- Miles and mpg of fill up missing
- I messed up a little
- Photo loads upside down
- Website Incredibly Slow on Safari macOS
- Can I get station info back when I export?
- csv won't import kilometres asks for "miles" heading
- Fuelly won't calculate large kilometer fillups.
- Lost Readings
- Fuelly and aCar Updates and Development
- landcape mode sucks on a phone
- Transfer subscription to new phone
- Problem entering data
- Missing decimal for some “Gallons” data
- Trouble syncing from GC to Fuelly
- How to put mpg data in Fuelly Posts?
- Why was station price tracking remove.
- Adding a missed fuelup isnt working
- Lost all data after loading Fuelly app?
- last and Best Mpg.
- Manage aCar app data on the web
- Unconfirmed: pass word/ ID
- I'mSorry, But This Is Unusable
- How Do I Add My Motor Home
- Import Data from Vehicle Manager
- Deleting vehicle that won't delete
- More picture in signature ?
- Chrysler Pacifica (2018 van)
- Can't export a date range of fuel ups
- wrong engine selection for 2018 (10th generation)Honda Accord
- Fuelly not tracking miles
- Comparing other's MPG by octane rating?
- Adding a Fuel-Up in Litres
- Fuelly web export does not include fuel up time
- Help! No vehicles!!!
- No data on website from mobile
- Missed fillups etc
- I don't like entering current odometer
- Cant get the site to calculate the mileage
- How to stop the pop ups?
- Fuelly partial fillup mpg glitch?
- For Future Release add in a 4wd filter?
- For Future Release Please lift requirement to "name" vehicle
- Managing Lists
- Service reminders overdue?
- Export Crashes App
- Avg L/100km calculation wrong?
- 2018 Honda Accord
- [bug?] MPG calculations are wrong
- Error after editing a fill up
- Repeated attempts to request password reset links
- Odometer reading help
- Location.
- copy and paste to your signature
- Please generate a chart by odometer
- Problems with Chrysler Pacifica
- Notes - cost/price field
- Where did guesstimate the odometer go?
- How to delete all fuel ups?
- Filter by transmission - when browsing vehicles
- i think fuelly needs to learn to count
- Log Book Doesn't Show Odometer (Miles)
- Fuelly Fuel-Up app crashes on Android 8
- Bug: Avg Miles/Fuel-Up
- Restore from backups
- Switching from trip miles to odometer
- Log book records not displaying for other users vehicles
- My upload deleted one of my vehicles
- Facebook posts no longer show MPG
- account disabled
- Charting all my Fuel Ups weird behaviour!
- Did my car break fuelly?
- "Research Vehicles" questions
- % city miles default change
- export API for external analysis?
- How to switch from ks since last fuel up to odometer entry?
- [Error] 2006 Swift entry
- Merge two cars? (It's the same)
- 2013 Ford Flex EPA Model Estimates engine choices are incorrect
- Research Vehicles for NIRO is Not Correct
- Need additional option for display units
- most economic list
- Missing vehicle while browsing
- How to record more than one fuel in same vehicle
- Forum avatar missing
- Add a mini-stat?
- MPG Incorrect Calculation
- I'm trying to check out the Kia Niro
- South Africa incorrect currency and flag
- Proposed 'Sticky': Incorrect Descriptions and Data Integrity
- Location?
- Group fill ups by trip
- Photobucket images - not for forum use
- Lost 4 years worth of miles
- Ford Flex missing EcoBoost
- Odometer reset to 0
- Fuelly versus Gas Cubby
- For Future Release New save card payment field
- Potential savings not shown
- MPG trend and fuel graphs missing
- Freezing!!!!! And it's not even cold out ......
- Restore from backup in iOS
- For Future Release Computer
- How do you log into the App?
- Inconsistency re: trip vs. total odometer
- Unable to Browse Similar Vehicles (2017 Chrysler Pacifica)
- Suggestion for grouping vehicle profiles
- Can't see my latest fuel-ups
- Fixed: *ERROR* Account not activated
- No activation email
- Display GEOGRAPHIC locations, please.
- Why the change?
- Mileage not being recorded
- Spam? Selling essay writing
- Tire Pressure and gas station
- Webpage Advertisments
- Can't see City Driving % on my Fuel-up?
- REQUEST - Add ability to upload picture for service records..
- Alphabet hotlink
- Disappointed with interface
- Mobile Optimized Forums?
- Average MPG in Dashboard is wrong
- Reminder by distance gone?
- Feature request - More Data collecton points
- Can't add prior fuel or service events in Fuelly v3.1.5
- Won't Register Odometer Reading in New Fuel Up Because It's Lower Than Previous One
- How to remove reminders?
- Post count
- Banner code
- My Ioniq not showing up on list
- Update to Gas Cubby Free coming March 6
- Account disabled
- New car, MPG question
- logbook shows duplicate entries
- Problem Entering Location
- Request: Data by fuel rating and brand
- Suggestion: Tank range stats
- My screen freezes
- New Android. First time crashing
- Feature Request - Upload Scanned Receipts
- Fuelly makes US News & World Report
- Site certificate error message
- Just going slight mad - adding new vehicle
- Fastback & Hatchback & Missing liftback
- First entry with half full tank
- Re-enable Account
- Remove From Garage After a Car Has Been Transferred
- Copy and Paste
- 2017 Mini Stats
- New vehicle initial fuel up calculations
- Help - Account Disabled
- Site problems?
- Reminders only available using odometer, not trip mileage
- Number of litres shown wrong
- Feature Request - Track by hours?
- Total Miles tracked reported wrong?
- Odometer Readings in Online Log
- Mixing Measurement Systems
- Can I get one of my vehicles un-retired?
- We can't calculate your UK MPG yet.
- Account Disabled
- Reminders in Dashboard zeroing out
- For Future Release Initial starting mileage
- Fuelly Site Maintenance - Oct 13
- For Future Release Need to be able to manually add locations
- Transferring
- After yesterday's update Gas Cubby is GONE!!!
- RSS Feed of personal activity?
- How do I remove an old vehicle?
- Log Book problem
- Add a Fuel-up Nits
- Customize web Log Book headings?
- Error - Account not Activated
- MPG calculation
- Duplicate motorcycle models
- New vehicle won't display litres
- Car is split into 2 cars
- How Do I Change Garage Vehicle Order?
- Custome sized banner?
- Suggestion for multi-quote button
- A problem with notes
- Filter all cars by MPG, why not?
- Time to give up?
- Web Site Service entries - Sub types empty
- Add fuel up problem.
- Display MPG, vehicle pic on forum
- Update to Reminders
- Request improved Fuelly data entry screen
- How Do I Change The Order Of My Vehicles?
- Change name on Fuelly?
- Service - Import format
- Transfered motorcycle still in my dashboard
- Fuelly Mail Spam
- Different Currencies for Different Cars
- CSV import - page not found
- When the switch?
- Can fuel-ups be posted on FB anymore ?
- 86 Octane?
- Fuel-up not showing on my Dashboard
- Format of Fuelly screens
- Wrong MPG showing on badges??
- When using partial fill ups...
- Fixed: Car just disappeared from my garage
- Error with latest fuel up
- Partial Fill Up
- Graph of vehicle usage/mileage/miles per month
- Fuel up glitch
- The fuelup following this one has an odometer of XXX which is less or equal to XXX
- display in litres.
- Data just disappeared
- Why can't I enter a location in the web interface?
- MPG conversions
- Facebook disconnects after about 2 fuel-ups
- A Fuelly within Fuelly...?!
- Send mail?
- View/Sort DB?
- Naive question on apps....
- Number of fuel ups is false...
- Query About "Add A Fuel-Up"
- Location.
- Display total cost per fuel up?
- Can't Use ISO Date/Time when entering
- Tips to restart logging after a year long break?
- Graph giving wrong data
- Vehicle Options
- BUggy imported data
- Anyway to hide "advanced" info during fuel-up?
- Forum time zone
- Starting odometer reading?
- Missing Engine Size/Type
- Aggregate MPG by gas station brand, etc.
- Vanity
- Gearbox and Location query
- Changing profile name
- 2016 Toyota Sienna
- Won't let me add Seat Ibiza - engine typed blocked.
- Can you purge Tag Drop Down List?
- Site error on stats
- A small bug
- I do not want my location recorded.
- 2016 Custom mini statistics
- 10-tank average calculations are wrong on Fuelly
- This app is broke
- Import csv fails, miles last fuelup must be at least 1
- Cost/Litre - Not available?
- Truck in wrong place
- Emissions calculations
- Syncing between 2 android devices
- lost data back up
- Lowest Price
- Export destroys data integrity