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-   -   Just got an HF body and VX motor. (https://www.fuelly.com/forums/f8/just-got-an-hf-body-and-vx-motor-9807.html)

seeodywhy 08-24-2008 05:34 AM

Just got an HF body and VX motor.
Some guy crashed into my civic std. so I went out and got an HF shell and a VX motor. I can't wait to get this thing in. My only problem is that I can't find an HF engine harness to save my life. I anyone knows where I can find one please let me know.

Brian D. 08-25-2008 02:33 AM

I just emailed you. I've got a FULL HF harness for you!

hoffmann277 08-25-2008 08:20 AM

Not quite sure this is what you're looking for, but thought I'd share just in case.


suspendedhatch 08-25-2008 08:06 PM

Why would you use an HF harness if you're using a VX motor? Just get a OBD1 harness and add the extra wires for VTEC-E, EGR, 5wire O2.

seeodywhy 08-31-2008 03:33 PM

I've seen in lots of places on the internet that for the motor mounts you need an ef mount but you can use the part that connects the mount to the engine that's bull****. You have to switch all of it. I have also seen posts where people are trying to get the crank pulley off to get the timing cover off. I tried and wasn't going to spend two days trying to get it off so I heated a screwdriver with a torch and melted a circle in the cover to get at the bolt. I then sealed the hole with JB weld after I replaced the bracket.

seeodywhy 09-13-2008 05:54 PM

I found a transmission for 150 on car-part.com. It's a good site to find major parts if you have transportation. The transmission has 65,000 miles on it.

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