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ChristopherZX5 07-10-2008 05:12 PM

Ford Focus spoiler or no spoiler?
I have this brand new ford factory painted spoiler sitting in the garage:


I can't decide if I want to install it or sell it.

I like the way it looks but not enough to go ahead and put it on without regard to how it may or may not effect fuel economy. I know the only way to know what effect it will have will be to try it and find out. Installation will require drilling holes in the hatch and that is just not something I am willing to do unless I am sure that I want it to be a permanent part of the vehicle.

I was hoping to get some theoretical knowledge as to whether the spoiler will possibly help, hurt, or have no real noticeable effect on FE. I typicaly drive mostly highway at 55-60 mph and occasionally reach the speed limit of 70 mph if I am running late for work.

Here is my car now:


Hear is a similar car with the spoiler:


So what do you guys think?

GasSavers_RoadWarrior 07-10-2008 05:46 PM

looks like a drag brake to me :(

1993CivicVX 07-10-2008 05:56 PM

the VX has a small rear spoiler but it's not as big as that one. I tend to agree with RW, that it looks like it's for putting more downforce on the back of the car which, if I understand right, means worse fuel economy. Better high speed handling, worse high speed fuel economy.

SL8Brick 07-11-2008 05:33 AM

Isn't that an SVT spoiler?

Yea, no doubt that thing will make your aero-wake larger. Although it does look nice on there.

GasSavers_RoadWarrior 07-11-2008 06:01 AM

Before I sold it though, I'd check to see if the curve was about right to put it at the bottom of the rear screen, without having to hack it around too much.

ChristopherZX5 07-11-2008 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by SL8Brick (Post 110572)
Isn't that an SVT spoiler?

Yea, no doubt that thing will make your aero-wake larger. Although it does look nice on there.

It is not the SVT spoiler, more like the SAP or RS spoiler I'm not quite sure what it really is. The SVT spoiler is shorter and doesn't angle upwards. I originally wanted an SVT spoiler and my dad got me this one from a guy he knows thinking it was the SVT spoiler.



So would the SVT spoiler be better for FE?

ChristopherZX5 07-11-2008 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by RoadWarrior (Post 110580)
Before I sold it though, I'd check to see if the curve was about right to put it at the bottom of the rear screen, without having to hack it around too much.

Would that decrease the wake? They do make mid-wings for the Focus.

GasSavers_RoadWarrior 07-12-2008 03:14 AM

It allows clean separation of any air coming down the back screen.

Jay2TheRescue 07-12-2008 04:10 AM

My sister has a focus sedan. My brother in law & I put an OEM spoiler on it for her birthday. The way she drives it she only gets 23 MPG in it though. It was easy to install though, the hardest thing was to get the template lined up on the trunk lid properly. Looks like it came that way from the factory.


ChristopherZX5 07-12-2008 09:42 AM

Here's another question. What impact would the increased drag from the spoiler really have? Would it be comparable to driving with the windows down, or possibly worse?

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