Snow storm = bad.
Maybe not that much of a snow storm, but just constant snow...all day. Drove back from school, adn the road I took I spent most of the time stopped, the rest going 5-10 mph...I might need snow tires, as today I almost slid into a guard rail pulling out of school, I hit a curb with my front tires probably, and rear ended someone at liek damage cept to my liscense plate.
Blahhhh |
I'm so scared of snow driving after my experience driving the Beat in Ohio this past Feb. Thank GOD I live in GA where if one flake falls they cancel everything and you can't find bread or milk at the stores. :D
lucky you...then again, you don't get skiing or snowboarding...
I'm just happy my car is all right (and the other guy's was fine, didn't want to pay to fix it....). I just need to straighten out my liscense plate and possibly a new holder thing now, the right side is stickin out about half an inch now...bleeeeh. |
I love the snow for snowboarding. Before my FE-conscious driving days, it was also fun to do doughnuts and pull the e-brake around turns. Ahhh.. those were the days.
On a related note, I just changed to studless (winter/snow/ice/whatever you want to call them) tires, as my company makes me do so. I can't complain since they foot the bill though... Anyways, the braking in my car has DRAMATICALLY improved. My car stops scary fast now. Flip side of the coin is, my ability to coast is almost totally gone. In addition, my car (660cc) fights to just maintain a speed of 35mph. It is ridiculous really. I can just FEEL the FE plumetting. Moral of the story, if you think that you can get by with normal all season tires, then try to do so. slow down a bit, and be wary of the conditions around you. Winter tires are NOT good for FE. I will be posting my first results at my next fillup. I expect to take a huge hit... |
I have running offers for friends that I'll be taxi for them if they don't want to drive in it.
I specifically go drive in it, screw FE I'm having a fun night. last winter I went out an average 3 hours every snowfall before it was plowed every storm and hit 2 curbs at under 5 mph, no damage done and have never gotten stuck that I coudn't get myself out. I frikkin love RWD manual w/o ABS or traction control in the winter time. this weekend was freezing rain and I drove about 5 miles on a country road to return something, 4 of which was straight black ice. mmmmmm fishtailing in 4th just trying to maintain 35. It's all the excitement of a roller coaster except you're in control....or at least I am. Once it's up to about 7-8" on the other hand, my car turns into a plow and then I gotta back up to get a running start and plow my way through. |
Looks like hitting the curb last night did a little damage to the hubcap and steelie. oh time discounttiredirect has their $100 off of a set of 4, I'm buying some rims and snow tires...but would put the snow tires on the steelies and the all seasons I have now on t he rims, but I don't know when they're running that promo again.
And out of curiosity, what pressure should I run it at? I usually run ~45 or so, but I just checked and my tires are 33 or so, and the sidewall is 35. I'll probably bump it to 40 or so, unless I should run lower in the winter...rather be able to stop. Stupid packed snow murders. =/ |
haha the night of a 1000 drives:D been there done that. rwd manual no stupid abs or traction control. if ya know how to drive an dhow your car handles you dont even need once i went aroudn a cornner tryign to fishtail and then hit an ice patch (unintentionally) so i did a 270 and perfectly parallel parked next to a curb without touching it.:D other times i will fishtail or find a big unplowed parking lot and just drift...never hit anyhting either. now the chevette, yea that thing is still riding on rails even on snow.(very narrow M+S tires=no sideways sliding at all) |
Well I found that the tires I've got (bridgestone touranza EL42, 205/55R16@50 psi) have terrible snow traction front to rear but pretty good side to side traction even with 250lbs in the trunk. I came the closest yet to getting stuck when I stopped at a red light going uphill and on super smooth ice under the snow. Had to back up 10 ft and get a running start. did spin a 180 too trying to drift a corner on accident. stupid crummy high psi tires
haah yea its not the greatest acceleration traction but brakeing its pretty good.
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