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Jay2TheRescue 07-06-2008 09:01 AM

Anyone else notice a lot more people driving with windows down, a/c off?
I've noticed a lot more people driving w/o a/c, and its not just people in older piece o' crap cars where its probably broke. I'm talking late model Beamers and Escalades driving with the windows down. Anyone else notice this trend?

goofy1 07-06-2008 10:22 AM

yup. and i shake my head because thats worse on the mpg's than driving with a/c.

Jay2TheRescue 07-06-2008 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by goofy1 (Post 109755)
yup. and i shake my head because thats worse on the mpg's than driving with a/c.

I feel fortunate that at least on the beast turning on the a/c has no effect on mileage.

goofy1 07-06-2008 10:38 AM

it hurts my mpg. but i have to use it. it get so hot and humid.

theholycow 07-06-2008 11:00 AM

In general...

Highway speed: A/C is better
City speed: Windows down is better

Jay2TheRescue 07-06-2008 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by goofy1 (Post 109758)
it hurts my mpg. but i have to use it. it get so hot and humid.

A little OT here, but your car name confused me for a second... I thought how the heck did you ever get a Buick BlackHawk? Wasn't that a concept car that they only made 1 or 2 of? I guess with gas prices going the way they are Buick will probably never make it now.



VetteOwner 07-06-2008 11:23 AM

now that would sell like hotcakes... why dont they ever make GOOD lookign cars that DONT look like 5 other models...

i think ford had a concept that was sposta remake a 49 ford

but anyways back on topic, i dont have AC so its windows down all the time except at interstate speeds then thier just cracked

hotcubed 07-06-2008 03:00 PM

I usually drive with windows down especially in the city... mostly because they are crank handles and once their down it's hard for 'em to come up. :D

opelgt73 07-06-2008 03:27 PM

I have to have A/C, I usually think I can handle it when I first get in. But 5 minutes later I am sweating and uncomfortable wishing for a change of clothes. I've been driving my new CRX HF the last few days and the A/C is broken on it. I can tell you that before anything else the A/C is getting fixed first. All of my other cars have working A/C and I don't really notice a difference MPG wise whether it is on or off. Maybe it evens out the effect that cold whether has on FE.

GasSavers_GasUser 07-06-2008 03:49 PM

Yea, I have noticed a lot more people driving around town with their windows down lately.

Generally, I leave mine down if I am just in town but on the highway it is windows up and a/c on when it is hot.

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