- how to get signature on?
- Confusing engine selection choices
- Separate Mileages for Different Fuel Types
- Can't Retire
- Introducing SSL
- Problems with site layout.
- Calculating liters by total paycheck
- Filter Based on 'EPA Type'
- Annual reports - Nice touch
- Can a fillup be edited?
- More graph entries
- Tags in SMS messages
- Still don't understand "partial fuel-ups"
- Numberpad on iPhone
- Is there an ez way to get back to the dashboard?
- Gaslog graph size
- fuel.ly links broken
- Additional Filters?
- New feature - total cost of ownership?
- Actual Savings
- Fuelly Moving to New Servers
- Unrealistic Fuel Price
- Annual Reports
- Combine vehicles for Stats ..
- Where is BMW 123d ?
- Lost three fills!
- Why is the "main" avg L/100KM wrong?
- Incorrect currency
- Partial Fuel Up - Calc Improvement suggestion
- H4 or L4
- Problems with fill ups per month
- MPG not calculating
- Mg zs
- Viewing in km/L
- Can't see my car in it's category
- View model averages?
- New feature - co2 emissions report
- km/l measure
- View All Notes
- Graph problems again!
- Average MPG higher than Best MPG?
- 5 Failed Logins requires captcha
- End sharing of Car in garage
- Fuelly API
- Tire sizing odometer modifier?
- Miscategorized cars.
- Fuelly Requests
- Browse Vehicle (I cant find my own vehicle.)
- Thanks!
- Graph which shows price of gas vs date?
- Avarage L/100 km wrong in my case. Why?
- Suggestion: Table to enter multiple fillups ala Profile listing
- How should I start recording?
- can't add/change photo to forum badge
- Can't log in to Fuelly with new phone
- Average MPH instead of city/highway miles
- Fuel-ups
- Enter Total Fill-up cost
- MPG not avaliable
- Banner image doesn't match vehicle image.
- Car model needs adding to database
- Email fill up info instead of text/SMS
- Suggestion: Numbered tanks
- need help
- Adding to the Custom Stats
- Calculate cents per litre rather than total cost.
- Cannot change Engine type in vehicle profile page.
- Getting Km / Lt
- How can I remove EPA type for my vehicle?
- Notes field privacy?
- City % batch update
- Adding a partial to the next fill-up.
- Logbook entries do not load after a fuel-up
- Graph is not matching
- Adding "$xx.xx purchased" to SMS response
- Show Running Average in Forum Signature
- Multiple fuel ups - same date
- Tracking business miles for tax purposes
- App for Iphone and Android?
- Nothing appears in Facebook
- customizable graph
- We are experimenting with enabling user reputation.
- Bug in car browser
- Developer API?
- Log and Facebook MPG issue
- How do I view graphs on my page?
- Default units is US ... causes confusion with non-US signatures
- missing odometer reading
- Fuel Log Display Problem
- Rush Hour Traffic, City driving?
- Time-Offset in Settings is not honored in CSV Exports
- not showing up
- Graphs disappeared!
- 6 fuel-ups in two months now 6 fuel-ups a month?
- More graph options
- Advanced Options
- New vehicle make request, how long to add.
- Editing a fill up for a retired vehicle declares it is for the current one.
- Average price per gallon
- Question regarding adding miles as motorway or urban.
- UK MPG/US Gallons
- view vehicles by best MPG
- google+ integration?
- My Car Missing From Browse Vehicles
- Mobile Site Suggestions
- TIME field missing in Add a fuel-up
- metric-imperial rounding loses significant figures
- Delete city vs highway %?
- SMS fillup bug
- Smoothed graph lines
- Notes displaying & instead of &
- 4x4 or 2x4??
- Suggestion for alerting to new best MPG
- Initial ODO readings of new car on fuelly
- Signature showing wrong MPG
- Signature Problem
- Mobile Site suggestion
- UK date format incorrect
- Proposed Feature: Search
- Joint Membership with GasBuddy?
- Recent change to mobile site?
- Twitter updates not posting
- iPhone App
- We've added Facebook and Twitter automatic posting
- Can I double up to account for missed fuel-up?
- Math error with the running average
- Fuel-up Log View
- Publishing Fill-up Stats from Mobile Site?
- Mobile feature?
- Reconciling the first fuel-up in a new vehicle
- Badges Temporarily Offline
- Adding Engine Size and Info in Profile
- Fuelly Mobile horribly slow on iPhone 3G
- Incorrect photo displaying
- Average Number of Fuel-Ups Incorrect?
- Why doesnt my car show up under 'browse vehicles'?
- How to change fuel type
- Average running mileage on dashboard mistakely same as last fill-up.
- Something New - Reminders
- Trivial bug
- Inconsistent Data
- Over 100 Gallons
- Ave MPG higher than best ever
- One of my custom stats does not work.
- Cost/km incorrectly calcuated on home page
- Configure Highway vs. City
- Fuel-up feature that could be handy?
- Mobile site - MPG reading incorrect
- unrealistic mileage claim
- Fuelly cant add up
- City vs Highway tracking now a car setting
- city vs highway via SMS?
- API and Feedback
- Help!
- New Fuelly Design
- password reset e-mail is not working
- Uploading old fill up info
- Fuelly Mobile Location Data
- Price/Mile is very useful data
- Mpg changed on log back in.
- Fuelly mobile site (m.fuelly.com)
- Audi S3
- Organize searched vehicle data
- change car name?
- Signature Badge Incorrect After Adding Second Car
- SMS Phone Number down?
- Updating Graph
- Logging mileage via text message
- Problems with Total Miles Driven
- 2012 cars
- Price form problem
- Site navigation refinement
- More specific "engine type" by model
- fuelly mobile site issue
- More metric unit options
- Which EPA Numbers?
- A preview of our new site for Earth Day!
- Issues with the MPG Average.
- Find vehicles/friends by area?
- mistertee's Dashboard Figures Wrong!
- Data Extract
- SMS Returns Landline Error
- More chart options
- Fuelly siggy
- Getting started with a new car
- Average MPG graphs misleading
- SMS question
- Problem with badges.
- Metric Units in Overview.
- My car not showing up on Browse Vehicles
- Incorrect mileage calculation?
- Is the MPG average 'weighted'?
- more stats and graphs
- MPG Calculation
- Starting milage??
- electricity / kWh fuel type
- Editing posts
- Text Query
- Time only on re-edit?
- Fill up more than one vehicle with SMS
- Top Ten for Motorcycle Browse Page
- Invite button
- Default Car?
- Like to see top X list of user fill-ups
- Suggestion for the forum topic/posts area.
- See car details directly after fuel-up
- US/UK/Metric all the same???
- SMS Problem
- Regional price variation
- More accurate detail tracking?
- Drop Price/Gal and Add Cost of Fill-Up
- Improve mobile usability by specifying number input fields
- Mobile Page for Smartphones
- New Search box?
- Feature Request:: addition on fuel-up page
- Vehicle not listed in browse vehicle section
- adding servicing and running costs
- Location per vehicle, not per user account
- 4-decimal-place Cost Per Mile?
- First fill ignored in ODO mode.
- Fuelly Mobile Update
- Feully API
- CSV import problem.
- Bug when Updating Car with Model of Type Others
- More filters for graphs
- Where'd the graphs go?!
- AVG MPG seems too high
- Profile averages seem off
- Cost per Mile - Statistic Request
- Total Cost of a Fill Up
- litres conversion changed?
- Cost field in "add a note".
- MPG not Shown
- Can fuel descriptions associate with mileage at *next* fuel-up?
- Post fuel up without odometer reading?
- Bug with car image upload
- Location awareness!
- Account Settings
- Past yearly vehicle stats.
- Add a "Beginning Odometer Reading"
- More SMS Requests
- Epa estimates?
- Odometer tracking and maintenance reminders.
- Questions for pb about site.
- engine type update?
- Allow Us to Email to Fuelly Our Updates?
- How do I record odometer readings?
- Could you add?
- fuel log date showing another language
- Fuelly badge icon choices