Early acetone test results...
Granted this is after just one tank...
Acetone used bought at Sally's Beauty Supply. Vehicles used: 1988 bmw 325 (usual avg. ~9.3 liters / 100klm) 1995 D2500 slt (usual avg. ~11mpg) Methods: bmw - onboard fe gauges (instant + cumulative) d2500 - fleet fuel computation (odometer readings / gallons) Concentration / dilution ratio: 3 ounces per 10 gallons fuel No improvements noted, perhaps 0.1-0.2 mpg but certainly no 10% Even on the truck it should improve by just over 0.5 mpg and that's only 5% The car, at 5% should come down to 8.9l / 100klm At a cost of $10 per gallon acetone I need to gain at least double that amount in improvements, so on a 30 gallon tank it needs to save about 6 gallons... 30 x 11 = 330... x10% = 360 = +3 gallons, hmmm yeah this method might not be all that it's cracked up to be. Maybe it improves mpg on cars that haven't ran good fuel as it might clean intake systems, but I always run super and a dirty intake is not a problem I ever experience. I'll run it until I'm through the bottle (I bought a quart) but by then I want to see it pay off or I'm done with it. |
i've had terrible results using acetone w/ certain brands of gas. make sure you don't pump a winter blend(ethonal) also. shell works well for my olds.
But don't they all have ethanol now? The truck seems to have gone to past 11mpg this last fill up, I will watch it. There's not much fuel-wise, it's on fleet fuel (Woodfin oil). But the bmw has gotten worse, it's at 9.5 / 100... I might try some amoco / shell instead there, did use some wawa crap (thou super). Then again, if it goes back to 9.3 that's no miracle of acetone, just the fuel. |
acetone is the wrong chain of molecules to react with gasoline. You're wasting your time.
You are doing the cost benefit calculation wrong . . . you only have to save $10.00 * 3oz/128oz = $0.234 per tank of 10 gallons of gas to break even or about .1 gallons at $3 a gallon in fuel savings which at say 30mpg would be an increase to 30.3 mpg or 1% to come out ahead. You got the acetone at a great price . . . will be trying some of Sally's next.
Rumor has it that some Florida stations do not have ethanol in the mix . . . maybe we are exceeding the supply and they are cutting back - this is a good thing! Ethanol reduces the ability of the gasoline to vaporize - acetone increases the ability to vaporize but is counteracted by the ethanol.
Ethanol blended in gasoline in smaller percentages (less than 15%) is used as an oxyegenate for pollution control. Typically winter blends have a higher percentage of ethanol than summer blends. It varies from state to state. I think Minnesota is state required to have ethanol in all gasoline. Here in NY I'm pretty sure they do also and I have yet to see any signs indicating either that there is ethanol in the fuels or even what percentage.
A lot of research has already been done regarding acetone in gasoline. The Mythbusters did a segment on it and busted it. Someone else indicated to me that its either the wrong hydrogen or carbon chain to enhance gasoline at all. |
thanks, did not know that. not suprising tho. JanGeo, you could very well be correct, FL is behind on many things. agreed, this is a good thing for once. froggy81500, if you've read any of my posts you know that MUCH so-called scientific studies and intellectual theory hold no water. self testing is the only way to remove doubt or confirm it. a few of us agree here(by testing)that acetone does if fact work. many variables affect the % of gain(or yield no gain). i've tested both of my cars, concluding that it works on mine, but not my wife's. |
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