Partial Fuel ups have changed my global average
  226. So, do you guys plan on being around for awhile?
  227. Graph in the gas log
  228. Fuel-up Edit/Save Inaccuracy
  229. Export CSV Issues
  230. Badge-engineering and marketoid confusion!
  231. Average incorrect
  232. Stickers?
  233. POLL: Do you have an iPhone?
  234. Partial fuel-up - when do you reset your trip odometer?
  235. top 10 gas car question
  236. Won't Take Data Input
  237. RSS feed for friends activity
  238. Fuel Cost
  239. EPA rating for V6 Venza for Canada
  240. Tire sizing odometer modifier?
  241. Texting input request
  242. Picture / data issues
  243. File import issue
  244. Incorrect Milage Calcuatlion
  245. Coupons and Promotions Forum
  246. Notes Request
  247. More graphs?
  248. Fuelly and Twitter
  249. Blackberry App for Fuelly
  250. GasSavers.org now has Youtube embedding!