- Mini Stat - Average Days per Fillup
- Unconfirmed: [Bug] When Retiring a vehicle
- All Stats Lost
- Where does Fuelly get the location of stations from?
- ⛽ Show city/hwy stats when comparing 🚗
- Fuelly web site problem?
- Can you restore an archived Vehicle?
- Question about mpg calculation
- Enter Data by SMS for Different Date
- This guy needs help...
- Too many fields on 'Add a fuelup' page
- Log Book - Cost issue
- Location concerns
- add transmission type to vehicle profiles
- Missing signature
- Just signed up - my vehicle doesn't appear on the general page for this vehicle type
- Odometer reading only for input?
- site certificate issue
- Minor glitch
- Fuel Consumption is not MPG
- How do I display BEST and LAST L/100km Values
- For Future Release MPG offset
- Dashboard information
- Archived Cars
- Missing MPG/miles travelled
- Adding Service Data to Fuelly?
- Fuelly forum signature
- Website traduction ?
- Site Downtime | Monday Aug 31
- New Options for Fuel Up
- Incorrect calculation
- MPG UK not working on Iphone App
- Total Spent is incorrect
- Location in Log Book?
- Regional Search
- "Partial fill-up" is calculated
- Fuelly Mobile App
- Honda Accord Engine Types
- What is partially fuel up and Missed fuel up?
- Reminders aren't working
- Notes from mobile app not appearing on fuelly.com
- Banner doesnt display in forum signature?
- Separate gas vs hybrid
- Average Fuel Consumption Over Last xxxx Miles
- Fuelly Web using wrong units
- How many fill ups do I have to log before my account shows up?
- Unconfirmed: Asked for further details repeatedly when trying to add a fuel-up for my bike.
- SMS info .texting info into web
- Any way to aggregate MPG by gas attributes?
- Can't input miles
- total cost is hard set
- Historic Averages by Vehicle Type not Calculating properly for L/100 km display
- Help entering mileage
- help with deleting accounts
- Issue with the chart for fuel-ups and dashboard
- New Information and Fuel types
- New Service category (DEF)?
- How to properly calculate numbers when switching fuel type?
- Reactivating an old account
- Rounding error with litres
- Data entry Field order/options
- My vehicle doesn't appear with others of the same type
- Confused with Fuelly - Partial fill ups?
- Can't complete the vehicle data entry pop-up
- Diesel ratings in Texas
- Can't update my car stats.
- Fuel Octane Rating Additions
- Missing Notes/Maintenance Records?
- Fuelly Site Update
- Account suspended for15 minutes
- Travelin' Man
- Can't Add Vehicle
- Fixed: Don't want gallons need litres
- Banner issue
- Cant add new vehicle (Web)
- Doing it right?
- Need Options to set AWD, 4 Wheel Drive, 2 Wheel Drive
- Missing topics after spam attack
- Can I download my data?
- Working As Designed: help with Fuelly settings...!
- New vehicle with zero miles?
- Mobile App won't remember my ID
- Unconfirmed: Poor resolution displayed in L/100KM
- For Future Release BUG: Analysis screens for a given year of car always graph in US MPG
- Please unretire two of my vehicles
- SMS sent to wrong vehicle
- Texts not updating anymore
- New Speedo, mileage reset
- Kia Sportage
- Add a new car.
- Engine choices, too many and too confusing
- Apple app showing 198mpg!
- Annual notes bug
- ques. about miles per year traveled
- Tags seem to be broken
- determining highway vs city percentages
- Odometer Reading v/s Miles traveled
- Total Spent
- Import Fuelly csv
- Temporarily Change Currency/Fuel Units
- Import csv
- Units
- Two Accord hybrids
- Partial Fuel-Up distorts MPG
- Incorrect mileage calculation
- Help with this recording process please
- MPG dfference
- Fixed: Fuel ups not updating data
- Fuel-ups/Mileage Leaders on Fuelly
- Motorcycles listed under Cars
- Fuelly account disabled
- A couple of UX suggestions for fill-up form
- Adding fuel info from months past
- For Future Release Dashboard across garage
- Flagging wrong averages
- Calculations compared to other apps
- tips
- disabled/locked account
- Cars listed with incorrect engine - skewing results
- Editing a post
- Old data incorrectly converted?
- For Future Release Allow Entry Of "Overridden" Costs/Fill, Cost/Gal.?
- What defines an "Active Member"?
- Importing Average MPG
- Fixed: Imported data off by one day in Fuelly app
- what is fuelly average based on?
- Gas Cubby to aCar; iOS to Android
- EPA fuel estimates outdated?
- Mobile Web input
- Log Book > Display 'x' Records Behavior
- Request to Remove "View New Messages" Banner Ad
- error in monthly average consumtion chart
- Removing a vehicle
- For Future Release Charts of interest
- vehicle base odometer data
- fuel price data field accuracy
- For Future Release Graph by price
- Recent Activity hyperlinks
- What is a gallon?
- Change ownership ?
- Poster location
- Select a Location
- MPG Issues with second hand car
- "Best in garage"
- Limit to high-mileage between fuel-ups?
- No 2015 mini stats field yet
- Type of fuel and where purchased
- Recovering Retired Vehicle
- Accurate fuel up question
- Newbie questions
- Database Error
- city / hwy slider issue
- MPG not being calculated...
- Retired vehicles not showing in profile?
- L/100km is not calculated when I add a fuel up !?
- Missing entries from sept and oct.
- Filliing up in litres
- Missing MPG
- Multiple Currencies
- Different tire offsets
- Setting help
- Fuel up problem - can't enter litres
- Fixed: Invisible odometer
- Can we get an automatic tally of total gallons used?
- Wrong Fill Up Entry
- Log Out
- Help changing input units
- Missing engine types
- Calculates using the wrong miles regardless of what I enter
- Missed fuel-ups? Option not appearing
- Fixed: Mileage between fill ups is wrong. *Entry Error*
- discrepancy between fuelly calculation and mine?
- Not a 'pick-up'
- Adding Fuel in USA!
- Problem with mini stats
- 1 car out of 6 requires odometer, others trip meter
- Average Gallons Per Fillup
- Fuelly on new phone via SMS
- adding new vehicle
- Avg KM/Tank
- Mileage not updating
- Web site icon different since update
- Odometer reading vs. Mile since last fill up
- Calculations off?
- iOS 8.0.2 on iPhone 6 Plus not working
- 2015 soul
- unable to enter . on Note 3
- Miles
- Mini Stats > What is a "Month"?
- For Future Release Just an idea
- Number of cars vs. MPG bar graph
- For Future Release Log Book - Gallons out to 3 decimals
- Average Consumption (MPG) graph
- Not convinced!
- 3rd party API needed badly
- Notes Not Showing in Mobile App
- Add fuel asking for gallons not litres
- Unknown Error Adding New Vehicle
- "Partial fuel-ups and fuel-ups following a partial fuel-up will not display an MPG"
- Missing a vehicle from my garage...
- Display inconsistencies
- Working As Designed: system not calculating mpg if last fuel up was partial.
- For Future Release Database Search
- For Future Release Log Book display of Odomoter Reading, too
- Question about basic stats
- Dashboard settings
- signed up but get error on log in
- CSV Import not working
- Different mpg when not logged in
- Top Ups vs Partial Fill
- 3 decimals
- Fuelly app and mobile not allowing fillup
- Working As Designed: MPG Not displaying in Log Book
- For Future Release Adding average MPG to graph.
- Incorrect mileage calculation
- Vehicle info not posting
- Not allowing to add fillup
- Working As Designed: Units
- DaveT
- City vs Hwy
- Not Being Allowed to Switch Between Gallons & L per 100 km
- Error Code When Entering Kms
- Error w/ same-day fillups
- Lost all my fuel ups for my Vehicle!
- m.fuelly.com not defaulting to numeric data entry on blackberry
- Mobile web not accepting new fuel ups
- A bit strange...
- Editing an entry on website, can't change the date
- Unable to enter fuel up
- not allowing an apostrophe in a name is LAZY CODING
- Car disappeared from Garage !
- New website format is a bit annoying
- Signature Banners
- Time Zone on Settings page
- fully not calc mpg after last 3 fuel-up logs
- Importing fuel ups from the phone
- Fill Ups entered not displaying ...
- Fixed: Reconnecting to your Social Media accounts
- How to account for accidentally resetting trip meter
- Combine duplicate models?
- For Future Release Automatic Exports of Fuel-Up Data / Backups?
- Update has lost my July fill-up data?
- Fixed: Can't delete reminders for non-existent vehicles
- For Future Release Engine category
- Error 503: Cannot upload Pictures
- Fixed: Needs a new Option for fuelups
- Throw out obviously bad data?
- Adding Fuel-Ups via SMS = Awesome
- Latest fill up not displaying correctly in stats or logbook