Enclosed 3 wheeld scooter - 55MPH/$3K/120MPG
Check out this ABC News video - "Local man loves his Chinese-made scooter" 55MPH/$3K/120MPG https://abclocal.go.com/wjrt/story?se...cal&id=6238661 https://www.usawholesalescooters.com/...a_brochure.jpg They are now available from many Xingyue scooter dealers https://www.usawholesalescooters.com/ 120 MPG - Is this the way of the future? Ross |
I like the two-wheeled version better:
https://gamotorcycle.com/shop/images/galaxy.jpg I think they are on eBay currently.. |
both use the GY6 honda derived engine and can be upgraded to 200cc giving freeway power.
IMO, they are less fuel effcient than two-wheel scooters, cost more to replace tires, service brakes and less likely to lane split between cars.
>IMO, they are less fuel effcient than two-wheel scooters,
The guy in the video was getting 90-120mpg, I'll take that any day. And it's more practical for commuter - no worries about the rain and keeps you out of the sun. I think I'll order one - just need to wait a couple years till they are more available and there is feedback on quality, parts cost, reliability etc. |
Why would a 3-wheel scoot with more rolling resistance and more weight than a 2-wheel scoot have better fuel economy than a similar engine displacement 2-wheel scoot?
If you want one, go for it, within a couple of year, you will need to replace the tires, brake pads, brake fluid.. it will take more money to do those items on a 3-wheel scoot than a 2-wheel scoot. |
cat0020 - those scooters are probably are little bit less fuel efficient. I was pointing out that they get very good mpg that is comparable to open scooters, and since enclosure makes them more practical for commuting it would be a reasonable trade off.
In North East, if I have to choose between: enclosed car@45mpg and open scooter@100 mpg, I'd use the car 70% of the time, and the scooter when it's sunny and not too hot/not too cold. Enclosed scooter, if done right, could replace the car. As far as 2 wheel vs 3: three wheeled scooter is self-balancing and unlike 2-wheeled version, will not tip over at low speeds and at stops lights, so it's a trade-off between operating costs vs convenience. I want to see how this scooters stack up against other transportation options, but if it's a small premium over 2-wheeled version (say 10-15%), I'd go for it. |
Three wheelers with two tires on the rear axle are not going to handle anywhere near a 2 wheeler while cornering....but...as long as you realize that they seem to be a way to save a bunch of fuel for people. Even the MP3's from Piaggio with two independently sprung front wheels have some cornering issues on tighter corners at medium speeds...you just have to adjust driving styles.
So, ideal commuter scooter for the masses - 3 wheels, full enclosure with doors/heater/windshield whipper, trunk, seat belts, mp3/radio, automatic, 200cc , 60mph, 85mpg. under $5K MSRP, getting close
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