- Error when importing data
- Why forcing arabic language
- How to Export Notes Only
- Fixed: Mazda MX-5 Miata's Missing?
- Did this website just become useless?
- Confirmed: Ford Escape Hybrid, engine listings duplicated. [logged]
- Fuelup Export Feature Broken
- Facebook login
- Unwelcome upgrade
- Something's Wrong With The Site
- no more desels?
- new mobile page titles cause android shortcut conflict
- Fuelly Mobile Lack of Decimal Fix
- GasTracker 2.0.1, Approved by Apple
- MPG showing as N/A after website updates
- iOS app crashes
- Too big fonts
- Http/https mixture
- Miscalculating monthly stats
- Odometer being converted
- Fixed: Best Price per Liter shows worst price [logged]
- Can't update
- City/Highway Split not Displayed (0% only) [Logged]
- Login issues on mobile app
- Text message and partial errors
- This week's site upgrade, the big picture
- Decimal Points in Fuel Up Summary
- Fixed: I missed a fuel up check box edit [logged]
- Dashboard avg MPG not correct
- Fixed: Cant edit Vehicle
- Fixed: non-integer values for gallons.
- Confirmed: Searching for vehicles basically impossible [Logged]
- Fixed: Recent Activity errors
- Where are the old cars!?!
- Custom Vehicle Listing Concerns
- Hyphen in 'full name' field
- Fixed: Decimal places not accepted
- Working As Designed: Phone log in
- Fixed: Photo shows in large badge, not small badge
- Confirmed: 2014 Honda Accord engine types messed up
- Confirmed: Miles instead of km [Logged]
- Home page layout way too condensed
- Fixed: Cost/KM not showing on Dashboard [Logged]
- daylight saving time missing
- Confirmed: Custom Stats keep disapearing! [logged]
- Fixed: Sort by Fuelup Date [logged]
- Retired vehicles missing
- For Future Release Metric and Imperial together
- Confirmed: You've lost the CSV import format file
- Fixed: Photo Missing & More
- Wrong KM/L average.
- Accord Engine Choices Confusing / Wrong
- Working As Designed: No ability to scroll since upgrade (Mac OS 10.9.3)
- Stuck with Miles while kilometers won't display.
- Incorrect Running L/100km on dashboard
- Fixed: Problem with "Chart all Fuel-ups graph display
- Dashboard showing mpg in US even though set to UK
- Inaccurate fillups
- Custom vehicle
- Fuel-up gets marked as 'partial' gastracker [Logged]
- Custom stats display issues
- Confirmed: Odometer Number incorrect [Logged]
- Miles instead of litres
- Unconfirmed: Filter by engine type not working
- Confirmed: Bike incorrectly categorized after update
- For Future Release Total cost of fill-up - feature needed
- Missing Motorcycles
- Missing Cars
- For Future Release Uploading images
- Fixed: Homepage SSL Error
- For Future Release Fueling time
- Confirmed: Make request form error
- Confirmed: Bikes Missing
- Confirmed: add vehicle link not working (.gas link)
- Fixed: Custom Photo Change
- Working As Designed: How to change default car for fill-up in GasTracker+
- notes/tags for previous fuel up
- Public API
- Fixed: Numbers keyboard on mobile site
- Feature suggestion: adjusted fuel economy
- Downtime Notice: Tuesday June 10
- Downtime Notice: Tuesday June 10
- Fuel economy not being calculated
- My car is not easily found
- First Entry - how to .....
- How to?
- Revive a retired car?
- Recent Fuel-ups Not Updating
- The Data in this website is vast! Can you please add reports? Please Comment to VOTE
- Switch fill up units on-the-fly - heading back across the border and dreading it :-(
- Doesn't Show MPG on All Entries ...
- IOS/Safari won't allow selection of engine type or trans
- EPA estimate issue
- I Want This Malibu - 16,448 MPG!
- Engine Model Description
- Mobile web view on Android Crome problem
- Metric2 swallowed by Metric
- Top 10, really?
- 50,000 miles
- Mpg of my Prius is 1.9? Are you kidding?
- Report incorrect vehicle information and other mistakes here
- Swapping Car Categories
- Banner Pic - large banner
- MPG Issue
- UK Settings
- Android app on S5 cannot be used....
- MPG not displaying
- Fuel consumption pro capita
- android app login fail
- Logging accurate mpg on Chevy Volt
- MPG Not Calculating
- First upload question
- Spam
- Won't let me add my second fuel up
- Unconfirmed: No way to SMS update a shared vehicle?
- "Total spent" doesn't add up ??!!
- Having problems getting "fuel mileage" setting applied
- Does fuelly have a service log option?
- privacy/sharing settings
- Engine swap for fuel data
- Problem with Android app
- Fuelly Beta testers needed
- Percent of Official Rating
- popup makes it unusable on android
- Add a fuel-up window not showing?
- Odometer correction factor
- Maintenance Log
- Bad members throwing off entire AVG fuelly data for 1 year
- Mobile app and web page tracking data don't match
- Fuelly data not carrying forward to Frontier forum
- Request to modify UI- Order of fields
- HELP! Wife Deleted a car by mistake
- SMS Entry not getting response
- MPG Not Registered on Each Fill Up
- Fuelly data is way off.
- Average mpg uk 2014 calculation wrong
- Option to display fuel use chart by distance or time
- Badge mpg vs Running mpg for Badsge display
- Social Integration request
- website data bug from recent change ? OR is it just me ?
- Mobile App shows no information in garage
- Can I remove one fill up?
- Fuelly Site Logo fail?
- Last and best l/100kms not displayed
- Mini Stats, Price per Kilometer
- Entering data, total cost + litres = calc $/l
- Vehicle Not Listed
- Country currency switch
- Why doesn't MPG numbers show in the MPG column?
- If first fuel-up is partial...
- GasSavers Gaslog Transfer
- Adding a new model on to Fuelly
- Welcome former GasSavers.org members!
- Android 4.3 missing decimal point
- Filtered total distance tracked for a model year incorrect
- Server Time
- Gas Savers joins Fuelly
- Fuelly Forum Upgrade
- Android app stopped working
- Fuelly graph all - Chrome cant select a range. Firefox can
- Yes, more searching options please.
- Found a bug
- Fill ups in fuelly stopped calculating mpg?
- Qashqai tekna
- Mobile site input order
- Select * from Car order by MPG asc
- Where did my car data go?!
- AVG fuel per length travelled lower than the best
- Outliers in Browse Vehicles
- Wrong MPG Calculations
- Browsing Alt Fuel Vehicles
- City/Hwy based on time, miles or fuel?
- Fuelly App
- Notes Drop Down Menu
- 2003 BMW 316 • Gas L4 Hatchback (Manual) Specs
- No internet, can i just save the refueling data?
- distance not showing in log book
- Differences between free and pay Gas Cubby versions?
- University Survey
- Facebook and what is shared/shown?
- L/100km not showing
- Fuelup-via-SMS outdated
- Fuely keeps on modifying my fuel-ups
- Can you re-order vehicles
- How do I turn the graphs on?
- Monday Forum glitch
- Fuelly vs EPA estimated mileage error
- Garage Search Function does not work, never seemed to
- Aggregate stats
- Concerns coming over from Gas Cubby
- Ultragauge: Do I need to reset AVG mpg at every fill up?
- "New" 2000 honda Civic
- Where are the moderators?
- Miles per Tank for 12 foot Penske?
- Cars, Trucks and Bucks on TalkZone.com
- Why does this forum require so much user information?
- Hybrid Designation and EV Miles
- Fuelly? ?WTF? mpg readings are so low.
- Editing reminders
- Mobile Site Extremely Slow
- More granular vehicle groupings?
- partial fuel up...
- Site is Miscalculating Miles Between Fuel-Ups!
- Cant find the forum badge
- Forum Housekeeping - a little re-org
- Fuelly ownership change
- Gearbox dropdown greyed out; missing engines?
- Import link not there
- Join with Fuelly?
- Trying to add a car
- My 2014 doesn't show up with all other 2014's when searching
- Update: Fuelly == Data for Drivers
- CSV upload price error
- Fuelly not responding to messages
- Car doesn't show up
- A suggestion to improve the site
- Small issue with fuel entry, leading zero
- Problems with my Volt fuel-up
- correcting incorrect data
- My car doesn't display in proper category.
- iPhone app not working with multiple vehicles
- Facebook post not working?
- Fuelly Forum Banner
- Additional filter options
- Export fuelly?
- Manual Shifters
- How can I override the fuel tank capacity?
- Where have the Abarths gone?
- Allow MPG option to help with partial fillups
- Adding service costs to total cost statistics.
- Add a car to garage
- Adding the 2013 Ford Fusion Energi?
- Can we disable hashtags?
- Car make not on the list
- MPG way off
- Garage Pics
- "Your Garage" grayed out
- No partial fills
- UK SMS Not Returning Information?
- Average mileage wrong
- Signature
- Correcting bad data entries
- Miles correction for different tire size
- Potential feature and disagreement on presentation
- Gas Price Gouging in Akron Ohio
- Suggest to use median MPG for a group of cars
- Going Green
- Looks like the price you entered for a litre of gas is unrealistic.
- Is there a way to report suspected erroneous entries?
- $10 of E85 for free in Illinois