- Filter cars by location.
- Filter by Imperial vs. U.S. Gallons?
- programming language
- Integration with Google Docs or IFTTT.com
- Cost of driving
- New user, confusion...
- avg mpg calculation
- First fill up after signing up?
- Fuelly SMS app for Windows Phone
- Fuelly has 1 major flaw...
- Web site errors
- Too many dp in amount fields
- Please Add Time of Day to Fuel Up Screen
- Some vehicle types are not showing up on the 'Browse Vehicles' page.
- Entire site reports lower mpgs when UK and Canada users are included
- Figures on my account
- Problem with reminders
- Volt AGAIN
- MPG calc incorrect
- car not listed
- I give up, where's the import function?
- Inactive Users
- Q about GasTracker, can't connect with a 3GS
- Forums are not marking themselves as "read"
- City vs Highway Chart
- Fee for privacy?
- First Fuel Up
- Search by Area...
- Average Time between Fill ups
- Is anyone using fuelly to manage a business fleet?
- Skoda Citigo - L3?
- Fix for ODO in KMS but Fuelly reading as MILES ???
- Engine Types
- Fuelly MPG issue.
- Two of the same vehicle in Motorcycles
- Projected 2013 cost analysis
- Wild roller coaster ride graph
- Mini Stat suggestion: Average Miles Per Day
- Top 3 images by year
- Fuelly Tips?
- Wish list: make comments to the group with my make and model, 2) rank by best mpg
- How to expand the histogram to see a larger mpg range
- No stats?
- Fuelly Apps Are Coming! [Logged]
- Why doesn't fuelly track expenses?
- Fuelly Calculations
- Great idea, great program, great site
- Browsing Cars By Fuel Mileage
- Miles Per Litre Stats
- Average price/gallon doesn't consider number of gallons actually purchased
- Add driver to car already in garage, for shared car
- Not posting to Facebook
- Hypermiling Assistant Application for Windows Phone
- Erratic MPG
- Charting not up to date
- Request for a new unit of measurement for sig banner
- Spoiler
- Odometer help/suggestion
- Tow
- mpg ceiling
- Filters please
- Vehicle year - 2013
- fuelly can't do math
- Strange MPG spike
- Volume Corrected to 15C notice on pumps
- New Feature: Videos
- My vehicle showings on listing, but not on Graph
- Revoked certificate yesterday?
- Issue with mileage calculation using odometer option.
- Ave MPG reporting issue, and Total "garage" costs/consumption by months?
- Problems with odometer MPG (Incorrect calculations)
- Mobile App and Multiple vehicles?
- First Fuel Up, New car
- Importing csv is not detecting the price
- Color change to new post indicator
- Lots of new faces today
- Updating Gaslog Graphs?
- Incorrect EPA MPG for my vehicle?
- Avg MPG skews with a blank entry
- Cannot use Fuelly Signature
- Can I reset my city percentage?
- Custome Stat?
- No Chevrolet Volt???
- Add Vehicle Nicknames to Facebook Posts
- Mazda 3 engine types
- Problem posting price per litre (UK)
- Where the heck is everybody?
- odometer readings
- Adding a Fuel up Correctly
- city/motorway filters
- view miles driven per month
- Why not add location to fuel ups?
- API status
- ODO in km, wrong unit...
- Request: Days Between Fuel-ups
- Am i doing something wrong????
- Notes and tags
- Request: MPG graph over vehicle lifetime
- Please add country filter
- Add A Vehicle, Model Year
- Can't add a new car to my garage
- New Forum - Lots of Changes!
- Badges not updating after changes
- Model not listed
- 2013 Honda Accord not showing up in Browse Vehicles
- New Skin is Live
- UK Measurements
- Fuelly Mobile Shortcut on iPhone 5 not full screen.
- Option of Total or Unit Price
- Ford Escape Gas Mileage
- Next Chapter for Gas Savers
- Australia Country Abbreviation
- App is always very slow to use
- Suggestion & request to be able to sort the data displayed
- Incorrect mpg
- Add Non-Fuelup Event
- Fuel-Up tracking issue
- Fuelly & Twitter
- Trip Computer MPG Record
- Gaslog charts
- Sharing via Twitter: MPG + L/100km?
- Enter Time of fuel up
- Accurate MPG.
- Miles Per Litre Stats
- Start Date for Reminders
- First fillup?
- Number Section of iOs keyboard
- Totals KM tracked and MPG computation
- MPG is incorrect?
- Graphing MPG Data
- Language support in the notes field?
- First fuel up advice please
- Suggestions from a Newbie
- Ability to plot data on an annual basis
- Log Book vs. Fuel-up Log data
- new user - cannot edit own posts & how do i edit my signature?
- Add Vehicle Nicknames to Facebook Posts
- Not very precise mpg calculation
- Filter Request
- Add notes via mobile page
- Mobile site gives wrong date
- Pictures will not upload
- Wrong mobile UI for Windows Phone 7.5
- User/Car with >500 MPG
- Stat request: driving rate (miles per month/year)
- SMS update did not work today.
- Fully doesn't always post to Facebook at fuels-up
- Criteria for getting and staying on the overall histogram
- l/100km to 2 dec places?
- EPA Updates for Fuel Economy
- More input options?
- Misleading milage histograms
- MPG question
- Car details lost when editing description
- Missing City/Highway option on Mobile
- My garage is empty!!!!
- Fleet average, fleet median, fleet variance
- Feature request: filter by country
- Add gal/100 mile display
- Fuelly.com on the Move
- Haven't used fuelly in a long time...what should I enter?
- UK units?
- "Partial fillup" on Fuelly Mobile nonfunctional
- new user, how add base miles?
- Friends added & car fuel ups
- Help Needed!
- Fuelly badge not updating for about 2 - 3 weeks
- Choose KM vs Miles or L vs Gal.
- What about a way to enter service costs?
- Turbo's should have their own engine type
- MPG not showing?
- Filter based on year
- Strange fuel-up calculations with odometer.
- Engine size?!
- Select on Transmission
- New Feature Suggestion - Show Notes on charts
- Ability to add a default vehicle tag
- Problems with Badges
- EPA Estimate Banner
- Updating EPA Estimates?
- Zoom bug
- A URL parameter to expand notes please.
- How to compare exact car models?
- Where's the Jeep Wrangler forum?
- Mobile site blank on iPhone 4S
- Reminder
- Groups or 'Teams'
- no wysiwyg print
- Add "Best MPG" to car lists
- New Addition: Auto vs. Manual Transmission
- A couple of suggestions involving forum signature bars
- Drivetrain missing & necessary
- For SMS, do I use trip or odometer?
- Difficult w/ Fuelly & Blackberry
- Signature pic not adopting uplaoded photo
- Adding fill ups
- Add to signature page
- turbo motor option
- Taptalk
- Partial Fuel-up Calculations Improvements
- Add Gal / 100 mi (in both US and UK) as a display unit option
- iPhone/Andoid App
- Canadian SMS
- Suggested improvement to distribution graphic
- Odo in miles - all other metric
- Add vehicle transmission types
- Chart All Fuel-ups
- Integration of vehicle geography
- Banner problem
- New graphic idea
- Media links not working...
- Max cars reached.
- Electricity (kWh) Fuel Consumption and MPGe
- Add Engine to Ford Edge?
- having website problems
- Add an "ignore fuel up" feature
- Why Is there No App?!
- Average mpg + tracked km even though fuel-ups marked as missed
- Recent Activity
- Extend Average Fuel Graph One Month
- Questions from a newbie...
- Tips?
- Partial fill-up clarification
- Is this site V2K friendly?
- How is 'Average MPG' Computed
- Post new thread missing from iPhone view
- New problem with km/L
- Mazda Sky Active as a choice
- Incorrect average due to user error!
- change?
- Wrong MPG
- Fuelly not posting to facebook after deactivate and reactivation of Facebook account.
- First fill up using Trip with no prior history, can't do it?
- Car was with mechanic - let idle for a while - how to handle?
- First fill up on brand new car?
- New Feature: Loan and lease cost
- UK, new user, date and currency issue?
- MPG and UK MPG???
- Need a stat for gallons consumed this month
- Need separate option for Cruze Eco
- Can we have a 'top cars by mpg' section?
- Color bars based on fuel
- Cost/km calculation error:
- Currency conversion
- No Alfa 145/146?
- Add Kilometers
- iphone mobile broken
- Printable History?
- Adding Vehicle.
- Car not showing in browse vehicles