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goofy1 06-17-2008 04:15 AM

lots of problems with the Black Hawk
On inspection for making my own rear wheel skirts. I found that the tired are too wide. they are stick out from the body. and buy the car i knew that it was in accident in the front and rear. but after studying aero mods and wanted to test them...well lets just say, i need to fix the car back to normal aero back i could advance it's aero. in my garage i have pics of the damage.
Plus was looking over the broken grill and noticed that the air intake is right above the upper grill line, it's touching the hood with it's shut and how the tubes run fairly close to the engine. this makes me believe the car is designed for Warm air intake. i could be way off. but the 93 Camry V6 i had. the air intake around as far away from the engine has they could and it came out from the lower grill, not the upper grill, making it an cold air intake correct? my question on this is. the reason i got the increase in mpg when i did the K&N inseret filter was because of a mixture of WAI and CAI? I'm guessing so, but any input would be great.
The one good thing i have done is got a 12v plug in fan so i don't have to use the a/c and it's works wonderfully.(9.88 at Advance Auto Parts)

bobc455 06-17-2008 04:28 AM

Is it possible that the wheels are not the correct size? Were they replaced with aftermarket wheels?

I ask because I'm pretty sure that OEMs are required to design wheels so that moving parts cannot injure pedestrians if they happen to be in contact with the side of the car while moving, so the wheels have to be recessed behind the body panels.

I'm unclear about your intake air routing, perhaps a picture would help explain what you have.

-Bob C.

goofy1 06-17-2008 04:36 AM

the reams on the car are 15's(i'm taking that as not stock for this car since all the tire places say the stock tiires are 14's)but they are toyota reams. i have pics in my garage if you like to take a look.

goofy1 06-17-2008 04:38 AM

also just a passing thought. if i were to tak the rear seats out(for less weight)what can i replace it would?

theholycow 06-17-2008 05:45 AM

Hmm...according to this picture your rims are 14's, not 15's. If they were 15's, they could be OEM rims from another Toyotal model.

The rear seats might not weigh much, and probably are responsible for sound deadening. If a little more road noise won't bother you go ahead and just take 'em out, and enjoy the additional grocery space.

goofy1 06-17-2008 12:25 PM

the tires are 14's. i measured the reams and they measured 15inches.

i saw somewhere on thread. i can't find it now. that some took their rear sits out and replaced it with something else and it helped with the sound. gave him a quieter rixde. i have two door car so no one is ever going to sit back there. Special with me being so tall with the seat all the back and tilted for more room :-)

bobc455 06-17-2008 12:59 PM

I looked at the pictures, and those wheels don't appear to protrude beyond the body panels, so I guess I don't understand the issue about fitting the curtains.

-Bob C.

theholycow 06-17-2008 04:36 PM

If you had 15 inch wheels with 14 inch tires, they would not seat and would not hold air (and you'd have to cut the tire in half to mount it). I think the measurement is taken at the bead, not at the outer edge of the wheel.

goofy1 06-18-2008 03:20 AM

aaah. i mismeasured oops.
the problem i have is when i took a piece of carboard to check how much space would be inbetween the tire and and skirt. it wouldn't fit. if i taped it's on it just rub and grid up against the tire and would just destory the cardboard in no time.

goofy1 06-18-2008 04:10 AM

i wanted to experiment with the wheel skirts but with i try putting a piece of cardboard in the spot. it won't fit. the tire would be rubbing and gridding the cardboard/skirt. the only way is to completely put the skirt on the outside of the fender and decrease the aero. also with the toyota grill completely broken and just hanging on by twisty wire. i was thinking about just taking it off and putting an airdam but like said earlier. the intake is right there on top,touching the hood when it's shut(i'm thinking the car was made for wai) but it's getting all the air from the upper grill.blocking it would cut off almost completely it's air intake. wouldn't that make the engine over heat almost everytime i used it? according to my mech. and some online posts from tercel clubs, the engines in tercels, if they overheat just once, the engine is damaged to the point of no return or just dead. any thoughts on this, like if i air dam the upper grill shoul i redircet the air intake to the lower one or just things be?

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