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  1. Filter cars by location.
  2. Filter by Imperial vs. U.S. Gallons?
  3. programming language
  4. Integration with Google Docs or IFTTT.com
  5. Cost of driving
  6. New user, confusion...
  7. avg mpg calculation
  8. First fill up after signing up?
  9. Fuelly SMS app for Windows Phone
  10. Fuelly has 1 major flaw...
  11. Web site errors
  12. Too many dp in amount fields
  13. Please Add Time of Day to Fuel Up Screen
  14. Some vehicle types are not showing up on the 'Browse Vehicles' page.
  15. Entire site reports lower mpgs when UK and Canada users are included
  16. Figures on my account
  17. Problem with reminders
  18. Volt AGAIN
  19. MPG calc incorrect
  20. car not listed
  21. I give up, where's the import function?
  22. Inactive Users
  23. Q about GasTracker, can't connect with a 3GS
  24. Forums are not marking themselves as "read"
  25. City vs Highway Chart
  26. Fee for privacy?
  27. First Fuel Up
  28. Search by Area...
  29. Average Time between Fill ups
  30. Is anyone using fuelly to manage a business fleet?
  31. Skoda Citigo - L3?
  32. Fix for ODO in KMS but Fuelly reading as MILES ???
  33. Engine Types
  34. Fuelly MPG issue.
  35. Two of the same vehicle in Motorcycles
  36. Projected 2013 cost analysis
  37. Wild roller coaster ride graph
  38. Mini Stat suggestion: Average Miles Per Day
  39. Top 3 images by year
  40. Fuelly Tips?
  41. Wish list: make comments to the group with my make and model, 2) rank by best mpg
  42. How to expand the histogram to see a larger mpg range
  43. No stats?
  44. Fuelly Apps Are Coming! [Logged]
  45. Why doesn't fuelly track expenses?
  46. Fuelly Calculations
  47. Great idea, great program, great site
  48. Browsing Cars By Fuel Mileage
  49. Miles Per Litre Stats
  50. Average price/gallon doesn't consider number of gallons actually purchased
  51. Add driver to car already in garage, for shared car
  52. Not posting to Facebook
  53. Hypermiling Assistant Application for Windows Phone
  54. Erratic MPG
  55. Charting not up to date
  56. Request for a new unit of measurement for sig banner
  57. Spoiler
  58. Odometer help/suggestion
  59. Tow
  60. mpg ceiling
  61. Filters please
  62. Vehicle year - 2013
  63. fuelly can't do math
  64. Strange MPG spike
  65. Volume Corrected to 15C notice on pumps
  66. New Feature: Videos
  67. My vehicle showings on listing, but not on Graph
  68. Revoked certificate yesterday?
  69. Issue with mileage calculation using odometer option.
  70. Ave MPG reporting issue, and Total "garage" costs/consumption by months?
  71. Problems with odometer MPG (Incorrect calculations)
  72. Mobile App and Multiple vehicles?
  73. First Fuel Up, New car
  74. Importing csv is not detecting the price
  75. Color change to new post indicator
  76. Lots of new faces today
  77. Updating Gaslog Graphs?
  78. Incorrect EPA MPG for my vehicle?
  79. Avg MPG skews with a blank entry
  80. Cannot use Fuelly Signature
  81. Can I reset my city percentage?
  82. Custome Stat?
  83. No Chevrolet Volt???
  84. Add Vehicle Nicknames to Facebook Posts
  85. Mazda 3 engine types
  86. Problem posting price per litre (UK)
  87. Where the heck is everybody?
  88. odometer readings
  89. Adding a Fuel up Correctly
  90. city/motorway filters
  91. view miles driven per month
  92. Why not add location to fuel ups?
  93. API status
  94. ODO in km, wrong unit...
  95. Request: Days Between Fuel-ups
  96. Am i doing something wrong????
  97. Notes and tags
  98. Request: MPG graph over vehicle lifetime
  99. Please add country filter
  100. Add A Vehicle, Model Year
  101. Can't add a new car to my garage
  102. New Forum - Lots of Changes!
  103. Badges not updating after changes
  104. Model not listed
  105. 2013 Honda Accord not showing up in Browse Vehicles
  106. New Skin is Live
  107. UK Measurements
  108. Fuelly Mobile Shortcut on iPhone 5 not full screen.
  109. Option of Total or Unit Price
  110. Ford Escape Gas Mileage
  111. Next Chapter for Gas Savers
  112. Australia Country Abbreviation
  113. App is always very slow to use
  114. Suggestion & request to be able to sort the data displayed
  115. Incorrect mpg
  116. Add Non-Fuelup Event
  117. Fuel-Up tracking issue
  118. Fuelly & Twitter
  119. Trip Computer MPG Record
  120. Gaslog charts
  121. Sharing via Twitter: MPG + L/100km?
  122. Enter Time of fuel up
  123. Accurate MPG.
  124. Miles Per Litre Stats
  125. Start Date for Reminders
  126. First fillup?
  127. Number Section of iOs keyboard
  128. Totals KM tracked and MPG computation
  129. MPG is incorrect?
  130. Graphing MPG Data
  131. Language support in the notes field?
  132. First fuel up advice please
  133. Suggestions from a Newbie
  134. Ability to plot data on an annual basis
  135. Log Book vs. Fuel-up Log data
  136. new user - cannot edit own posts & how do i edit my signature?
  137. Add Vehicle Nicknames to Facebook Posts
  138. Not very precise mpg calculation
  139. Filter Request
  140. Add notes via mobile page
  141. Mobile site gives wrong date
  142. Pictures will not upload
  143. Wrong mobile UI for Windows Phone 7.5
  144. User/Car with >500 MPG
  145. Stat request: driving rate (miles per month/year)
  146. SMS update did not work today.
  147. Fully doesn't always post to Facebook at fuels-up
  148. Criteria for getting and staying on the overall histogram
  149. l/100km to 2 dec places?
  150. EPA Updates for Fuel Economy
  151. More input options?
  152. Misleading milage histograms
  153. MPG question
  154. Car details lost when editing description
  155. Missing City/Highway option on Mobile
  156. My garage is empty!!!!
  157. Fleet average, fleet median, fleet variance
  158. Feature request: filter by country
  159. Add gal/100 mile display
  160. Fuelly.com on the Move
  161. Haven't used fuelly in a long time...what should I enter?
  162. UK units?
  163. "Partial fillup" on Fuelly Mobile nonfunctional
  164. new user, how add base miles?
  165. Friends added & car fuel ups
  166. Help Needed!
  167. Fuelly badge not updating for about 2 - 3 weeks
  168. Choose KM vs Miles or L vs Gal.
  169. What about a way to enter service costs?
  170. Turbo's should have their own engine type
  171. MPG not showing?
  172. Filter based on year
  173. Strange fuel-up calculations with odometer.
  174. Engine size?!
  175. Select on Transmission
  176. New Feature Suggestion - Show Notes on charts
  177. Ability to add a default vehicle tag
  178. Problems with Badges
  179. EPA Estimate Banner
  180. Updating EPA Estimates?
  181. Zoom bug
  182. A URL parameter to expand notes please.
  183. How to compare exact car models?
  184. Where's the Jeep Wrangler forum?
  185. Mobile site blank on iPhone 4S
  186. Reminder
  187. Groups or 'Teams'
  188. no wysiwyg print
  189. Add "Best MPG" to car lists
  190. New Addition: Auto vs. Manual Transmission
  191. A couple of suggestions involving forum signature bars
  192. Drivetrain missing & necessary
  193. For SMS, do I use trip or odometer?
  194. Difficult w/ Fuelly & Blackberry
  195. Signature pic not adopting uplaoded photo
  196. Adding fill ups
  197. Add to signature page
  198. turbo motor option
  199. Taptalk
  200. Partial Fuel-up Calculations Improvements
  201. Add Gal / 100 mi (in both US and UK) as a display unit option
  202. iPhone/Andoid App
  203. Canadian SMS
  204. Suggested improvement to distribution graphic
  205. Odo in miles - all other metric
  206. Add vehicle transmission types
  207. Chart All Fuel-ups
  208. Integration of vehicle geography
  209. Banner problem
  210. New graphic idea
  211. Media links not working...
  212. Max cars reached.
  213. Electricity (kWh) Fuel Consumption and MPGe
  214. Add Engine to Ford Edge?
  215. having website problems
  216. Add an "ignore fuel up" feature
  217. Why Is there No App?!
  218. Average mpg + tracked km even though fuel-ups marked as missed
  219. Recent Activity
  220. Extend Average Fuel Graph One Month
  221. Questions from a newbie...
  222. Tips?
  223. Partial fill-up clarification
  224. Is this site V2K friendly?
  225. How is 'Average MPG' Computed
  226. Post new thread missing from iPhone view
  227. New problem with km/L
  228. Mazda Sky Active as a choice
  229. Incorrect average due to user error!
  230. change?
  231. Wrong MPG
  232. Fuelly not posting to facebook after deactivate and reactivation of Facebook account.
  233. First fill up using Trip with no prior history, can't do it?
  234. Car was with mechanic - let idle for a while - how to handle?
  235. First fill up on brand new car?
  236. New Feature: Loan and lease cost
  237. UK, new user, date and currency issue?
  238. MPG and UK MPG???
  239. Need a stat for gallons consumed this month
  240. Need separate option for Cruze Eco
  241. Can we have a 'top cars by mpg' section?
  242. Color bars based on fuel
  243. Cost/km calculation error:
  244. Currency conversion
  245. No Alfa 145/146?
  246. Add Kilometers
  247. iphone mobile broken
  248. Printable History?
  249. Adding Vehicle.
  250. Car not showing in browse vehicles