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concernedperson 07-28-2008 08:36 AM

Americans united fo fuel price control
I stumbled across an interesting website. www.auffpc.com The Pac is planning on having a massive mailing to Wahington with a twist. They want for every member to mail an identical letter with one tea bag included in the envelope. They are calling it the Washington Tea Party.

This is by far the most interesting plan of action that I have heard in a while. I cant wait to be apart of something that could be the turning factor of our economy. If you have a minute check out thier site.


mini-e 07-28-2008 09:03 AM

I think this is something hummer owners would really like!


Originally Posted by concernedperson (Post 112847)
I stumbled across an interesting website. www.auffpc.com The Pac is planning on having a massive mailing to Wahington with a twist. They want for every member to mail an identical letter with one tea bag included in the envelope. They are calling it the Washington Tea Party.

This is by far the most interesting plan of action that I have heard in a while. I cant wait to be apart of something that could be the turning factor of our economy. If you have a minute check out thier site.


palemelanesian 07-28-2008 09:20 AM

Good luck with that! :rolleyes:

Jay2TheRescue 07-28-2008 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by mini-e (Post 112850)
I think this is something hummer owners would really like!

I don't think these strategies will make much difference. With a democraitc majority in congress they live and die by the latest polls. With about 75% of the population being for expanding our domestic sources it won't be long until they change their minds about it. They don't want to risk loosing the presidential election this fall.


Big Dave 07-28-2008 10:28 AM

Been There, Done That
In 1974 Nixon imposed price controls. Within a week we had shortages and gas lines.

That old supply and demand thing.

We have learned something from that...I hope.

concernedperson 07-28-2008 11:49 AM

The site emailed me and apologized that their contribute page was down. They told me to keep checking and that it should be up by tomorrow.

slurp812 07-28-2008 12:14 PM

Supply vs demand. *****ing about it doesn't do much good. Sell the SUV, and get a car, now if we could get millions of Americans to do that, we would use billions less per year. That would make a difference. Sorry, just venting!

lowbridescape 07-28-2008 03:41 PM

There's not much point in sending tea bags if you're going to vote the rascals back into office. Only one political party has pursued a 30 year policy of national energy suicide. I'll let y'all figure out which one. If you vote for them, they'll drink the tea, tax you for more, and keep right on stonewalling any domestic energy development. The choice is yours.

GasSavers_JoeBob 07-28-2008 04:59 PM


slurp812...Supply vs demand. *****ing about it doesn't do much good. Sell the SUV, and get a car, now if we could get millions of Americans to do that, we would use billions less per year. That would make a difference. Sorry, just venting!
What he said.


lowbridescape...There's not much point in sending tea bags if you're going to vote the rascals back into office. Only one political party has pursued a 30 year policy of national energy suicide. I'll let y'all figure out which one. If you vote for them, they'll drink the tea, tax you for more, and keep right on stonewalling any domestic energy development. The choice is yours.
That same party was the one which promoted conservation, development of renewable energy, and development of shale oil. The other party's solution is war, spending billions so the first party has to tax more just to pay off the debt the second party's run up.

Frankly, I don't think sending tea bags is going to do much except make Lipton and Celestial Seasonings (and the folks at auffpc.com...notice it is a dot com, not a dot org) more money. If you're going to buy the tea, drink it yourself, read the other posts here and cut your fuel bill by driving sensibly, not by loading up your congressman's mailbox, regardless of what you think of him. If you don't like what he is doing, vote against him. (That's what I'm doing...) That will do more for gas prices than anything else. And it doesn't cost you $30. Unless you buy $30 worth of tea. (I'd rather drink beer, but that's just me...)

suspendedhatch 07-28-2008 09:03 PM

There actually is no lack of supply. We have lots of oil fields within our borders not to mention other sources of oil. Oil prices are artificially high for two reasons. One, the middle east hates us and doesn't feel like giving us special prices anymore. And two, the oil companies are making a killing.

They'll never lower the price back down significantly. They only have to bring it down 25c and we'll all be happy.

It makes absolutely no business sense for them to lower prices. High prices have hardly even begun to affect demand. The only thing that will work is regulation. Not quite price fixing, but regulation ie breaking up monopolies. The most extreme thing I would support is having a government owned company to compete with the private oil companies.

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