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MrGiff 05-15-2008 04:35 PM

Incredible new High MPG vehicle
Check this out it's called an Aptera. I just ran across it on the web. I live near Carlsbad, where they are based. I am going to try to see it in person. The Lines look incredible for aerodynamics! The claims of fuel use are great and the price, maybe tolerable at 29k for the hybrid.


GasSavers_BEEF 05-15-2008 05:51 PM

you can only get one if you are a california resident.

good for you.....me, not so much.

it will be good if it takes off and they start making a lot of them. I kind of like it. I have been looking at this site for a while. they actually had a commercial on TV with that car in it. couldn't tell you what they were selling. it wasn't the car.

I actually found that web site before I found this one. I would love to have one. first because of the MPG and second because it is so different.

GasSavers_BEEF 05-15-2008 05:55 PM

found it


Nrggeek 05-15-2008 06:40 PM

The Aptera looks like a keeper to me. I've thought about building my own tadpole trike but I figure if I can keep my Hondas alive for a few more years these might actually be for sale to us mortals. Also, by then I might be willing to take on a new car payment!

If the Venture One lives up to the expectations, I could go that route too.


MrGiff 05-18-2008 08:06 PM

I just found this You tube vid, Its a pretty good description of the car.
I know and understand what you mean by the expense of this. I can't pull out 30K either. My hope is that this type of design will catch on. I had thought of this myself. Only I was thinking of using my beemer engine and rear wheel. R65.
The teardrop shape looks good also. I'm not sure they could patent "shape"

anyway here it is,


Nerds laugh at me 05-18-2008 08:37 PM

I'll believe it when I actually see one on the road.
Till then .... it's just vaporware.

RningOnFumes 05-18-2008 09:24 PM

Interesting....how much?

theholycow 05-19-2008 08:15 AM

This forum sure gets an awful lot of brand new members posting links to products.

opelgt73 05-19-2008 08:18 AM

It would be nice if this came to market sooner but R&D just takes too much time.

oneinchsidehop 05-19-2008 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by theholycow (Post 100749)
This forum sure gets an awful lot of brand new members posting links to products.

Hmmmm..... I wonder... :rolleyes:

What's for lunch today????

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