View Full Version : Fuelly Web Support and Community News

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  1. Mini Stat - Average Days per Fillup
  2. Unconfirmed: [Bug] When Retiring a vehicle
  3. All Stats Lost
  4. Where does Fuelly get the location of stations from?
  5. ⛽ Show city/hwy stats when comparing 🚗
  6. Fuelly web site problem?
  7. Can you restore an archived Vehicle?
  8. Question about mpg calculation
  9. Enter Data by SMS for Different Date
  10. This guy needs help...
  11. Too many fields on 'Add a fuelup' page
  12. Log Book - Cost issue
  13. Location concerns
  14. add transmission type to vehicle profiles
  15. Missing signature
  16. Just signed up - my vehicle doesn't appear on the general page for this vehicle type
  17. Odometer reading only for input?
  18. site certificate issue
  19. Minor glitch
  20. Fuel Consumption is not MPG
  21. How do I display BEST and LAST L/100km Values
  22. For Future Release MPG offset
  23. Dashboard information
  24. Archived Cars
  25. Missing MPG/miles travelled
  26. Adding Service Data to Fuelly?
  27. Fuelly forum signature
  28. Website traduction ?
  29. Site Downtime | Monday Aug 31
  30. New Options for Fuel Up
  31. Incorrect calculation
  32. MPG UK not working on Iphone App
  33. Total Spent is incorrect
  34. Location in Log Book?
  35. Regional Search
  36. "Partial fill-up" is calculated
  37. Fuelly Mobile App
  38. Honda Accord Engine Types
  39. What is partially fuel up and Missed fuel up?
  40. Reminders aren't working
  41. Notes from mobile app not appearing on fuelly.com
  42. Banner doesnt display in forum signature?
  43. Separate gas vs hybrid
  44. Average Fuel Consumption Over Last xxxx Miles
  45. Fuelly Web using wrong units
  46. How many fill ups do I have to log before my account shows up?
  47. Unconfirmed: Asked for further details repeatedly when trying to add a fuel-up for my bike.
  48. SMS info .texting info into web
  49. Any way to aggregate MPG by gas attributes?
  50. Can't input miles
  51. total cost is hard set
  52. Historic Averages by Vehicle Type not Calculating properly for L/100 km display
  53. Help entering mileage
  54. help with deleting accounts
  55. Issue with the chart for fuel-ups and dashboard
  56. New Information and Fuel types
  57. New Service category (DEF)?
  58. How to properly calculate numbers when switching fuel type?
  59. Reactivating an old account
  60. Rounding error with litres
  61. Data entry Field order/options
  62. My vehicle doesn't appear with others of the same type
  63. Confused with Fuelly - Partial fill ups?
  64. Can't complete the vehicle data entry pop-up
  65. Diesel ratings in Texas
  66. Can't update my car stats.
  67. Fuel Octane Rating Additions
  68. Missing Notes/Maintenance Records?
  69. Fuelly Site Update
  70. Account suspended for15 minutes
  71. Travelin' Man
  72. Can't Add Vehicle
  73. Fixed: Don't want gallons need litres
  74. Banner issue
  75. Cant add new vehicle (Web)
  76. Doing it right?
  77. Need Options to set AWD, 4 Wheel Drive, 2 Wheel Drive
  78. Missing topics after spam attack
  79. Can I download my data?
  80. Working As Designed: help with Fuelly settings...!
  81. New vehicle with zero miles?
  82. Mobile App won't remember my ID
  83. Unconfirmed: Poor resolution displayed in L/100KM
  84. For Future Release BUG: Analysis screens for a given year of car always graph in US MPG
  85. Please unretire two of my vehicles
  86. SMS sent to wrong vehicle
  87. Texts not updating anymore
  88. New Speedo, mileage reset
  89. Kia Sportage
  90. Add a new car.
  91. Engine choices, too many and too confusing
  92. Apple app showing 198mpg!
  93. Annual notes bug
  94. ques. about miles per year traveled
  95. Tags seem to be broken
  96. determining highway vs city percentages
  97. Odometer Reading v/s Miles traveled
  98. Total Spent
  99. Import Fuelly csv
  100. Temporarily Change Currency/Fuel Units
  101. Import csv
  102. Units
  103. Two Accord hybrids
  104. Partial Fuel-Up distorts MPG
  105. Incorrect mileage calculation
  106. Help with this recording process please
  107. MPG dfference
  108. Fixed: Fuel ups not updating data
  109. Fuel-ups/Mileage Leaders on Fuelly
  110. Motorcycles listed under Cars
  111. Fuelly account disabled
  112. A couple of UX suggestions for fill-up form
  113. Adding fuel info from months past
  114. For Future Release Dashboard across garage
  115. Flagging wrong averages
  116. Calculations compared to other apps
  117. tips
  118. disabled/locked account
  119. Cars listed with incorrect engine - skewing results
  120. Editing a post
  121. Old data incorrectly converted?
  122. For Future Release Allow Entry Of "Overridden" Costs/Fill, Cost/Gal.?
  123. What defines an "Active Member"?
  124. Importing Average MPG
  125. Fixed: Imported data off by one day in Fuelly app
  126. what is fuelly average based on?
  127. Gas Cubby to aCar; iOS to Android
  128. EPA fuel estimates outdated?
  129. Mobile Web input
  130. Log Book > Display 'x' Records Behavior
  131. Request to Remove "View New Messages" Banner Ad
  132. error in monthly average consumtion chart
  133. Removing a vehicle
  134. For Future Release Charts of interest
  135. vehicle base odometer data
  136. fuel price data field accuracy
  137. For Future Release Graph by price
  138. Recent Activity hyperlinks
  139. What is a gallon?
  140. Change ownership ?
  141. Poster location
  142. Select a Location
  143. MPG Issues with second hand car
  144. "Best in garage"
  145. Limit to high-mileage between fuel-ups?
  146. No 2015 mini stats field yet
  147. Type of fuel and where purchased
  148. Recovering Retired Vehicle
  149. Accurate fuel up question
  150. Newbie questions
  151. Database Error
  152. city / hwy slider issue
  153. MPG not being calculated...
  154. Retired vehicles not showing in profile?
  155. L/100km is not calculated when I add a fuel up !?
  156. Missing entries from sept and oct.
  157. Filliing up in litres
  158. Missing MPG
  159. Multiple Currencies
  160. Different tire offsets
  161. Setting help
  162. Fuel up problem - can't enter litres
  163. Fixed: Invisible odometer
  164. Can we get an automatic tally of total gallons used?
  165. Wrong Fill Up Entry
  166. Log Out
  167. Help changing input units
  168. Missing engine types
  169. Calculates using the wrong miles regardless of what I enter
  170. Missed fuel-ups? Option not appearing
  171. Fixed: Mileage between fill ups is wrong. *Entry Error*
  172. discrepancy between fuelly calculation and mine?
  173. Not a 'pick-up'
  174. Adding Fuel in USA!
  175. Problem with mini stats
  176. 1 car out of 6 requires odometer, others trip meter
  177. Average Gallons Per Fillup
  178. Fuelly on new phone via SMS
  179. adding new vehicle
  180. Avg KM/Tank
  181. Mileage not updating
  182. Web site icon different since update
  183. Odometer reading vs. Mile since last fill up
  184. Calculations off?
  185. iOS 8.0.2 on iPhone 6 Plus not working
  186. 2015 soul
  187. unable to enter . on Note 3
  188. Miles
  189. Mini Stats > What is a "Month"?
  190. For Future Release Just an idea
  191. Number of cars vs. MPG bar graph
  192. For Future Release Log Book - Gallons out to 3 decimals
  193. Average Consumption (MPG) graph
  194. Not convinced!
  195. 3rd party API needed badly
  196. Notes Not Showing in Mobile App
  197. Add fuel asking for gallons not litres
  198. Unknown Error Adding New Vehicle
  199. "Partial fuel-ups and fuel-ups following a partial fuel-up will not display an MPG"
  200. Missing a vehicle from my garage...
  201. Display inconsistencies
  202. Working As Designed: system not calculating mpg if last fuel up was partial.
  203. For Future Release Database Search
  204. For Future Release Log Book display of Odomoter Reading, too
  205. Question about basic stats
  206. Dashboard settings
  207. signed up but get error on log in
  208. CSV Import not working
  209. Different mpg when not logged in
  210. Top Ups vs Partial Fill
  211. 3 decimals
  212. Fuelly app and mobile not allowing fillup
  213. Working As Designed: MPG Not displaying in Log Book
  214. For Future Release Adding average MPG to graph.
  215. Incorrect mileage calculation
  216. Vehicle info not posting
  217. Not allowing to add fillup
  218. Working As Designed: Units
  219. DaveT
  220. City vs Hwy
  221. Not Being Allowed to Switch Between Gallons & L per 100 km
  222. Error Code When Entering Kms
  223. Error w/ same-day fillups
  224. Lost all my fuel ups for my Vehicle!
  225. m.fuelly.com not defaulting to numeric data entry on blackberry
  226. Mobile web not accepting new fuel ups
  227. A bit strange...
  228. Editing an entry on website, can't change the date
  229. Unable to enter fuel up
  230. not allowing an apostrophe in a name is LAZY CODING
  231. Car disappeared from Garage !
  232. New website format is a bit annoying
  233. Signature Banners
  234. Time Zone on Settings page
  235. No HTTPS?
  236. fully not calc mpg after last 3 fuel-up logs
  237. Importing fuel ups from the phone
  238. Fill Ups entered not displaying ...
  239. Fixed: Reconnecting to your Social Media accounts
  240. How to account for accidentally resetting trip meter
  241. Combine duplicate models?
  242. For Future Release Automatic Exports of Fuel-Up Data / Backups?
  243. Update has lost my July fill-up data?
  244. Fixed: Can't delete reminders for non-existent vehicles
  245. For Future Release Engine category
  246. Error 503: Cannot upload Pictures
  247. Fixed: Needs a new Option for fuelups
  248. Throw out obviously bad data?
  249. Adding Fuel-Ups via SMS = Awesome
  250. Latest fill up not displaying correctly in stats or logbook