- just a tip with the mobile site
- Metric Data Entry Added
- Allowing for two drivers of the same car
- Optional data to add
- Fuelly Facebook Application
- feature requests
- bulk data upload
- Any way to account for missed fuel ups?
- Automatically add the 9/10ths of a penny on to the gas price
- Feature suggestion: website badges
- Add more years
- pls add text box for "total gas cost"
- Feature Request: City vs Highway
- Suggestion: Other ideas for comparing cars' data
- No problem, just a thought
- Future Features (Maintenance)
- iPhone WebApp?
- Batch Import?
- "Missed a fuelling" option
- Need way to indicate a missed fuel-up entry exists
- Chart suggestions
- Running average?
- avg miles per...
- Launch day issues and a quick FAQ
- Login inconsistencies mobile vs. PC
- Check box for partial fuel-ups
- VW GTI Not Listed
- 2007 Models
- Mobile suggestions
- New EPA calculations?
- The international user.
- Support for Litres?
- CSV upload
- Support for motorbikes
- m.fuelly.com issue.
- Where is the Oldsmobile choice?
- Metric, eh?
- Email of SMS interface
- car missing!
- Fuelly for international?
- Hello World!
- Green = Good, Red = Bad
- All Licensed Drivers
- Both odometer and trip mileage?
- Miles? Gallons?
- Alternate input methods?
- "It didn't quite get to full."
- What we're working on this week
- Attention Universe!
- Smart Metering Trend
- My car gets 12 rods to the hogshead and that's how I like it!
- Calendar picker for entering fuel-up date?
- EPA estimates
- Motocycle Data
- spam threads
- Forum replys
- Transparency in the Top 10.
- Gallery or Review category
- HHO subforum?
- FE lingo sticky suggestion
- We Are Looking For A Blogger!
- Improvements are hard to see in the log
- Garage comments?
- how to post
- remove vehicle in garage
- Posting Gas Log logo in signature
- Upgrade thread should be sticky
- Problem uploading photo in Garage
- Cannot log in from Garage tab
- Spam
- How do you set up a second vehicle garage?
- yearly total fuel cost
- Garage broken?
- Can't add to my Gas Log?
- Is there any way to make my gaslog L/100 KM instead of MPG?
- Test
- blank screen every time I post.
- Moderators' Interests
- GasSavers, CleanMPG, and PriusChat mentioned on ABC's Nightline
- HTML Format for smaller screens ...
- Big apologies to all
- "Crackpot" applause widget (clencher, you listening?)
- My tank dropped off
- Disappeared?
- attachments not viewable unless logged in.
- Delete vehicles?
- Unread
- Please adjust column sizes in Garage entry charts
- Getting timed out...
- mp$ on stats image
- Almost 100 vehicles getting +30% EPA!
- % City/Highway Cycle
- Bicycle category
- please delete bogus garage entries
- how to retire a vehicle?
- How to clear mpg data and chart
- how does the site compute 90 day average?
- Motorcycle in Gas cars section.
- Gaslog comment: Price per gallon? not user friendly.
- You are number # in the gasoline/hybrid/motorcycle/diesel category
- DaX is now a moderator
- Maybe it's me, but clearer instructions on garage page
- Gaslog features?
- Just shipped a bunch of stickers
- GasSavers Blogs now online!
- GasSavers blogs
- Link to car owner on garage page
- gaslog
- Top Ten Vehicles
- Front page update
- Gaslog
- Other Vehicle Type in Garage Category list?
- Hypermiler Status
- Quoting Posts
- Thread Suggestion
- license plate frame
- Membership upgrade??
- Need addresses of recently upgraded members
- Gaslog Data output ...
- Error when updating Garage
- Gallons Saved Counter ...
- Most Improved Mileage Per (time unit)
- Cost per mile?
- Box thing
- Donations
- When does fuel consumption appear ?
- Liters/100km signature hack
- liters/100km request.
- Pic
- Hey people: enter your location in your profile please
- search the garage
- Similar threads and a new moderator
- Upgraded forum software
- Modification page
- hybrid in gas list
- Gaslog graphs + Mods
- Site went down today
- Trader Rating
- Another top-10 suggestion
- Search for members
- Light truck top 10?
- Conversions
- Retire your old vehicles
- Quoting with Sanity
- Get your GasSavers.org stickers!
- GasSavers.org Stickers
- Gaslog entry question
- signatures, again
- CONTEST: Win a Scangauge or SuperMID
- Planned addition: custom favorites
- Free GasSavers license plate frames
- news menus, and a cool new addition!
- Help redesign the signatures!
- News Theme, more ads
- Can the sig graphic point to our gas logs?
- Do you like to write?
- Ted Hart - please send me your email address
- Having problems posting? Here are some ideas.
- Garage Images added
- What's your 20?
- Gaslog chart funkiness?
- Reminder: please fill out your garage
- How come my second car is not showing up??
- Shorten the recent threads on the home page
- Get Quench out of the banner
- New homepage
- How bout a Gassavers.org on Frappr
- Is there room to track news stories......
- Some changes to the garage
- How do I add another car to my garage?
- HTML in posts?
- link to Garage from Gaslog?
- GasSavers Podcast
- Signature images back
- How to set the recent posts as the your homepage unveiled!
- Two things
- Window Stickers
- What is a public group?
- How do we add pictures to our garage?
- Image Signatures
- New Website: Honda-Search.com
- Gas Mileage charts back online... sort of
- LOVE the gas log under the usernames
- Garage update: view all vehicles
- Acronyms glossary please.
- Gas Log
- How to link to posts within a thread?
- Forbidden!
- Garage update: 90 day top ten MPG added
- two weeks later - how is the software?
- Read and un-read topics
- Garage and Gaslog up
- Addition to Gas Log
- When will the Gas Logs be back?
- Did more work on the garage/gaslog last night.
- Suggestions needed
- Alternative Fuels
- passwords fixed
- View todays posts
- Old URLs now work
- New forum guidelines, FAQ
- IP url?
- I'm seeing stars
- Simplistic Layout
- User titles changed
- e-mail notification of new threads
- who's online box
- Make the page lengths 30 posts again, please
- test
- Conversion successful
- possible switch to vbulletin tomorrow
- Where to send donations
- Local Gas Prices now available
- An idea on hiding google ads
- gaslog updates
- MPG images added
- Moving servers
- Please use caution when adding wiki entries
- Wiki added
- Wiki almost done
- Changes to garage layout
- EPA estimates online
- search box moved
- "In the News" block is now user controlled
- Layout changes
- Apologies for the site going down today
- Hydrogen Injection forum created
- Image hosting site
- More changes
- Gaslog Date format and other changes
- Site downage
- Garage now up and running!
- Bug with signature lines fixed
- Write-ups/How tos wanted.
- New Feature: Number of Posts
- New Feature: Gaslog
- New forum added - "Around the House"
- Users now able to create articles
- Opps! A few bugs fixed
- Full HTML mode enabled
- Please introduce yourself
- Search feature added
- New Theme
- A big THANK YOU to active posters so far
- Slow server
- Page views added
- Please be patient