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  1. how to get signature on?
  2. Confusing engine selection choices
  3. Separate Mileages for Different Fuel Types
  4. Can't Retire
  5. Introducing SSL
  6. Problems with site layout.
  7. Calculating liters by total paycheck
  8. Filter Based on 'EPA Type'
  9. Annual reports - Nice touch
  10. Can a fillup be edited?
  11. More graph entries
  12. Tags in SMS messages
  13. Still don't understand "partial fuel-ups"
  14. Numberpad on iPhone
  15. Is there an ez way to get back to the dashboard?
  16. Gaslog graph size
  17. fuel.ly links broken
  18. Additional Filters?
  19. New feature - total cost of ownership?
  20. Actual Savings
  21. Fuelly Moving to New Servers
  22. Unrealistic Fuel Price
  23. Annual Reports
  24. Combine vehicles for Stats ..
  25. Where is BMW 123d ?
  26. Lost three fills!
  27. Why is the "main" avg L/100KM wrong?
  28. Incorrect currency
  29. Partial Fuel Up - Calc Improvement suggestion
  30. H4 or L4
  31. Problems with fill ups per month
  32. MPG not calculating
  33. Mg zs
  34. Viewing in km/L
  35. Can't see my car in it's category
  36. View model averages?
  37. New feature - co2 emissions report
  38. km/l measure
  39. View All Notes
  40. Graph problems again!
  41. Average MPG higher than Best MPG?
  42. 5 Failed Logins requires captcha
  43. End sharing of Car in garage
  44. Fuelly API
  45. Tire sizing odometer modifier?
  46. Miscategorized cars.
  47. Fuelly Requests
  48. Browse Vehicle (I cant find my own vehicle.)
  49. Thanks!
  50. Graph which shows price of gas vs date?
  51. Avarage L/100 km wrong in my case. Why?
  52. Suggestion: Table to enter multiple fillups ala Profile listing
  53. How should I start recording?
  54. can't add/change photo to forum badge
  55. Can't log in to Fuelly with new phone
  56. Average MPH instead of city/highway miles
  57. Fuel-ups
  58. Enter Total Fill-up cost
  59. MPG not avaliable
  60. Banner image doesn't match vehicle image.
  61. Car model needs adding to database
  62. Email fill up info instead of text/SMS
  63. Suggestion: Numbered tanks
  64. need help
  65. Adding to the Custom Stats
  66. Calculate cents per litre rather than total cost.
  67. Cannot change Engine type in vehicle profile page.
  68. Getting Km / Lt
  69. How can I remove EPA type for my vehicle?
  70. Notes field privacy?
  71. City % batch update
  72. Adding a partial to the next fill-up.
  73. Logbook entries do not load after a fuel-up
  74. Graph is not matching
  75. Adding "$xx.xx purchased" to SMS response
  76. Show Running Average in Forum Signature
  77. Multiple fuel ups - same date
  78. Tracking business miles for tax purposes
  79. App for Iphone and Android?
  80. Nothing appears in Facebook
  81. customizable graph
  82. We are experimenting with enabling user reputation.
  83. Bug in car browser
  84. Developer API?
  85. Log and Facebook MPG issue
  86. How do I view graphs on my page?
  87. Default units is US ... causes confusion with non-US signatures
  88. missing odometer reading
  89. Fuel Log Display Problem
  90. Rush Hour Traffic, City driving?
  91. Time-Offset in Settings is not honored in CSV Exports
  92. not showing up
  93. Graphs disappeared!
  94. 6 fuel-ups in two months now 6 fuel-ups a month?
  95. More graph options
  96. Advanced Options
  97. New vehicle make request, how long to add.
  98. Editing a fill up for a retired vehicle declares it is for the current one.
  99. Average price per gallon
  100. Question regarding adding miles as motorway or urban.
  101. UK MPG/US Gallons
  102. view vehicles by best MPG
  103. google+ integration?
  104. My Car Missing From Browse Vehicles
  105. Mobile Site Suggestions
  106. TIME field missing in Add a fuel-up
  107. metric-imperial rounding loses significant figures
  108. Delete city vs highway %?
  109. SMS fillup bug
  110. Smoothed graph lines
  111. Notes displaying & instead of &
  112. 4x4 or 2x4??
  113. Suggestion for alerting to new best MPG
  114. Initial ODO readings of new car on fuelly
  115. Signature showing wrong MPG
  116. Signature Problem
  117. Mobile Site suggestion
  118. UK date format incorrect
  119. Proposed Feature: Search
  120. Joint Membership with GasBuddy?
  121. Recent change to mobile site?
  122. Twitter updates not posting
  123. iPhone App
  124. We've added Facebook and Twitter automatic posting
  125. Can I double up to account for missed fuel-up?
  126. Math error with the running average
  127. Fuel-up Log View
  128. Publishing Fill-up Stats from Mobile Site?
  129. Mobile feature?
  130. Reconciling the first fuel-up in a new vehicle
  131. Badges Temporarily Offline
  132. Adding Engine Size and Info in Profile
  133. Fuelly Mobile horribly slow on iPhone 3G
  134. Incorrect photo displaying
  135. Average Number of Fuel-Ups Incorrect?
  136. Why doesnt my car show up under 'browse vehicles'?
  137. How to change fuel type
  138. Average running mileage on dashboard mistakely same as last fill-up.
  139. Something New - Reminders
  140. Trivial bug
  141. Inconsistent Data
  142. Over 100 Gallons
  143. Ave MPG higher than best ever
  144. One of my custom stats does not work.
  145. Cost/km incorrectly calcuated on home page
  146. Configure Highway vs. City
  147. Fuel-up feature that could be handy?
  148. Mobile site - MPG reading incorrect
  149. unrealistic mileage claim
  150. Fuelly cant add up
  151. City vs Highway tracking now a car setting
  152. city vs highway via SMS?
  153. API and Feedback
  154. Help!
  155. New Fuelly Design
  156. password reset e-mail is not working
  157. Uploading old fill up info
  158. Fuelly Mobile Location Data
  159. Price/Mile is very useful data
  160. Mpg changed on log back in.
  161. Fuelly mobile site (m.fuelly.com)
  162. Audi S3
  163. Organize searched vehicle data
  164. change car name?
  165. Signature Badge Incorrect After Adding Second Car
  166. SMS Phone Number down?
  167. Updating Graph
  168. Logging mileage via text message
  169. Problems with Total Miles Driven
  170. 2012 cars
  171. Price form problem
  172. Site navigation refinement
  173. More specific "engine type" by model
  174. fuelly mobile site issue
  175. More metric unit options
  176. Which EPA Numbers?
  177. A preview of our new site for Earth Day!
  178. Issues with the MPG Average.
  179. Find vehicles/friends by area?
  180. mistertee's Dashboard Figures Wrong!
  181. Data Extract
  182. SMS Returns Landline Error
  183. More chart options
  184. Fuelly siggy
  185. Getting started with a new car
  186. Average MPG graphs misleading
  187. SMS question
  188. Problem with badges.
  189. Metric Units in Overview.
  190. My car not showing up on Browse Vehicles
  191. Incorrect mileage calculation?
  192. Is the MPG average 'weighted'?
  193. more stats and graphs
  194. MPG Calculation
  195. Starting milage??
  196. electricity / kWh fuel type
  197. Editing posts
  198. Text Query
  199. Time only on re-edit?
  200. Fill up more than one vehicle with SMS
  201. Top Ten for Motorcycle Browse Page
  202. Invite button
  203. Default Car?
  204. Like to see top X list of user fill-ups
  205. Suggestion for the forum topic/posts area.
  206. See car details directly after fuel-up
  207. US/UK/Metric all the same???
  208. SMS Problem
  209. Regional price variation
  210. More accurate detail tracking?
  211. Drop Price/Gal and Add Cost of Fill-Up
  212. Improve mobile usability by specifying number input fields
  213. Mobile Page for Smartphones
  214. New Search box?
  215. Feature Request:: addition on fuel-up page
  216. Vehicle not listed in browse vehicle section
  217. adding servicing and running costs
  218. Location per vehicle, not per user account
  219. 4-decimal-place Cost Per Mile?
  220. First fill ignored in ODO mode.
  221. Fuelly Mobile Update
  222. Feully API
  223. CSV import problem.
  224. Bug when Updating Car with Model of Type Others
  225. More filters for graphs
  226. Where'd the graphs go?!
  227. AVG MPG seems too high
  228. Profile averages seem off
  229. Cost per Mile - Statistic Request
  230. Total Cost of a Fill Up
  231. litres conversion changed?
  232. Cost field in "add a note".
  233. MPG not Shown
  234. Can fuel descriptions associate with mileage at *next* fuel-up?
  235. Post fuel up without odometer reading?
  236. Bug with car image upload
  237. Location awareness!
  238. Account Settings
  239. Past yearly vehicle stats.
  240. Add a "Beginning Odometer Reading"
  241. More SMS Requests
  242. Epa estimates?
  243. Odometer tracking and maintenance reminders.
  244. Questions for pb about site.
  245. engine type update?
  246. Allow Us to Email to Fuelly Our Updates?
  247. How do I record odometer readings?
  248. Could you add?
  249. fuel log date showing another language
  250. Fuelly badge icon choices