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  1. Vaporizing vs volatizing of fuel
  2. Still Fond of Honda, But Someone Please Call the Bullpen
  3. New fuel economy stsndards for medium and heavy duty buses and trucks
  4. Magnetic Gas Ionizer; Scam?
  5. New technology for recycling tires and other things
  6. VW Golf Ecomatic: Computer-controlled EOC in 1993
  7. 10 Tips Could Save You $100 a Month at the Pump
  8. Top 5 Reasons To Buy A New Car
  9. Car and Driver magazine tests gas savers
  10. Gas at $5 a Gallon
  11. Gas Price Fraud?
  12. New York Auto Show 2011
  13. U.S. to Pay for Pumps to Sell More Ethanol
  14. Joining the 40 MPG Club
  15. President Obama to Speak on Energy Security
  16. The Volt, an expensive way to be green?
  17. Gas at $4: A Subcompact Sweet Spot?
  18. Gasoline surges to the highest level since August 2008
  19. Honda, Subaru, and Toyota are top 3 for third straight year.
  20. Plural of Prius? Prii.
  21. Aerodynamic drag may be a priority once again
  22. U.S. Approves Corn Modified for Ethanol
  23. Honda to Discontinue Civic
  24. Government clears Toyota of electronic flaws
  25. Final Toyota woes report due today.
  26. Chevron fetched a higher premium for its gas than any other fuel company
  27. ExxonMobil Sees Huge Earnings Increase
  28. E.P.A. Approves Use of More Ethanol in Gasoline
  29. Can America successfully build a small car?
  30. Lean burn, EGR, CAM timing vs BSFC quantified
  31. Gas Guzzler Sales Down...So Are Fuel Sippers?
  32. "Top Tier" Gas, Is It Worth the Higher Price?
  33. mpg research ?
  34. Jay Leno on EVs: Hurray for No-Compromise Chevy Volts and Porsche Spyders
  35. Toyota Left Out Of Top 10 Affordable Small Cars
  36. Driving for FE gaining mainstream attention...in Europe.
  37. Chevrolet Stands Behind Volt With Standard Eight-Year, 100,000-Mile Battery Warranty
  38. Moonbeam
  39. GMC Granite--Turbo Charged 1.4 Liter
  40. Nascar Efi????
  41. $200 Tune Up
  42. Meet the Man Who Could End Global Warming
  43. 'Road trains' get ready to roll
  44. Regal Named as Next Buick Sedan
  45. Electric Cars & Magical Mileages
  46. Ford switching to global design
  47. New World MPG Record?
  48. US vehicle efficiency hardly changed since Model T
  49. Big algae biofuel project
  50. 1336 mpg? anyone see this!
  51. Mile per coal chunk?
  52. The seven weirdest car fuels
  53. Ethanol injection for knock control
  54. DIY LCD thermometer (for WAI?)
  55. "Automotive Fuel Economy - How Far Should We Go?"
  56. Powering the Earth
  57. One magic word slashes 50% off European car rental costs.
  58. New process for hydrogen from methane
  59. Dissolve waste polystyrene (foam cups/plates) in biodiesel for more power
  60. Another GM brand bites the dust (next week)
  61. Yeast and bacteria team up to make gasoline out of garbage
  62. Leaded gasoline reduces global warming?
  63. Phill is dead, his legacy lives on
  64. Clutch brand name reviews
  65. 100 MPG in 1992?
  66. Wood power: Would it work?
  67. Google is doing their own FE experiments
  68. E15? E20? Say It Ain't So!
  69. Energy from fresh water/salt water junction
  70. Florida announces first commercial cellulosic ethanol plant
  71. rywire obd1 engine harness for vx swaps
  72. DIY battery desulfator
  73. More & worse attempts to crush your car!
  74. Portable waste gasification plant
  75. How a PWM-controlled TCC (Torque Converter Clutch) works
  76. "Cash for Clunkers" Not much time left!
  77. Driving continues to decline as gas prices drop
  78. Big 3 Need More Than A Bailout...
  79. Honda Unveils Insight Concept in L.A.
  80. Peppier diesels, hybrids and EV's on the way!
  81. Makes too much sense to happen in the US
  82. Snake oil seller slapped with $1.25M EPA fine
  83. Get your own wind power China!
  84. What Obama presidency means for clean tech
  85. American giants start to see eco-friendly green!
  86. HHO production and electric cars in trouble?
  87. A Gust Of Green Jobs In Iowa!
  88. honda insight intake mod
  89. Chevy Volt meets NASCAR
  90. Our fellow brother Darius Tarman has made La-Times and Yahoo webpages
  91. Chrysler's New EV Unveiled On CNBC Live!
  92. The 65-mpg car Ford won't sell in US
  93. Shade(and Solar)Power
  94. Natural Gas Is Viable Option...
  95. Want to read some half-truths from GM??
  96. Want to read some half-truths from GM??
  97. theholycow's sig/link meta-thread (Warning: Contains random and miscellaneous stuff)
  98. Gasification: Ultra-Cheap Biofuel From Any Carbon Source
  99. mystery engine in 87 Mustang
  100. Another Gas Saving Site
  101. 100 MPG MAX Project
  102. Gas prices trim motorists' miles
  103. Gas, Who Gets What($$$)
  104. No smoking hot spot
  105. McCain now supports electric cars!
  106. Consensus? What consensus?
  107. Mitsubishi Sells Electric Cars In 2009!
  108. PLX Kiwi Tells You How to Drive, Boosts Your MPGs
  109. Hybrids for any car, anytime,if you have $$$
  110. Readers driven to...save on gas
  111. Japan's Green Drive Pressuring GM!
  112. 201 Tips To Save Gas
  113. Mercedes to Cut Petroleum Out of Lineup by 2015
  114. Multi-Page Story on the Chevy Volt
  115. Hypermiler Video and News Story
  116. Demand For Small Cars Outpacing Supply in US
  117. Improving Aerodynamics to Boost Fuel Econ
  118. The Energy Non-Crisis
  119. GM hopes to make 70,000 Volts
  120. New Term: EOI
  121. Designer fuel offers more mpg, less emissions, less cost
  122. The Electric Car Lives
  123. Oil Epiphany
  124. Car runs on compressed air, but will it sell?
  125. RBS issues global stock and credit crash alert
  126. More Consumers, Workers Shoplift as Economy Slows
  127. Bernanke May Regret Interest-Rate Cuts, Lawson Says (Update2)
  128. Kellogg shrinks cereal boxes, not prices
  129. Finally, REAL Water Fueled Car from Japan!
  130. Smart Car. I like it! I want it??
  131. New hydro car unveiled in Japan
  132. Exxon to exit U.S. retail gas business
  133. Super-efficient engines ditch the spark
  134. Global Warming and the Price of a Gallon of Gas
  135. I'll bet the aero on this car sucks!
  136. Minneapolis City limits vehicle idling to 3 minutes
  137. Hypermiling segment on NPR
  138. 40 MPG Hydrogen Supercar Unveiled
  139. Now this car just might save GM.
  140. Oil Shale in the US - 5 times bigger than Saudi Arabia's oil reserves
  141. Truckers Choose Hydrogen Power
  142. General introduction to hypermiling (canned post)
  143. Tire width vs. Rolling Resistance (canned post)
  144. Tire pressure myths, facts, observations, and improvements (canned post)
  145. 4 Day Work Weeks?!
  146. National Gas and Varied Prices?
  147. Trade Your Gas Guzzler...
  148. Gas-sipper Smackdown!
  149. The Church of Green?
  150. People are starting to hog Metros
  151. Glossary
  152. Civic VX, VTEC-E, D15Z1, etc
  153. Hybrids may pose greater risk for pedestrians!
  154. Secure Energy
  155. BMW EV, Isetta set for release in 2014.
  156. Which Oil to Use?
  157. Small, Stripped Cars
  158. True Price per BBL with a Strong Dollar - $65?
  159. Great starting article for new bee's to Fuel Economy
  160. BMW Beats Prius in mpg test run
  161. six stroke engine.....35% more horsepower, 40%more fuel economy
  162. Wiperless windshields
  163. CNET eccomodder article
  164. 100 MPG Pruis - Australian Silicon Chip mag.
  165. another species extinct every three hours
  166. The Petroleum Industry Earnings In Perspective
  167. MAGNETS...made real easy...
  168. BioFuels - Panacea, or (PANIC) See Ya!!
  169. Algae To Oil - Renewed Interests from 1980's Research
  170. Actor Jack Nicholson on traffic lights and solar power
  171. Basjoos' Civic seen on TechEBlog
  172. GM envisions driverless cars
  173. autospeed on the right track
  174. Sunshine to Petrol Project: Gas from Sunlight
  175. Something for Everyone
  176. The Smart For Two
  177. US D.O.E Vehicle Technologies Program Webpage
  178. LRR Tires: Green Push Headed Toward Tire Makers
  179. Tire Influence on Passenger Vehicle Economy
  180. Popular Mechanics online
  181. 2008 Green Car of the Year: Tahoe???
  182. energy feed-in laws
  183. gas on the rise again
  184. Double your gas mileage(video)
  185. Can we bury CO2 in North Dakota prairie?
  186. New Yorker Book Review
  187. Prius Minivan? LA Times article
  188. December 1st 95 and older Calif cars will be evap tested
  189. Water situation could eclipse oil situation?
  190. Bob Dylan endorses Cadillacs?!?
  191. Upcoming cars and trends!!
  192. Prius at Bonneville Salt Flats
  193. First ethanol blender pumps appear in MN
  194. New type of battery
  195. Air Power
  196. Solar powered PC system
  197. custom FE monitor + tachometer article
  198. New Low Cost Solar Panels Ready for Mass Production
  199. Tire Pressure Inflation - what is too much?
  200. This is why nothing gets done
  201. Fumes from Mammoth Poo Pose Threat
  202. Australians not helping
  203. Traffic congestion costs us bigtime...
  204. Climate Change video, action v/s inaction
  205. Chrysler's Gas-Free Future
  206. Arctic Ice Continues Record Melting
  207. life support is gone for many species
  208. US Forest chief: Use trees to make ethanol
  209. Wayne Gerdes drives a Eurocivic ....
  210. DoD article on fossil fuels
  211. Autospeed article: Little Diesels - Lightweight cars with exceptional fuel economy
  212. German researchers reduce Golf fuel consumption 25% with mods
  213. New Honda Fit
  214. Ford econetic
  215. GM unveils diesel-like gasoline engines
  216. Global warming--not convinced
  217. Pics of new Daihatsu Cuore
  218. Pics of new (lightweight?) Ford Fiesta - coming to US in 09
  219. All New Nissan Models to Feature Fuel Efficiency Gauge
  220. Check this out 2.6 million miles!!!!!!!!
  221. GM wins 'Corporate Energy Management of the Year' award
  222. Oil Companies Are Using a Simple Trick to Bilk Consumers out of Billions
  223. New Chevrolet Aveo to Debut in Frankfurt
  224. Thank Uncle Sam for high gas prices
  225. Here's a comic I found today:
  226. Fridge open for 6 years
  227. Mercedes Stop-start technology
  228. th!nk
  229. Sugar in the gas tank [Alternative Fuels]
  230. Honda to resurrect the CRX? (2011?)
  231. True Cost of U.S. Gasoline is $15.14 per Gallon, Report Says
  232. bmw turbosteamer
  233. Commentary on alternative-fuel vehicles
  234. Not to get overly political on GS, but...
  235. Oil Squeeze coming
  236. The "low car" diet: www.portlandlowcardiet.com
  237. Civic Hatchback (VX) sales brochure / articles
  238. MSU to receive $50 mil to study biofuels
  239. Room for improvement in biofuel production
  240. Senate Approves Fuel Standard of 35 MPG By 2020
  241. Big oil companies spared tax hikes
  242. eCycle Hybrid Motorcycle 180 mpg
  243. Increased Federal Credit for EV and PHEV Proposed
  244. Helping Hummer
  245. Solo commuting rates basically unaffected by gas prices
  246. Driver Ticketed for Using Biofuel
  247. Ford to Sell Jaguar, Land Rover
  248. GM: Petrol is Dead
  249. 2008 Smart car diesel: 71mpg US, 88 gCO2/km
  250. Your gas tank may not be as full as you think