StorminMatt |
08-01-2008 01:07 AM |
Originally Posted by Hal9000
(Post 113328)
Hmm... I thought that there were other 1.5L D series engines out there with MPFI. I wouldn't swap the FI from a 1.6 to a 1.5L engine anyway. Different displacement engines would definitely have different needs in terms of fuel and spark and its unlikely that the 1.5L would run efficiently unless the donor engine was nearly identical. I'm still looking for the easy improvements and don't need to deal with transporting the car 150 miles to the nearest dyno shop for tuning at this stage in the game.
The 1988-1991 HF and 1992-1995 DX have non-VTEC motors with MPFI. The 1988-1991 HF ECU will drop right in. But it will not have proper fuel maps for a DX motor with SI MPFI. Also, you will have to use an EGR valve, since it looks for one. This means you will be stuck using the HF intake manifold, which is not the best idea, either. The 1992-1995 DX ECU would actually be the best choice. BUT, it is an OBDI ECU. Not that converting to OBDI is hard. And OBDI WILL get better MPG than OBD0. However, I know that ALOT of people would rather not do this. Also, I have never tried this. But you might have problems bolting the 1992-1995 distributer (which MUCH be used with an OBDI ECU) to the 1988-1991 head. This problem might be best solved by upgrading to a 1992-1995 DX head (which you can get for a song or free these days).
Originally Posted by aalb1
(Post 113327)
HEARSAY!!!!!!!!! Nothing replaces proper tuning. Unfortunately too many don't understand this and take the term "Bolt-on Turbocharger" too literally.
One of the problems with 'proper tuning' is that you are running with a razor-thin margin of error. ANYTHING that might happen to disrupt this could throw your tuning off enough to cause problems. Also, reliabilty may be better with a lightly turbocharged engine that is properly tuned. BUT, don't expect it to be stock-reliable. The way I see it, a boosted D should NEVER be your sole vehicle.