View Full Version : Fuelly Web Support and Community News

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  1. Optional data to add
  2. Fuelly Facebook Application
  3. feature requests
  4. bulk data upload
  5. Any way to account for missed fuel ups?
  6. Automatically add the 9/10ths of a penny on to the gas price
  7. Feature suggestion: website badges
  8. Add more years
  9. pls add text box for "total gas cost"
  10. Feature Request: City vs Highway
  11. Suggestion: Other ideas for comparing cars' data
  12. No problem, just a thought
  13. Future Features (Maintenance)
  14. iPhone WebApp?
  15. Batch Import?
  16. "Missed a fuelling" option
  17. Need way to indicate a missed fuel-up entry exists
  18. Chart suggestions
  19. Running average?
  20. avg miles per...
  21. Launch day issues and a quick FAQ
  22. Login inconsistencies mobile vs. PC
  23. Check box for partial fuel-ups
  24. VW GTI Not Listed
  25. 2007 Models
  26. Mobile suggestions
  27. New EPA calculations?
  28. The international user.
  29. Support for Litres?
  30. CSV upload
  31. Support for motorbikes
  32. m.fuelly.com issue.
  33. Where is the Oldsmobile choice?
  34. Metric, eh?
  35. Email of SMS interface
  36. car missing!
  37. Fuelly for international?
  38. Hello World!
  39. Green = Good, Red = Bad
  40. All Licensed Drivers
  41. Both odometer and trip mileage?
  42. Miles? Gallons?
  43. Alternate input methods?
  44. "It didn't quite get to full."
  45. What we're working on this week
  46. Attention Universe!
  47. Smart Metering Trend
  48. My car gets 12 rods to the hogshead and that's how I like it!
  49. Calendar picker for entering fuel-up date?
  50. EPA estimates
  51. Motocycle Data
  52. spam threads
  53. Forum replys
  54. Transparency in the Top 10.
  55. Gallery or Review category
  56. HHO subforum?
  57. FE lingo sticky suggestion
  58. We Are Looking For A Blogger!
  59. Improvements are hard to see in the log
  60. Garage comments?
  61. how to post
  62. remove vehicle in garage
  63. Posting Gas Log logo in signature
  64. Upgrade thread should be sticky
  65. Problem uploading photo in Garage
  66. Cannot log in from Garage tab
  67. Spam
  68. How do you set up a second vehicle garage?
  69. yearly total fuel cost
  70. Garage broken?
  71. Can't add to my Gas Log?
  72. Is there any way to make my gaslog L/100 KM instead of MPG?
  73. Test
  74. blank screen every time I post.
  75. Moderators' Interests
  76. GasSavers, CleanMPG, and PriusChat mentioned on ABC's Nightline
  77. HTML Format for smaller screens ...
  78. Big apologies to all
  79. "Crackpot" applause widget (clencher, you listening?)
  80. My tank dropped off
  81. Disappeared?
  82. attachments not viewable unless logged in.
  83. Delete vehicles?
  84. Unread
  85. Please adjust column sizes in Garage entry charts
  86. Getting timed out...
  87. mp$ on stats image
  88. Almost 100 vehicles getting +30% EPA!
  89. % City/Highway Cycle
  90. Bicycle category
  91. please delete bogus garage entries
  92. how to retire a vehicle?
  93. How to clear mpg data and chart
  94. how does the site compute 90 day average?
  95. Motorcycle in Gas cars section.
  96. Gaslog comment: Price per gallon? not user friendly.
  97. You are number # in the gasoline/hybrid/motorcycle/diesel category
  98. DaX is now a moderator
  99. Maybe it's me, but clearer instructions on garage page
  100. Gaslog features?
  101. Just shipped a bunch of stickers
  102. GasSavers Blogs now online!
  103. GasSavers blogs
  104. Link to car owner on garage page
  105. gaslog
  106. Top Ten Vehicles
  107. Front page update
  108. Gaslog
  109. Other Vehicle Type in Garage Category list?
  110. Hypermiler Status
  111. Quoting Posts
  112. Thread Suggestion
  113. license plate frame
  114. Membership upgrade??
  115. Need addresses of recently upgraded members
  116. Gaslog Data output ...
  117. Error when updating Garage
  118. Gallons Saved Counter ...
  119. Most Improved Mileage Per (time unit)
  120. Cost per mile?
  121. Box thing
  122. Donations
  123. When does fuel consumption appear ?
  124. Liters/100km signature hack
  125. liters/100km request.
  126. Pic
  127. Hey people: enter your location in your profile please
  128. search the garage
  129. Similar threads and a new moderator
  130. Upgraded forum software
  131. Modification page
  132. hybrid in gas list
  133. Gaslog graphs + Mods
  134. Site went down today
  135. Trader Rating
  136. Another top-10 suggestion
  137. Search for members
  138. Light truck top 10?
  139. Conversions
  140. Retire your old vehicles
  141. Quoting with Sanity
  142. Get your GasSavers.org stickers!
  143. GasSavers.org Stickers
  144. Gaslog entry question
  145. signatures, again
  146. CONTEST: Win a Scangauge or SuperMID
  147. Planned addition: custom favorites
  148. Free GasSavers license plate frames
  149. news menus, and a cool new addition!
  150. Help redesign the signatures!
  151. News Theme, more ads
  152. Can the sig graphic point to our gas logs?
  153. Do you like to write?
  154. Ted Hart - please send me your email address
  155. Having problems posting? Here are some ideas.
  156. Garage Images added
  157. What's your 20?
  158. Gaslog chart funkiness?
  159. Reminder: please fill out your garage
  160. How come my second car is not showing up??
  161. Shorten the recent threads on the home page
  162. Get Quench out of the banner
  163. New homepage
  164. How bout a Gassavers.org on Frappr
  165. Is there room to track news stories......
  166. Some changes to the garage
  167. How do I add another car to my garage?
  168. HTML in posts?
  169. link to Garage from Gaslog?
  170. GasSavers Podcast
  171. Signature images back
  172. How to set the recent posts as the your homepage unveiled!
  173. Two things
  174. Window Stickers
  175. What is a public group?
  176. How do we add pictures to our garage?
  177. Image Signatures
  178. New Website: Honda-Search.com
  179. Gas Mileage charts back online... sort of
  180. LOVE the gas log under the usernames
  181. Garage update: view all vehicles
  182. Acronyms glossary please.
  183. Gas Log
  184. How to link to posts within a thread?
  185. Forbidden!
  186. Garage update: 90 day top ten MPG added
  187. two weeks later - how is the software?
  188. Read and un-read topics
  189. Garage and Gaslog up
  190. Addition to Gas Log
  191. When will the Gas Logs be back?
  192. Did more work on the garage/gaslog last night.
  193. Suggestions needed
  194. Alternative Fuels
  195. passwords fixed
  196. View todays posts
  197. Old URLs now work
  198. New forum guidelines, FAQ
  199. IP url?
  200. I'm seeing stars
  201. Simplistic Layout
  202. User titles changed
  203. e-mail notification of new threads
  204. who's online box
  205. Make the page lengths 30 posts again, please
  206. test
  207. Conversion successful
  208. possible switch to vbulletin tomorrow
  209. Where to send donations
  210. Local Gas Prices now available
  211. An idea on hiding google ads
  212. gaslog updates
  213. MPG images added
  214. Moving servers
  215. Please use caution when adding wiki entries
  216. Wiki added
  217. Wiki almost done
  218. Changes to garage layout
  219. EPA estimates online
  220. search box moved
  221. "In the News" block is now user controlled
  222. Layout changes
  223. Apologies for the site going down today
  224. Hydrogen Injection forum created
  225. Image hosting site
  226. More changes
  227. Gaslog Date format and other changes
  228. Site downage
  229. Garage now up and running!
  230. Bug with signature lines fixed
  231. Write-ups/How tos wanted.
  232. New Feature: Number of Posts
  233. New Feature: Gaslog
  234. New forum added - "Around the House"
  235. Users now able to create articles
  236. Opps! A few bugs fixed
  237. Full HTML mode enabled
  238. Please introduce yourself
  239. Search feature added
  240. New Theme
  241. A big THANK YOU to active posters so far
  242. Slow server
  243. Page views added
  245. Please be patient