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konitime 09-11-2008 01:16 PM

German Fuel Saver
my name is Wilfried from Germany. My vehicle is a Brazil Car named Fiat Palio Weekend. A little car with lpg-tank. The tank i let build in as the car has a mileage about 57.000. Now i have drive 9400 miles with lpg. The LPG cost in the EU 0,90 US-Dollar per liter. One filling is enough for 450 until 500 miles. My MPG is 37,63. Therefore i drive carefully and use a lot of tips and tricks to get this MPG.

For mor questions please pn to me or contact otherwise.

With best regards


thornburg 09-11-2008 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by konitime (Post 118274)
my name is Wilfried from Germany. My vehicle is a Brazil Car named Fiat Palio Weekend. A little car with lpg-tank. The tank i let build in as the car has a mileage about 57.000. Now i have drive 9400 miles with lpg. The LPG cost in the EU 0,90 US-Dollar per liter. One filling is enough for 450 until 500 miles. My MPG is 37,63. Therefore i drive carefully and use a lot of tips and tricks to get this MPG.

For mor questions please pn to me or contact otherwise.

With best regards


Is it easy to get LPG for your car in Germany?

Google says LPG has 86% of the energy of gasoline... if you are paying $0.90 per liter of LPG, isn't that extremely cheap compared to gasoline or diesel? (A site I just found says petrol is 1.3 Euro per liter in Germany... which is equal to $6.86 per gallon for us US-dwellers).

If could try to say that in German... but I suspect your ability to read English is better than mine to write German.

konitime 09-12-2008 12:07 AM


very easy. Any third gas station have LPG filling station. Few places have only LPG tanks. The cheapest i get in Holland (i live on the border near Arnhem) there you get at all gas station LPG, last one i pay 0,55 Euro per liter.
I let build in the tank for 2200 Euro incl. insurance, flashlube and fillerplug behind the tankcoverdoor.

With best regards.


itjstagame 09-12-2008 07:16 AM

Gutentag Herr Wilfried!

I just got back from spending the last 3 months in Germany. I really miss being able to walk everywhere and not really having the need for a car. Your gas prices are crazy though, but for me I was only renting and driving for weekend trips so looking at it versus cost of a train ticket, etc wasn't too bad. That's very good milage for LPG.

Thornburg, yup every third station or so has LPG and it's MUCH cheaper than their gas. When I was there it was 1.45-1.55 Euro and at the time (May-Aug) the USD was really bad at 1.55-1.65:1 the whole trip. So I was spending $9/gallon easily anytime I rented a car, lots of $100-150 gas fills on my credit cards and this was with very small cars with very small gastanks and most the time I'd try to get a diesel, I typically got 6-7L/100km which is right about 35MPG and that was at 100MPH on the autobahn. At least diesel was cheaper than gas (the way it SHOULD be).

konitime 09-13-2008 08:35 AM

Hallo, das Herr braucht nicht.

In Europe and special in Germany the gas prize are very high. But we have cars (privat) they use not so much gas as american ones.

I heard about a internet site in us where crazy things are spoken and done about fuel saving incl. praying to good? We have only 20 to 30 information per internet adress. You have much more per site. You trie to save cl. of gas as possible.

We try to buy little cheap cars with little consumption. Also the german injection (most Bosch) helps to save so much as possible.

One, for me, importance possibilty to save fuel is to use gps system/navigation system. On adjustment is economic.

Wit best regards


Brit_fuel_saver 09-13-2008 12:25 PM

It's hard to imagine German's wanting to save fuel and drive effeciently. I mean come on....... Germany? the land of Porsche's, Merc's, BMW's and Audi's. Even the new generation VW's are powerfull. Also lets's not forget the Autobhan's with no speed restrictions and where 220 kmh +++ is the norm. At that speed a car uses 45% more fuel than at say 110 kmh (60 mph).

Over here in the UK, BMW drivers have a bad reputation, mainly the 3 series drivers. They are known as sales rep/corporate account manager cars. Often coming up close to your rear end doing their best to "nudge" you out of your lane and out of their way to make their next appointment (to the men's room). They have no consideration for humanity.

GasSavers_BEEF 09-13-2008 12:31 PM

but you can't judge everyone in a country by what the overall perception of that country is.

I am an american, the land of the oversized SUV and the trucks that are bigger than some houses. also home of the corvette, viper, and shelby cobra mustang. I personally care about FE because of my long commute and other reasons.

I think it is good to have people from all over that care about efficiency. this is an issue that we all have to deal with.

rgathright 09-13-2008 02:12 PM

Welcomd Wilfried. Got any European fuel saving tricks?

konitime 09-17-2008 04:53 AM


shall i write the tricks in this thread, or make a new thread: "The german way to save fuel" like this. Or in another thread (wich one?).

I read thankful what i shall do.


itjstagame 09-17-2008 10:07 AM

I like the idea of "The german way to save fuel" in the General fuel economy discussion. Also have you seen these yet? https://ecomodder.com/forum/EM-hyperm...ecodriving.php Some are redudant or not really useful to most people, but still an interesting read.

Brit Fuel Saver: Yeah it's the land of the performance luxury cars, but in Germany over half of them are diesel with some very nice engines. In the US BWM doesn't even sell Diesel, it was a big suprise to me. Yeah they still have power and people go 180-200kmh but I feel most peoples average is 150-160kmh and the worst gas milage I got was 7L/100km at 180kmh. I normally averaged just over 6L/100km at 160kmh which is amazing by US standards I think. That's about 35MPG at 100MPH, I bet I could have easily got 45+MPG at the US 65-75MPH with some hypermiling. I really miss those cars, they were all 6 speeds with very tall gearing and perfectly matched the turbo diesels, I could easily accelerate away from 160-200kmh in top gear and still got 6-7L/100km, that's amazing.

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